Los Angeles Detective

Chapter 292 Test

The next morning, the Office of the Robbery and Murder Division.

Luke walked into the office, "Guys, put down what you're doing and let's have a meeting."

Generally speaking, most of Susan's meetings are held in conference rooms, which are more formal.

Luke prefers to hold meetings in the office area, and everyone is more casual.

The deputy team asked, "Captain, when are you going to interrogate Henry Rogers?"

"The meeting is over." Luke glanced, but did not see Xiao Hei's figure, "Where's Marcus?"

Jackson replied, "He went to wash his hands."

Luke smiled, "It's been a whole night, why don't you wash it?"

Jackson spread his hands, "He needs to wash every half an hour, he thinks it will make him feel better."

The deputy team suggested, "He should be asked to see a psychiatrist so as not to leave a shadow."

"I will." Luke's tone became serious. Mental health is a big problem and cannot be ignored.

All joking aside, he still cared about Xiao Hei very much.

"Deputy team, Jackson and I will be in charge of interrogating Henry Rogers in a while, and you lead people to collect evidence for closing the case."


The deputy team has rich experience and does not need Luke to order.

"Dong Dong." The office door rang, and then the door was pushed open from the outside, and Xiao Hei walked in with a Caucasian woman.

"Guys, who do you see coming?"

Luke looked up and saw a woman who was both familiar and unfamiliar. He said strange because he saw her for the first time, and said familiar because he had seen her photo.

"Marta, why are you here?"

"I remember your voice, Officer Li?"

"It's me, let me introduce you formally, Luke Li, Captain of the First Squadron of the Robbery and Murder Division.

This is Deputy Vincent, Detective Raymond, Detective Jenny, Detective Jackson, and Detective Matthew. "

"Thank you for everything you do for Lorna, I... bought some donuts on the way here... hope you guys like it..."

The vice team laughed, "Of course, there is no better gift than donuts."

"I'm glad you like it. I hope my arrival will not affect your investigation."

Luke said seriously, "Marta, I was about to call you. We have caught Henry Rogers."

"My dear, have you found any evidence of his crime?"

"Yes, people get stolen goods."

"Uh...my mood is very complicated, but I still want to say, thank you.

Lorna was my best friend...killed by my husband.

I'm really sad and want to do something for her..." Marta's tears flowed down uncontrollably.

"Marta, I'm surprised you're back in Los Angeles.

When you returned to Los Angeles without knowing that Henry Rogers was arrested, you already helped Rona in your own way.

It's not easy and I can feel your feelings for Lorna.

She will understand too. "

"Thank you, thank you for your understanding."

Luke motioned for Marta to sit down, and handed her a pack of tissues, "Although Henry Rogers was arrested, we haven't interrogated him yet.

He is very smart and cunning, and may use various methods to evade legal sanctions.

I hope to know more about him before the trial. "

"No problem, I will tell you everything I know."

Luke has investigated many cases, including suicide, passion homicide, profit homicide, and vendetta, but this time the case is different from the past. Henry Rogers not only killed the victim, but also cut off the victim's head, which is a typical perverted murderer .

Generally, the murderer achieves his goal by killing people, but the perverted murderer often destroys the victim's body to satisfy some kind of pathological psychological needs.

And this kind of morbid psychology is not formed in a day, and often has a tragic experience. It is very important to understand these for the next interrogation.

Luke asked someone to pour a cup of tea for Marta, and asked, "Has Henry Rogers been violent before?"

"He is usually very nice, but when he is drunk, he becomes very irritable, stares at you with horrific eyes, and sometimes beats people."

"Since when did he become like this?"

"We had a quarrel not long after we met. I can't remember the specific reason. After the quarrel, I went to Lorna's house to stay temporarily. At that time, I felt that his mood was not right. He pinched my neck and asked loudly, why? to leave him?

It was terrible, I was so scared that I cried and kept begging him to let me go.

He asked me to promise that I would never leave again. Marta covered her eyes and regretted, "I should have left him at that time." "

Xiao Hei was puzzled, "Then why didn't you leave?

Henry Rogers has shown violent tendencies, I can't figure out why you continue to associate with him, and even get married. "

"I also thought about leaving him, but some of his... experiences have softened my heart. Now that I think about it, I feel ridiculous that I would feel sorry for a pervert. I am such an idiot with a brain problem."

"Can you tell me about the experience that softened your heart?"

"Henry was originally born in a happy family of seven, with four older brothers and sisters above him, but the good times didn't last long. When he was three years old, his father died unexpectedly. Her mother worked multiple jobs to support the family, waiter, bartender , Food truck drivers are almost open all year round, rarely can accompany the children, and can only put the children in foster families.

At first, Henry was very attached to his mother, begging his mother not to leave him, but it was useless, Henry was still sent to a foster family, which made Henry hate his mother.

When he was thirteen, his older brothers and sisters had grown up, and his mother took him home, but he had lost the ability to get close to his mother, and her mother was no longer the image in his memory.

He began to give up on himself and was unwilling to go to school. Under the nagging and preaching of his mother, Henry chose to leave.

He would rather be with the homeless than return to the place called 'home'..." Marta sighed, "When I first heard about Henry's experience, I...was shocked , I also sympathize with him.

He also said that the reason for his rage was the fear of being abandoned again.

Just like his mother abandoned him back then.

He is scared. "

Xiao Hei took advantage of the situation and asked, "Did you believe his nonsense?"

"Yes, I was very stupid and young at the time, and I was moved by what he said, and even started to pity him.

I naively thought that I could change him, warm him, and let him regain the ability and courage to love.

And because of this reason, I forgave him again and again, and finally killed my friend. I should have left him. If I had left him earlier, maybe I would not have killed Lorna.

My heart aches now just thinking about Lorna, and I couldn't have had a better friend.

Not anymore. "

Luke asked, "When did you decide to leave him?"

"After I learned about his unfortunate experience, I have been trying to tolerate him and change him, and I have been hurt by him again and again, but I have endured it.

At that time, I had a belief that as long as I touched him with love, I could heal his inner pain.

But I was wrong.

Some things cannot be changed.

The birth of the child is a turning point, she has brought us a lot of happiness, and I can also feel that Henry loves children.

However, once he gets drunk and gets angry, he will ignore it, which will not only hurt me, but also the children.

I tried to get him to quit drinking, but it didn't work.

Every once in a while, he would sneak away to drink, and after getting drunk, he would start cursing, and as long as I dared to resist, he would beat me.

I can bear it, but the child is still young. Seeing the child trembling under Henry's roar, my heart hurts beyond words.

I know, it can't be like this anymore.

If a child grows up in such an environment...

I can't imagine, I'm afraid she will become "Henry" too, and I have to be responsible for the life of the child.

So, I chose to leave Henry, preferring the child to have no father than to have a bad example for her.

I can afford to raise my child, I have a stable job now, I will get some benefits in the future, I will never send my child to a foster family, I will let her grow up in a loving environment.

Lorna also kept urging me to leave Henry and pursue a new life.

I did it.

It's a pity that she will never see..."


After learning more about the situation from Marta, Luke became more confident about interrogating Henry Rogers.

Although the current evidence was sufficient to convict Henry Rogers, Luke still hoped that he would plead guilty voluntarily.

This is the first case since he was promoted to acting squadron leader, and he also hopes to handle it more beautifully.

Robbery and Murder Division, Interrogation Room 1.

Luke sat across the interrogation table, and Henry Rogers had already changed into an orange dress.

Jackson pouted, "Your new clothes are beautiful."

"Where's that lucky guy?"

"Lucky guy? Who are you talking about?" Jackson looked puzzled.

Henry Rogers waved his right hand, "That black ball."

"He doesn't like you."

"Then he should be allowed to come. I just want to see how upset he is."

Luke smiled, "It really is a pervert."

Henry Rogers glanced sideways at Luke, "Are you in charge?"

"Captain of the First Squadron of the Robbery and Murder Division, Luke Lee."

"I'm not interested in your name, but you're younger than I thought, how did you catch me?"

"The process is a bit complicated, but the result is good."

"Let me guess, you told Marta to call and get her to piss me off with the divorce and have a guy named Paul, mean."

"It's far worse than you."

"So, Marta didn't intend to divorce me, you forced her to say so."

"It's a fact that she wants to divorce you."

"Where's Marta?"

"She's back in Los Angeles."

"Hehe, trying to lie to me again, huh.

Play your dirty trick again, make me think Marta is coming, tell me it's fake after I believe it, and break me down, so that you can achieve the purpose of your interrogation, am I right? "

Luke took out his mobile phone and showed a photo of a woman's back, "This was taken with Marta's permission. The background is in the Robbery and Murder Division. You should be able to recognize it."

Henry Rogers shook his head, "This is PS, I have already guessed your trick."

"You know it's true, you just don't have the courage to admit it."

Henry Rogers closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "This...is your backup plan? If I'm not fooled, let Marta be the bait.

You know I'm going to kill her, and do it in such a mean way, that's what you LAPD do. "

"Marta came back by herself, I didn't know it beforehand, she came to take Lorna home.

She is very brave, and she didn't know the news of your arrest before she came back.

She is grateful for what we at the LAPD are doing. "

"I want to see Marta."

"She doesn't want to see you."

"I know the purpose of your coming, as long as I see Marta, I am willing to plead guilty."

"OK, but the order needs to be changed, confess your guilt first, and then see Marta again."

"I want to see Marta first."

"Plead guilty first."

"I want to see you first..."

Luke interrupted, "Hey, you don't seem to have figured out who's calling the shots here?"

"I do not believe you."

Luke assured, "I never lie."

Henry Rogers stared at Luke with dark eyes. After a long time, he sighed, "You won, and I am willing to plead guilty."

"This is the wisest decision you've ever made." Luke pondered for a moment before asking, "How many people did you kill in total?"

"It's just as many as you found."

"I'll let you tell."


"Who is there?"

"Rorna Post, Galina Sweeney, Helson Sweeney, and a Streetgirl."

"Who did you kill first?"

"Lorna Post."

"Why did you kill her?"

"This bad woman has been trying to trick Marta away from me.

She is destroying our family.

I warned her many times, but she still didn't listen, and finally Marta left me under her bewitching.

I was very angry and asked her about Marta's whereabouts, but she refused to tell.

So, I just killed her. "

"Describe the crime?"

"I strangled her unconscious, then cut her throat with a saw, and sawed off her head. The body was buried in the yard, and the head was soaked in embalming agents. You should have found it."

"Why saw off her head?"

"Has Marta ever told me about my tragic childhood?"

"Your father died young, and your mother was busy with work and put you in a foster family."

"Yeah, but that's part of it, and there's a part I didn't tell Marta.

I was still young and didn't want to go to a foster family. My mother sent the cat at home to my foster family so that I could have companionship.

But that cat didn't want to stay in the foster home, and it ran away several times, but I caught it back.

I was very sad at the time, my mother abandoned me, and now she will abandon me.

Why are you doing this to me?

What did i do wrong?

No one can answer me, I can only find the answer myself.

The last time, it ran away again, and I killed it.

I am in so much pain, so sad, I don't really want to kill it, but I want it to stay with me.

So, I cut off its head and hid it.

But I was still young at that time, and I didn't know what embalming was. It didn't take long for the cat's head to break.

That was the first time...

Later, I kept this habit.

I've also had some pets... but I guess that's out of your hands. "

Luke asks the second victim, "Why did you kill Galina Sweeney?"

"Her situation is more complicated.

I was friends with her husband Helson Sweeney, we had the same hobbies, we had the same experiences, he and his wife separated, Marta left me.

These similar experiences have given us a lot of common language. He is a good drinking buddy. Having a glass of wine with him and complaining about his wife will make me feel much better. He understands me and is a rare bosom friend. "

"Then why did you kill Zhiyin's wife?"

"Since Marta left, I often lose control of my emotions. I have been looking for various ways to relieve my emotions, such as drinking, finding street girls, and killing people. I found that the latter is the most effective.

After killing Lorna, my emotions were released. I was very excited, excited, and felt relaxed. It felt great.

But this is time-sensitive, and I need to find new goals from time to time. "Henry scratched his fingernails a little anxiously,

"As I said earlier, Helson Sweeney's situation is very similar to mine, and his wife is a good target, a bad woman like Marta, no, she is worse than Marta.

At least Marta didn't pay the rent with my money.

And the house that this woman rents separately still costs her husband's money, she is a standard bad woman.

I see her as a substitute for Marta. "

Luke said, "Choose an acquaintance's wife as a target, but you have to take a certain risk."

"You are right, I also had this concern at the beginning, hesitant to choose Galina Sweeney as the target, but after some careful consideration, I decided to attack her.

The first reason, like I said before, is that she's a badass like Marta, and I'm intrigued by her.

The second reason is that I know that I can't control my emotions and may continue to kill people, and I don't want to, but I really can't control it.

The police will find out sooner or later, so they can find a scapegoat in a critical moment.

The third reason, and the most important one, is that Helson Sweeney also wanted his wife killed.

Once when he was drunk, he kept complaining about his wife and said a lot of bad things about Galina Sweeney. I pretended to be drunk and asked him what he could do for me if I killed his wife.

He said that after he found out that his wife was going to divorce, he hid some cash, about one hundred thousand dollars, and he was willing to give me this money if I could kill Galina Sweeney.

So, I agreed to him. "

"You kill people for money? That's not like your style."

"It's not all about the money, you know? I have very few friends and I'm lonely, and I also hope to have a like-minded friend.

But there are some things I can't tell others, and I also want to create a like-minded helper for myself.

If we get the money from Helson Sweeney, our employment relationship is established, and he becomes a murderer.

I thought that would be interesting, we would have more in common, and I would have one more true confidant.

I believe that he will be a good helper. "

"Then why did you kill Helson Sweeney?"

"After I learned that you found Galina Sweeney's body, I knew you would definitely find Helson Sweeney. I was worried that he would show his feet, so I went to him at night.

I want to remind him and try his attitude by the way.

At the same time, I also made two-handed preparations. If Helson Sweeney is grateful, I will get a commission from him. Our employment relationship will be established, and I will have many reliable helpers in the future.

If Helson Sweeney tries to betray me, I'll kill him as a scapegoat. "

Luke pressed, "Helson Sweeney chose the latter?"

"No, that bastard's attitude surprised me.

He acted surprised.

He said he was drunk and had forgotten what he said that day.

He didn't even know that I killed the person, and he even advised me to surrender.

I was also a little dumbfounded at the time, and for safety reasons, I decided to kill him. "

"How did you trick him into writing a suicide note?"

"Simple, I pulled out the gun and said I was going to kill him.

He begged me for mercy.

I told him that I didn't want to kill him, but I was afraid that he would report me to the police, and he promised not to report me.

I asked him to write a confession, and as long as he reported, I would hand over the confession to the police, saying that he hired me to kill.

He didn't want to die, so he wrote it naturally. "

"You forced him to drink the sleeping pills?"

"No, after this idiot wrote the confession, he was afraid that I would kill him, so he wanted to get me drunk.

I took advantage of the situation and agreed, and then put sleeping pills in his wine, and faked the scene of suicide by natural gas. "

Henry Rogers sighed and regretted, "Killing him, I'm quite sad.

I really hope to gain a confidant, a friend who can make friends, and a good helper.

Unfortunately, he failed the final test..."

"What about Novena Jones? Why did you kill her?"

"That street girl?"


"She never told me her real name and was a bad woman."

"Are you familiar with it?"

"I said before that since Marta left, my emotions have been very unstable, and I don't want to kill people, and I have thought of many ways to vent my emotions.

Street girls are also one of the ways.

I have approached Novena Jones a few times, she is very good, very beautiful, good skills, I like it very much.

On September 15th, Marta left me for exactly two months. I was very depressed and wanted to relax.

I approached Novena Jones, but she turned her down.

I'm very angry, it's normal for me to spend money, why did she reject me?

Could it be that even a street girl looks down on me and stays away from me?

I was so angry that I couldn't control my emotions and killed her.

Then the body was thrown into the river..."

Luke said coldly, "You killed a young girl who wanted to be good."

Henry spread his hands, "Wow, it turns out that she didn't reject me, but everyone. Listening to you, I feel much more comfortable. Thank you for telling me the news."

"Thank you also for your confession. I believe your death sentence will come down soon, and I am looking forward to that moment." Luke stood up and was about to leave.

Henry yelled, "Hey, did you forget something?"

"Do you have other cases to explain?"

"No, I have already pleaded guilty, should you fulfill your promise?"

"What promise?"

Henry showed an angry look, and pointed at Luke, "You promised to let me see Marta, and you said you never lied!"

"You're right, I never lie.

But first, you have to be human. "Luke left the interrogation room without saying a word.

Jackson showed a look of disdain, "Be a human being in your next life!"

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