Los Angeles Detective

Chapter 298 Treasure

With a pleasant surprise on her face, Revni took out her mobile phone to take a picture, and then showed a puzzled look, "Why is your map smaller than mine?"

Walker replied, "If all the maps are the same, the complete map will never be assembled."

"You're right, Your Honor." Raphne shrugged and began to study the 'New Treasure Map'.

If the previous treasure map is only one corner, then this corner can find multiple similar places in Big Bear Lake. After the map is merged, the treasure map has more and more complete terrain and vegetation characteristics, and can accurately locate the specific treasure area.

The three of them looked at the map of Big Bear Lake while comparing the treasure map, but they used different tools. Walker used a paper map, Raphne's mobile phone, and Luke's tablet.

The paper map couldn't be enlarged, and the mobile phone screen was small, and finally both of them gathered next to Luke's tablet.

Walker whispered, "It seems that love of enjoyment is not a bad thing."

Twenty minutes later, after a careful comparison, the three of them finally determined the scope of the treasure map, which was about three miles away.

However, although the scope of the treasure hunt has been determined, the complete treasure map still does not clearly indicate where the treasure is hidden, and the scope is still somewhat large.

Walker picked up the stitched map, "Could there be clues hidden on the map, but we didn't find it?"

Lei Funi also came over to check, pointing to the left and right sides of the map, "There is a sun on your map, and there is a phantom sun on my map, why are there two suns?"

Luke also came over to observe carefully, "Although they both look like the sun, there is a certain color difference. Why do the two suns have different colors? Does it mean that the time is different?"

"Time?" Walker muttered, rubbing his chin and thinking, "When will there be two suns in the sky?"

Revani showed a look of surprise, and snapped her fingers, "I see, it's not two suns, but a moon and a sun, so the sun on your map is darker, and the moon on my map is lighter.

And the location is different. "

"The sun and the moon shine together!" The three spoke in unison.

The three of them looked at each other and smiled at the same time. This is the fun of treasure hunting.

Through the limited clues to clear the heavy fog, find the place where the treasure is buried, and obtain huge wealth.

In this process, everyone brainstorming, uniting and cooperating is also a kind of precious wealth and precious memory.

Luke thought the expedition would be a good memory when he was old.

Walker looked down at his watch, "Usually this happens in the evening.

Guys, we have to be at the treasure hunt in under an hour. "

Lephne pointed at her SUV, "What are you waiting for? Get in the car."


The three drove to the treasure location.

The scope of the treasure location is still not small, about a mile in range, and the search area is still not small.

The terrain is also relatively complex, including lakes, woods, and hills, and it is difficult to search in a short time.

After Revani parked the car, Walker got out of the car and compared the surrounding terrain with the treasure map, but found no obvious abnormalities.

Luke said, "It's more than four o'clock in the afternoon, and it will be dark in less than three hours. I suggest that we split up and search in three different directions starting from the lake. This will be more efficient."

Lephne shook her head, "nonono, I don't think this is a good idea, the treasure is not so easy to find, there may be traps where the treasure is hidden.

I think everyone should act together, it's safer. "

Walker nodded, "I agree with Lephne's proposal. Now that the treasure hunting location has been determined, it can't run away. It would be better to act together."

"OK." Luke shrugged, two to one, he could only compromise.

Later, he also figured out the reason.

Walker trusts himself more, and it stands to reason that he should support him, so why would he agree with Lephne's proposal?

And Lei Funi said before that she prefers to hunt for treasure alone. Why is a proper female man suddenly looking forward and backward?

Since it is unreasonable, there must be a reason.

Luke guessed that the high probability may be because of the treasure.

The three of them acted separately, and if one of them found the treasure, it would inevitably lead to conflicts, which might be what the two were worried about.

Luke, as a treasure hunter rookie, is a bit slower in this regard.

However, his strength is that he is good at analysis, which is not difficult to figure out.

This also shows the importance of teamwork. It is clear that the three people are more efficient to act separately, and they are not far apart, so they can take care of each other.

But because there is not enough trust, we can only choose a less efficient way.

Although everyone understands this truth, sometimes human nature is unsolvable, and compromise is the lubricant for peaceful coexistence.

Then, the three of them were more than ten meters apart, and searched forward where they could see each other...

The three of them searched for more than an hour, and the sun was setting and it was getting dark.

"I want to rest for a while." Walker sat down on the ground, panting heavily.

Luke took a bottle of beer from his backpack and handed it to him.


Luke took out two more bottles of beer, handed one to Revni, and drank the other himself.

"Gulu Gulu..." Luke drank most of the bottle of beer, quenching his thirst and replenishing his energy.

After all, Walker was getting old, so he rested for a while before recovering, took out the map and studied it again, "I don't think this will work, it's going to be dark soon, and we can't search the entire treasure area on the map at all."

"Do you have a better idea?" asked Levonie.

Walker pointed to the map, "I always feel that there should be other clues hidden in the phenomenon of the sun and the moon shining together. We guessed the time before...

The real clue to whether it will be is the location. "

Walker's words reminded Luke.

Luke took the map, took out a pencil, and connected the sun and the moon with a straight line. The middle point of this line happened to fall on a hill.

This could be the treasure trove.

Walker smiled, "As expected of the best police detective in Los Angeles, I should have left you in the car to study the map if I knew it earlier."

Lephne also showed a relaxed smile, "It's not too late now." Lephne took out a map of Big Bear Lake for comparison, pointed to the front right and said, "The hill should be there, we'd better take advantage of the dark rush past.

I feel that the treasure is beckoning to us. "

Afterwards, the three of them walked towards the hill.

The location marked by Luke is only an approximate location. After all, there is an error between the map and the real object, and the error is likely to be not small.

After finding a hill similar to the one on the map, search around the hill with a diameter of 100 meters.

The three of them searched very carefully, for fear of accidentally missing the treasure. However, they searched the hill carefully, and still did not find the brown wooden box that was suspected of containing the treasure.

At this moment, Luke couldn't help but wonder if he had misunderstood it.

Lei Funi was also a little disappointed, sitting on the lawn to rest.

Walker thought for a while, "Hey, I just saw a few sunflowers."

Rephne asked back, "I saw it too. It's not surprising that there are such wild sunflowers in many places."

"You're right, but the sunflower is the state flower of Kansas, and Forrest Fenn, who buried the treasure, is a Kansan.

Could this be too much of a coincidence? "Walker showed an excited look while speaking,

"Could this sunflower be the mark left by Forrest Finn, and the treasure may be hidden under the flower."

Luke waved the folding shovel, "Then there is no hesitation, just dig it out and have a look."

The three went ahead and found the location of the sunflower under Walker's guidance. The three took turns digging and dug a one-meter-deep hole under the sunflower.

But no brown wooden box was found, let alone treasure.

Walker sighed, and said to Revani, "You're right, there are a lot of these flowers, so it's not surprising."

Lephne looked around, "It's getting dark, we can't continue searching for the treasure today.

And I didn't even eat lunch, I was starving to death. "

Luke said, "Let's drive back to camp, I have food in my RV.

But I was too tired to cook today, so I just ate some ready made. "

Revni swallowed, "As long as I can fill my stomach, I'm already satisfied."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go." Luke waved his hand. Although he didn't find the treasure, he had a fulfilling day today.

Overall, not too bad.


After returning to the camp.

Dinner is very simple, staple food Daliba, canned beef, pork sausage, pickled cucumbers, apples, oranges, milk.

"Wow, that's so rich!

I haven't had such a big dinner in a long time. "Revni looked at the food on the table and couldn't help swallowing.

"Then eat quickly.

You're welcome, it's all ready-made food," Luke said disapprovingly.

Revni ate a large piece of Liba with pork sausage, and glanced at Luke's RV, "It's the first time I've seen a treasure hunter who enjoys you so much."

Luke smiled, "You're right, I'm just a rookie in the treasure hunting industry. I prefer to enjoy the fun of exploring in nature."

"That just means you're a rich man," said Revni.

The three of them were hungry, and soon the wind and clouds ate up all the food on the table.

Raphne took the initiative to wash the dishes, Luke was responsible for cleaning the table, and Walker was too tired to move.

He is sixty years old, and he is no longer young.

After cleaning up, Luke opened a bottle of whiskey and prepared some snacks. The three of them discussed the treasure while drinking.

Lephne sighed, "We have searched the opponent's area on the map, but we still haven't found the whereabouts of the treasure.

Is there something wrong with our treasure hunt? "

Walker took a sip, "Luke, what do you think?"

Luke stared at the treasure map on the table. He was already familiar with the content on it. It was undoubtedly Big Bear Lake. The only doubtful point on the whole map was that the sun and the moon were shining together.

It is also based on this phenomenon that they thought of two possible ways to find the treasure.

In the first way, the sun and the moon together represent time. Around evening, Luke originally guessed that the treasure could only be found during this special time period, but they also searched during this time period, but did not find it.

In the second method, the sun and the moon together represent the location. Luke connected the sun and the moon with a line, and the midpoint of the line happened to cross the hill. Luke guessed that the treasure might be on the hill, but the result was also wrong.

What does the sun and the moon represent?

Or is it not the sun and the moon at all?

Luke suddenly thought of his experience swimming in Big Bear Lake this morning, the reflection?

One is the real sun, and the other is the reflection in the water. What the map really wants to imply is 'the treasure is hidden in the lake'.

Luke spoke his guess.

Rephni took a look at the photo, "The two suns, one shallow and one deep, one high and one low, imply that the treasure is hidden at the bottom of the lake?

I find this idea very interesting. "

Walker chimed in, "I find it interesting, too. I'm sure whoever buried the treasure would find it interesting too.

This fits well with treasure hunter Forrest Finn.

For a treasure map, many people have different understandings. Many treasure hunters will value the "reasonability" of a treasure map.

I think this is correct, but this rationality is not the rationality you think, but the rationality that the treasure hunter thinks.

It is necessary to understand the treasure map according to the character, characteristics and environment of the treasure hunter.

Based on my understanding of Forrest Finn, using two suns to represent the reflection in the water and alluding to the treasure at the bottom of the lake is very in line with his style.

Guys, we're one step closer to the treasure. "

After hearing these words, Revni seemed to be encouraged, her mood gradually improved, and she talked more. She looked at Luke first, "Are you really a police detective?"

"Yes, I'm from the Robbery and Murder Division."

"Sounds very powerful." Lephne looked at Walker opposite again, "Are you really a judge?"

Walker's expression became serious, his temperament was different, and his voice was loud, "Isn't it like that?"

"Wow, it feels a little bit like that." Lephne laughed, "But I find it even more incredible.

Why a judge with respect, status, and money becomes a treasure hunter. "

"It's a long story, and it can be regarded as a little secret of mine...

How about this, I'll tell you when we find the treasure. Walker said perfunctorily, and asked, "What do you do?" A full-time treasure hunter? "

Revni sighed softly, "I've done a lot of jobs before, but I'm not a very qualitative person, and I didn't do each job for a long time.

In the words of my ex-husband, my life is a mess.

Then he divorced me.

I want to obtain custody of my daughter, and I am also fighting for it. The prerequisite for obtaining custody is that I have a certain material foundation.

That's why I'm treasure hunting, I need money. "

"Typically, when the parents get divorced, the mother is more likely to get custody," Walker said.

"Uh... I have done some wrong things before... In the eyes of many people, I am not a qualified good mother.

I also realized my mistake and have been working hard to win my daughter.

She is very important to me, and I am willing to change for her. "

Walker said, "Come on, as long as you go in the right direction, everything will be fine."

"Thank you, you are the friendliest judge I have ever met."

Luke laughed, "This is your illusion, you should see Judge Walker in court."

"Come on, there are no judges or policemen here, we all have the same identity--treasure hunters.

Let me have a drink, I'm going to bed after this drink, I'm almost exhausted.

The search for treasure will continue tomorrow. "



next morning.

The sun is rising in the east, the weather is clear and the air is fresh.

After the three of Luke got up, they had a simple breakfast, and then drove to Big Bear Lake to search for the treasure.

The focus of their search today was the bottom of Big Bear Lake.

Considering the difficulty of searching the bottom of the lake, the three also put on more equipment.

Because it is a temporary idea, there are not many diving-related equipment.

Luke provided a diving goggle, Walker a waterproof flashlight, and Raphne a kayak.

The impromptu patchwork of equipment can barely complete this mission. Perhaps, this is the so-called strength in numbers.

The three of them first observed around Big Bear Lake to confirm the approximate scope of the treasure in the lake.

Then the three of them took turns diving to search the bottom of the sea. All three of them could swim, but neither Walker nor Revni was proficient in diving, and their ability to hold their breath was much worse.

Luke can hold his breath for three minutes in the lake, and the two of them can only stay for more than a minute in their best state, and as the number of dives increases, the diving time becomes shorter and shorter.

This also led to the inefficiency of the three people's search at the bottom of the lake.

Near noon, the three still did not find the whereabouts of the treasure.

Because they had exhausted too much energy, the three of them were tired and hungry. They decided to memorize the approximate location and mark it at the bottom of the lake, and then went ashore to eat and rest.

Lunch is very simple, big Liba, canned beef, pickles, coffee.

After eating, the three exchanged their experience of finding treasure at the bottom of the lake.

Walker said, "I'm too tired. I have to reduce the number of times I go into the water in the afternoon. Otherwise, if the treasure is not found, I may go to see God first."

Rephne said, "I'm tired too, but I have to get over it. If we don't go into the water, the treasure won't be able to float by itself."

Walker suggested, "We underestimated the difficulty of searching the bottom of the lake. We should buy some professional diving equipment, diving suits and oxygen cylinders. With these two things, our search for the bottom of the lake will become very simple."

Rephne shook her head, "We've searched for more than half of it, and we can finish it this afternoon, there's no need to spend that much money.

I don't have the money to buy new gear now either.

By the time you buy new equipment and run back and forth, maybe we've found the treasure. "

If Walker offered to buy diving equipment at first, Luke would support it.

But just like what Revani said, half of the search work at the bottom of the lake is now completed, and the remaining half only needs to be completed step by step, and he also feels that it is unnecessary.

Moreover, through going into the water again and again, he also found out some diving experience. During this period, he used a diving card, and his diving skills improved a lot.

Luke said, "I think your ideas can be compromised. Continue to search the bottom of the lake this afternoon. If you can't find it, you can buy professional diving equipment tomorrow."

Neither of them objected, and they agreed by default.

Later, Luke talked about some of his diving experience and some ways to save effort.

After two o'clock in the afternoon, the three continued to dive.

It's just a little different from the way of snorkeling in the morning.

This time, when they entered the water, they no longer went downstream, but carried a big stone on their backs and sank directly to the bottom of the lake. When searching underwater, they also carried the stone on their backs. walk.

When the oxygen is almost exhausted while diving, put the pebbles on your back into the net tied with a rope next to it, and once you step on the bottom of the lake with your feet, you can easily float to the surface.

After that, the companions will fish up the big stone.

The less energy you consume, the longer you can hold your breath, and the more efficient you are in finding treasures.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, Walker and Lephne were exhausted, and only Luke was able to dive.

The sky is also starting to get dark, which will gradually increase the difficulty of searching. The area where treasures may be hidden in the lake is also gradually decreasing. The treasure hunting time has entered the countdown.

At this time, the three of them were a little discouraged. Could it be that they guessed wrong again this time.

The treasure is not at the bottom of the lake?

The three of them were tired and hungry, and they no longer had the excitement of treasure hunting. They were just looking for treasure mechanically.

Luke once again sank to the bottom of the sea with a rock on his back, and searched the bottom of the lake with a bright flashlight in his right hand. This kind of work has been done many times today, and the novelty at the bottom of the lake has long since passed.

Just when Luke thought that this diving search would come back in vain, he suddenly saw a brown wooden box at the bottom of the lake in front of him, and suddenly, the whole person became excited.

Luke went closer to check. There was no sign of damage to the box. It was locked. It was about sixty centimeters wide and fifty centimeters long.

Luke picked up the box and put it in the fishing net beside him.

He threw away the pebbles, floated up to the surface of the water, and waved, "You can pull the stones up."

Revni pulled up the fishing net habitually, but this time she didn't pull it up, "Why does it feel heavy?"

"The cobblestone just now was a bit light, so I changed it to another one. This one is bigger, with stronger pressure and more stable walking."

"OK, anyway, it's you who go into the water, as long as you like it.

Walker, help me. "Revni greeted and pulled up the fishing net with Walker.

Walker complained, "Luke, what the hell did you pick up and sink to death."

However, the moment the fishing net was pulled up, both of them were startled, with expressions of ecstasy.

"I bought it, you found the treasure, haha..."

"God forbid, I can't believe it, I actually found it.

Am I dreaming? tell me! "


The three of them worked together to transport the box to the shore. Walker and Rephne stared at the brown wooden box again and again, with uncontrollable joy on their faces.

Luke was not in a hurry, and was going to wait for the two of them to calm down before opening the box.

Walker touched the brown box with his hand, "The signs of rot are not serious. It should be waterproofed. What about this lock? We have to find a way to get it off."

Rephni couldn't wait to say, "I'll get the hammer and smash it open."

Walker objected, "No, you may destroy the wooden box, and this box is also very meaningful."

"Then what do you want to do?" Rephne asked back.

Walker said, "Can you two pick a lock?"

"No, I'm not a thief." Lephne shook her head.

Luke said, "The lock is a little rusty, it's hard to open.

However, I have large iron pliers in my toolbox that can snap the lock without damaging the case. "

Luke's proposal was approved by the other two.

Then, he took out the iron pliers from the toolbox, cut off the lock forcefully, and opened the box under the expectant eyes of the two.

There are a lot of yellow and orange gold coins piled up in the box...

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