Los Angeles Detective

Chapter 590 The real murderer

Forensic doctor Sheila also rushed to the scene, and after briefly examining the severed fingers and minced meat, she said with certainty, "Yes, these should be the remains of deceased No. 1, Hedda Cartman.

When I performed the autopsy on Hedda Cartman, I found injuries on her body and fingers, but because the body was charred, I couldn't determine the cause of the injuries.

These unburned remains are important for autopsy. "

Luke asked, "Can you see how the severed finger and damage were caused?"

Silla picked up the transparent plastic bag and looked at it carefully, “The cut is uneven, which means it was not caused by a sharp knife.

From my experience, it's probably a bite injury. "

Luke asked, "Did it come from a human bite? Or from an animal bite?"

"This is not caused by human tooth marks. It should be caused by a larger carnivore. Give me some time and I will conduct tooth mark identification on the remains."

Luke nodded, "Thank you."

Xiao Hei thought for a while and said, "Captain, let's go to the suspect Annika Carmen's house to investigate. She has a black Rottweiler named Coco at home.

Could the hair found in these corpse pits come from that dog? "

"It's possible." Luke ordered, "Marcus, will you take someone to the community where Annika Carmen lives to investigate and see if there is a pet database?"

Xiao Hei asked, "Do you think the community will save the DNA data of pet dogs?"

Luke said, “There are many people who raise dogs, some are civilized and some are uncivilized, and many people have encountered dog poop landmines.

Therefore, some communities require the collection of DNA samples from residents’ pets.

Once a dog poop mine is discovered in a community, the pet dog will be found through DNA testing and the dog owner will face a fine. "

Xiaohei's eyes lit up and he agreed, "I've stepped on shit landmines before and it was so disgusting.

This provision is good and I support it with both hands. "

Luke arranged the task and the team members split up to investigate.

As time passed, more and more clues came to Luke's hands.

He had a rough guess about the arson case.

Early the next morning.

After Luke arrived at the police station, he rushed to the technical team immediately.

The DNA comparison results have come out, and the dog hair found in the corpse pit matches the DNA of Annika Kamen's Rottweiler.

Luke immediately applied for a search warrant and led the team to Annika Kamen's house to investigate.

Wickat community.

A white Tesla sedan is parked outside the garage of Annika Kamen's home.

The door of the villa opened, and Annika Carmen walked out with a black Rottweiler. The dog seemed to be resisting, shaking its big head and walking very slowly.

"Coco, be good. Stay at grandma's house for a few days. Mom will visit you often." Annika Carmen comforted the Rottweiler in a low voice, opened the back door of the Tesla, "Get in the car."

The Rottweiler jumped into the car, lay down on the back seat, and barked several times outside the car, "Woof woof..."

Annika Carmen untied the dog leash, took out another toy and handed it to the Rottweiler, "Keke is good, play by yourself, mommy has to drive."

Annika Carmen closed the car door and was about to drive the Tesla away when she noticed two cars approaching and parked on the side of the road. Her pupils shrank and her face changed slightly, recognizing the two cars.

Luke walked out of the black SUV and greeted with a smile, "Miss Annika Carmen, are you going out?"

Annika Carmen forced a smile, "Yes. I'm going to my friend's house."

"Before I go, I want to talk to you."

"Sorry, I've already made an appointment with my friend. Let's talk about it another day."

Luke said, “Don’t worry, it won’t take up too much of your time.

After the conversation is over, I can send a police car to take you there without delaying your meeting with your friends. "

"I don't know how fast your police car is, but I don't want to scare my friends away." Annika Carmen crossed her arms and said helplessly,

"What do you want from me?"

Luke glanced around, "Miss Carmen, do you think it's appropriate to say it here?"

Annika Carmen sighed, opened the back door of the car, and said softly, "Coco, come down, we'll leave later."

The Rottweiler jumped out of the car, looked at Luke and others with caution, and barked, "Woof, woof, woof..."

"You guys wait outside for a while, I don't like strangers." Annika Carmen entered the house with her dog, and after a while she opened the door, "Come in."

Later, Luke and Xiao Hei entered the villa together.

Xiao Hei looked around curiously, "Where's that Rottweiler? I quite like it."

"I sent it into the bedroom so it wouldn't interrupt our conversation."

Xiao Hei tentatively asked, "It looks a bit fierce. Will it bite us?"

Annika Carmen raised her voice and trailed off, "No, cocoa can't bite.

Although it is large in size, it is timid and may be frightened by strangers.

Although he looks big, he is actually only three years old. "

Xiao Hei looked strange, "Are you worried that I will scare that big dog?"

Annika Carmen did not answer, but asked, “I don’t have much time, what are you doing to come to me?

As I have said, I was at home on the day of the fire in Mogaro Forest Park and had no idea what happened there. "

Luke said, "Miss Carmen, we found some new clues during the investigation of the arson case. I came here today to ask you to help identify them."

Annika Carmen shrugged, "Identify what?"

Luke took out a photo of Hedda Cartman, "This lady also lives near Mogaro Forest Park. She often goes for runs in Mogaro Forest Park. Have you seen her?"

Annika Carmen looked at the photo and pursed her lips, "I am not a social person, and she looks much older than me, so we are not in the same circle.

Sorry, I have no impression. "

Luke stared at the other person's face, "Are you sure you haven't seen her?"

"Yes, I haven't seen it."

Luke saw that the other person was lying, and said without any trace, "The black Rottweiler you raise is called Coco?"

"Yes, what's the problem?"

"Do you usually take care of Coco yourself?"

"Yes." Annika Carmen swallowed and intertwined her hands involuntarily.

"How many years have you had it?"

"Three years."

"Has it bitten anyone before?"

"No, it won't do that." Annika Carmen rubbed her right arm with her left hand uneasily and asked, "Why do you always stare at my dog?"

"I can see you love it."

"The two of us eat, sleep, and walk together every day. It's like my family."

"Suppose it bites someone, what would you do?"

"Cocoa doesn't bite."

"I'm talking hypothetically."

“This assumption simply does not hold true.

Coco has a simple mind and is kinder than most people. It just can't speak. "

Xiao Hei rolled his eyes, "You compare dogs with people?"

"I have always regarded Coco as my daughter. Is there any problem?"

This sentence made Xiao Hei very disgusted, because he really has a daughter, "I think your 'daughter' is too cute, so cute that she bites people everywhere, and even bites people to death cruelly."

Annika Carmen became angry and said, "I told you that Coco will not bite. Unless you can provide evidence, I will definitely file a complaint against you."

Luke said, "The photo I just showed you is of the victim of the arson case. She was not burned to death, but her body was burned after death.

We found a large amount of dog hair around her body, and after identification, it completely matched the DNA of your Rottweiler. "

"This is impossible, you must be lying to me." Annika Carmen's voice was trembling. She took a deep breath, as if she thought of something, "Aren't you here to investigate the arson case? Since it's already on fire, what else can you do? Maybe you found some dog hair?”

"The murderer buried the body for a period of time before setting it on fire," Luke said.

When the murderer dug up the body again, some physical evidence was left in the pit because the body had decomposed and due to dark weather and other objective reasons.

We have enough evidence to link your dog to this murder and arson case. "

Annika Carmen shook her head and said, "You are too arbitrary. I often take Coco for walks in the park.

It is not surprising that its hair appears in Mogaro Forest Park, and it may be blown by the wind.

That doesn't mean it's the murderer. "

"You're right, we came here today to rule out this possibility."

Luke showed the search warrant, "Miss Annika Carmen, we are going to take away your Rottweiler, please cooperate."

"No no no," Annika Carmen stood up and kept backing up, "No one can take away my dog.

Coco has never left me.

It will be scared when it enters a strange environment, so you can't do that. "

Xiao Hei stared at the other person like an idiot. At this moment, he was still caring about the dog. Shouldn't he be more concerned about himself?

Dogs may bite people to death, but they will never bury their bodies or set them on fire.

No matter how they tried to persuade her, Annika Carmen refused and blocked the bedroom door.

Luke called for reinforcements, and two female police officers pulled Annika Carmen away and controlled her.

Porter and Jackson were responsible for catching the dog. They brought catching tools, but the black Rottweiler was very strong and it took them a long time to catch it in the car.

"You can't do this, you can't take away my cocoa, I will complain to you, I will definitely... wu wu..." Annika Carmen cried hysterically.

After watching the dog-catching car leave, Luke ignored Annika Carmen and ordered the others, "Search this house and don't let go of a single dog hair."

"Okay, Captain."

Officers worked separately, with some searching the living room of the house, others searching the bedrooms, and still others searching the garage and yard.

Xiao Hei was digging in the yard with a shovel. Suddenly, he felt a hard object and shouted, "Captain, I found something here."

Xiao Hei dug a few times and dug out a big bone from the ground. His eyes widened, "Are there other dead people?"

Jackson came over to take a closer look and said with a smile, “These are not human bones, they are cow bones, specially bought for dogs to grind their teeth.

It was possible that the dog had buried it himself, and the body would not have been buried so shallowly. "

Xiao Hei looked a little embarrassed and glared at Jackson.

Luke had also been observing the ground. He saw a piece of soil that was darker in color and relatively soft. He said to Xiao Hei, "Come and dig here."

Xiao Hei dragged the shovel over and dug a few times at the place Luke mentioned. He felt that the soil was indeed soft, and he suddenly felt motivated and accelerated the digging speed.

After digging about half a meter deep, the soil became darker and darker, with some ash mixed in.

Xiao Hei dug the hole wide, put on gloves and rummaged through the ashes, and found some burned remains, one of which looked like a piece of clothing, stained with blood.

The other black triangle looks like the corner of a dog tag.

Seeing these things, Luke breathed a sigh of relief. The evidence previously found in the corpse pit in Mogaro Forest Park could only prove that the dog attacked the deceased Hedda Cartman, but Annika Carmen still had the possibility of being exonerated.

The evidence dug up in the yard was enough to convict Annika Kamen.

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