Los Angeles Detective

Chapter 546: Mystery

A black Dodge stopped on the side of the road, Xiao Hei and Jackson got out of the car.

Xiao Hei looked around, and his eyes fell on a blue shop sign, West Travel Agency.

Jackson locked the car and said, "It should be here. The owner, Clint Mann, participated in a one-week tour of Guam through this travel agency."

Xiao Hei said, "Nowadays it is very convenient to book air tickets and hotels online. I really can't figure out why some people still like to travel through travel agencies."

Jackson shrugged, "Some customers feel that the travel agency is convenient and worry-free, and the price will be more favorable."

Xiao Hei said disapprovingly, "I still like to travel freely."

Jackson joked, "When you enter a travel agency, you'd better not say such things, or you will be beaten easily."

"You don't need to remind me, come with me, rookie." Xiao Hei walked into the travel agency with a look of indifference.

The travel agency is small in size, with a cubicle on the left and an open office area on the right. There are only four or five employees working in the office. In the middle is the front desk, where a chubby Caucasian lady in her forties is sitting.

Xiao Hei walked to the front desk, took off his black sunglasses, leaned his elbows on the counter, and asked the chubby white lady, "Hey, is there any travel program to Guam?"

"Yes, a seven-day tour to Guam." The caucasian elder sister forced a smile on her fat face, "How many people are there in total? When are you planning to leave?"

Xiao Hei didn't answer, but asked instead, "Is Rochelle Horn still at this travel agency?"

The fat lady was stunned for a moment, and a man in a floral shirt next to him said, "Yes, but he has something to do today and didn't come to work.

My name is Georgia Price and I am the manager of this travel agency. He pointed to the cubicle beside him, "You two, let's go to the lounge to talk."

This season is the best time to travel to Guam. "

Xiao Hei smiled, "Looks like we've come to the right place."

"That's right, our service here is the best and the price is the best.

Were you recommended by Rochelle Horn? "Georgia Price led the two into the lounge, made a gesture of invitation, and motioned for the two to sit on the sofa.

Xiao Hei shook his head, "No, actually my neighbors just came back from a trip to Guam. They thought it was great and recommended your travel agency."

"May I ask the name of your lovely neighbor?"

"Clint Mann."

"Clint Mann," Georgia Price repeated, laughing, "yes, he was a guest of our travel agency, and his family of four took part in a one-week trip to Guam... If I remember correctly, They should have come back by plane last night.

I think they should have had a wonderful vacation.

Since you are introduced by acquaintances, I will also give you the highest discount and provide the best service. "

The fat white lady came over with a tray, put down three cups of coffee, and returned to the front desk.

Xiao Hei felt that her thighs were almost catching up to his waistline. He looked away and confirmed, "Clint Mann is a guest of your travel agency?"


"Rochel Horn is an employee of your travel agency?"

"Yes." Georgia Price responded, and asked, "Is there any question?"

"There are a few hiccups indeed. I wonder, when was the last time you saw Rochelle Horne?"

Georgia Price frowned, looked at Xiao Hei, and then at Jackson, "Who are you guys? You don't look like you are here to consult tourism."

Jackson flashed his police badge, "I'm Detective Jackson of the Robbery and Murder Division, and this is our Inspector Marcus."

"Police! Why did you come to my travel agency? It's not always your police station that wants to travel together?

If yes, I will absolutely give you guys a rock bottom deal. "

Xiao Hei joked, "We can also provide a one-day trip to the police station or a multi-day trip to the prison. Are you interested? It's completely free."

"Sir, I respect you.

But the joke wasn't funny at all. "

"I'm not kidding you, when was the last time you saw Rochelle Horn?"

Georgia Price thought for a moment, "Are you here because of Rochelle Horne?"

"answer my question."

"It's been a long time, he has left and is not an employee of our company."

"Hey." Xiao Hei interrupted, "That's not what you said just now. Do you want me to recall it for you?"

"Sir, you must have never done sales. If you had done sales, you would understand that I was just trying to keep customers.

Customers say they know a certain salesman, and I can't tell him directly that the salesman has left, so the customer may also leave. I just want to keep the customer as much as possible. "

"Why did he leave?" Jackson asked.

"At that time, the efficiency of the travel agency was not good, and we had some disputes at work. He was not happy with what he was doing, so he resigned."

"When did Rochelle Horn leave office?"

"It should be half a year."

"Have you met each other in the past six months?"

"Uh..." Georgia Price thought for a while, "About three months ago, he came to me once, and he looked a bit down and out, and his life was not very good.

He wishes he could go back to work in a travel agency, and I sympathize with him, but...

Look at my travel agency, it's only so big, and the efficiency is not very good recently, I can't hire another person.

After that, I never saw him again. "Georgia Price finished speaking, showing a curious look, "what's the matter with him? You came to our travel agency because of him. "

"Yes, he died."

Georgia Price looked surprised, "When did he die?"

"yesterday afternoon."

"God, this is horrible.

I'm sorry but you guys are in the wrong place, he has nothing to do with this travel agency six months ago. "

"No, I don't think so." Xiao Hei said, "You just said that Clint Mann is a client of your travel agency?"

"Yes, before their family trip, I talked with him in this lounge. Is there any problem?"

Xiao Hei said, "Rochel Horn died at Clint Mann's house."

"What?" Georgia Price was also a little puzzled, "How did the two of them know each other?"

"I have to ask you, one is a former employee of your company, and the other is a current client of your travel agency, they were involved in a murder case at the same time.

It is hard to believe that this incident has nothing to do with your travel agency. "

Georgia Price seemed a little nervous, touched his chin, and thought for a while, "No, didn't you say that Rochelle Horne died yesterday afternoon? At that time, the Clint Mann family Should not have returned to Los Angeles.

He couldn't kill Rochelle Horne. "

Xiao Hei waved his hands and explained, "I didn't say that Clint Mann was the murderer, nor did I say that Clint Mann was there at the time.

Just to tell you that Rochelle Horn died at Clint Mann's house yesterday afternoon.

Currently, West Travel is the only connection between them. "

"Wait, I swear, Rochelle Horn's death has nothing to do with our travel agency."

Jackson asked, "How did Roger Horn know that Clint Mann's house was traveling and entered Clint Mann's house?"

Georgia Price sighed and scratched her hair, "Our company's customer information and itinerary will be recorded on the company's intranet, as long as you have an account number and password, you can log in to view it.

Rochelle Horn may have checked the customer's information from the intranet, and then lived in the customer's home. The more Georgia Price said, the more reasonable he felt, "That's right, when I met Rochel Horn three months ago, he had already had financial problems, and he was very embarrassed. Now Maybe he has become a tramp.

Plenty of homeless people sneak into unoccupied houses. "

Jackson asked, "Didn't you say that Rochelle Horn left the company half a year ago? His account can still log into the company's intranet?"

"It is logically impossible, because I have canceled his account qualification... It is impossible to log in to the company's intranet again." Georgia Price frowned, seeming a little puzzled.

Jackson asked, "How do you set up your company's account number and password?"

"The account number is the abbreviation of the travel agency and the initials of each employee. The initial password is six zeros, which can be modified by yourself."

Jackson concluded, "In other words, as long as you know the employee's initials and get the password, you can log in to the intranet?"


Jackson asked, "How long has Rochelle Horn been working here?"

"More than three years."

Jackson speculated, "For more than three years, it is not difficult for him to obtain the account number and password of a colleague, whether intentionally or unintentionally, what do you think?"

Georgia Price patted his forehead, "This bastard has already left his job, and he came to harm my company! What a damn bastard."

Xiao Hei said, "So, you kill him."

Georgia Price stood up and said loudly, "No, as I said, I haven't seen him for at least three months.

I swear, I had nothing to do with his death. After finishing speaking, Georgia Price's face drooped again, with a hint of pleading in his tone, "Sir, can we not tell our client Clint Mann about this?" "

Xiao Hei and Jackson looked at each other without speaking.


Robbery and Murder Division, 1st Squadron.

After listening to Xiao Hei's report, Luke frowned slightly.

If Georgia Price, the manager of the travel agency, did not lie, why did the deceased Rochel Horn resign from the travel agency six months ago, why did he not tell his wife about his resignation?

Has he found a new job?

And why did he sneak into the home of travel agent client Clint Mann?

Since he sneaked into Clint Mann's house in broad daylight to drink, Luke reckoned that he probably didn't find a serious job.

What did he do during that time?

For six months his whereabouts remained a mystery.

Perhaps only by figuring out his whereabouts in the past six months can we find out the real cause of his death.

Afterwards, Luke reorganized the case and arranged for the team members to separately investigate Rochel Horn's whereabouts and financial situation within six months...

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