Los Angeles Detective

Chapter 290 Confrontation

next morning.

Robbery and Murder Division, First Squadron Office.

Raymond knocked on the door and entered Luke's office, "Captain, you are looking for me."

"Yes, I want to give you and Jenny a task." Luke made a gesture of invitation, motioning for Raymond to sit opposite.

"What mission?"

Luke put a photo of Henry Rogers on the table, "This guy is very suspected of committing the crime, but we don't have enough evidence to arrest him yet.

He may commit crimes again at any time, and you need to keep an eye on him. "

Raymond picked up the photo and looked at it, "I see."

"Listen, although we haven't met him face-to-face, but from the previous three cases, this person is very cautious and has a strong sense of anti-reconnaissance. You must be careful when following him.

It can be lost, but cannot be found.

If he becomes suspicious, give up tracking immediately. "

"Understood, we won't get too close to him."

Raymond doesn't like to talk, but he is more reliable in doing things, which is why Luke entrusted him with the tracking task.

Luke gave a few more instructions, walked out of the office with Raymond, and said to the others, "Guys, are you ready?"


"Yes, Captain."

"OK, let's go."


402 Corral Community.

Rhona Post House.

Luke paid enough attention to the clues provided by Henry Rogers' wife Marta.

He got Rona Post's information from Marta and tried to contact her, but the phone has been unable to connect.

Therefore, Luke personally led the team to Rhona Post's house to investigate the other party's situation.

The environment of this community is average, and the lawn in the yard has not been taken care of for a while.

Luke asked others to sit in the car and wait, only he and Xiao Hei got out of the car.

Luke stood guard next to him, and Xiao Hei went to the door and knocked, "Dong Dong."

No one responded.

Keep knocking on the door.

Still no response.

Luke said righteously, "Lorna Post's cell phone cannot be connected, and no one opened the door. I suspect that she may be in danger. Out of consideration for her personal safety, I am going to take emergency measures.

Marcus, open the door. "

"Okay, Captain."

Marcus took out the lockpicking tool and began to pick the lock.

Luke reminded on the intercom, "We are going to force our way into the house, deputy team, Jackson, pay attention."


The door lock is not complicated, Xiao Hei fumbled for about a minute and made a 'click', and the door opened.

The two entered the house cautiously with guns in hand.

"The living room is safe."

"Toilets are safe."

"The bedroom is safe."

The house was not big, with only two bedrooms. The two quickly searched the house and found no suspicious persons.

Luke took out the walkie-talkie, "Confirm that the house is safe."


The deputy team got out of the police car and looked around, "Jackson, go to the trunk to get tools."

The two entered the house with a toolbox.

Although Luke and the deputy team did not communicate, both of them subconsciously believed that the homeowner Lorna Post was in danger.

With the experience of last time, they focused their search on the toilet.

Jackson opened the toolbox, took out the test reagent watering can and sprayed it on the toilet, closed the toilet door, blocked the window, the light in the toilet dimmed, and blue fluorescence appeared on the floor and walls.

The deputy team looked as if that was the case, "It seems that Lorna Post's head was also sawed off, captain, you can notify the technical team and the forensic doctor.

I went to call the surrounding patrol police to come over for support and cordoned off the scene. "

Luke hesitated for a moment, "Wait, don't notify the patrol, and don't cordon off the scene.

I don't want too many people to be alarmed by this scene, and the on-site investigation should be conducted in a low-key manner. "

The deputy team reacted, "Are you worried about alarming Henry Rogers?"

"Yes, if my guess is correct, he should now think that the police are treating Helson Sweeney as the murderer and are ready to close the case.

This will let him relax his vigilance and make it easier for him to show his feet.

Once he knew that the police had discovered the scene of Rhona Post's house, he would also guess that the police were suspecting him, which would be very detrimental to the subsequent investigation. "

The deputy team said, "How do you know that he will mistakenly think that the police want to close the case?"

Xiao Hei pouted, "Deputy team, don't you watch the news? There were similar reports last night."

The deputy team laughed, "Luke, did you find someone to release the fake news?"

"Those reporters are not stupid, they will not report fake news, they will only report the 'true news' they have investigated.

Never mind, as long as they are happy. "Luke said to the deputy team and Xiao Hei,

"You inform the neighbors around you, no matter what you see or hear, don't talk nonsense."

Xiao Hei curled his lips, "This is not a good idea, the more you don't let them talk, the more they want to talk.

I know these guys all too well. "

"Then tell them that there is a dead person in the house. If everyone knows about it, not only will this house become a haunted house and cannot be sold, but the surrounding houses will also be affected. No one wants to be neighbors with a haunted house." Luke believes , As long as it is related to their own interests, these people will naturally shut up.

Under the auspices of Luke, all survey operations were carried out in a low-key manner.

Traces of blood that had been cleaned were also found in the living room...

Jackson dug up a red quilt in the yard, which contained a headless female corpse...

The crime scene roughly matches what Luke guessed.


Four o'clock in the afternoon.

Robbery and Murder Division, 1st Squadron Office.

The evidence at the scene was collected in Luke's hands one after another.

Luke convened a meeting with everyone, and first described the identification results of the technical team and the forensic department.

"After a preliminary autopsy by the forensic doctor, the headless female corpse dug up in the yard of Rhona Post's house was about 35 years old. The cause of death was excessive blood loss. The fatal injury was probably in the head. The time of death was around September 10, right The arm was broken, and a gold ring was found on the left middle finger.

Although the identity of the deceased cannot be fully confirmed, it can be roughly inferred that she is likely to be the owner of the house, Lorna Post. "

Luke took out another document, "The technical team also discovered that they found a saw around the corpse. There were obvious blood stains on the saw, and the teeth were seriously damaged. The DNA identification has not been completed yet, but the possibility of the murder weapon great.

Too bad they didn't get fingerprints on the saw.

The brand of the saw is 'Greilly' and is available in most supermarkets and hardware stores, the serial number is mangled and it is difficult to investigate the origin of the saw.

In addition, no other biological samples of the suspected murderer have been found yet. "

The deputy team said with emotion, "This bastard is too cautious, it doesn't seem like he committed a crime for the first time. He probably has other criminal records."

"You're right. Although we found the crime scene, we still don't have enough evidence to accuse him." Luke threw the documents on the table, glanced around,

"Guys, tell me what you think."

Jackson said, "We all know it's him!

First his friend was killed, and now his wife's friend is also dead. Although there is no direct evidence to prove that the case is related to Henry Rogers, at least there is an indirect connection.

I think what needs to be done now is to convince the judge to issue a search warrant.

As long as we have a search warrant, we can search his home directly, which is better than waiting. "

Luke is not that kind of pedantic person. If it was really just a matter of search warrants, Luke would have figured out a way to deal with it long ago.

Although he is not familiar with the judge and has no face with the judge, the deputy team has been working for so many years, and there are always familiar judges. Even if the deputy team does not have one, Rhett must have one. Trust Red to get a search warrant.

But the problem is that the police have found no evidence to accuse Henry Rogers of the three crime scenes and one corpse dumping scene, which shows that Henry Rogers is a very cautious person.

Even with a search warrant, who can guarantee that evidence will be found in his home.

If nothing can be found, there will be a series of adverse reactions.

First of all, how to explain to Rhett?

Secondly, it will also leave a bad impression on the judge.

More importantly, Henry Rogers knew that he was being targeted and started playing hide and seek with the police. How could the police spend so much money on him?

If it was changed to before, Luke might directly raise objections, but now, as the captain, he doesn't want to express his opinion directly, "Vice team, what do you think?"

The old man brushed his hair with a comb, "I don't think it's a search warrant issue, but how to disrupt Henry Rogers' rhythm.

Although the police found his crime scenes one after another, they did not find any valuable evidence, indicating that he was stable and everything was under his control.

Even if we apply for a search warrant, will it still be in his calculations.

I think the key now is not how to investigate.

Because we have investigated enough, it should be to let him mess up.

Only when he is in a mess can we find a breakthrough.

Otherwise, no matter how many crime scenes we find, it will be useless. We are just following in his footsteps. "

"Makes sense," Luke agreed. "What do you think we should do?"

The deputy team didn't answer directly, "Raymond, is there any progress in your work today?"

"No, like you said, this guy is very stable, just went out for lunch, bought two bottles of whiskey at the convenience store on the way back, and then went home.

He was very unrestrained, and there was nothing wrong with him. "

Raymond added, "Captain, if we continue to monitor at night, I suggest changing to another team member. This guy is very vigilant, and he may already have an impression of us."

"I see." This is also what Luke is worried about. The suspect is very cautious, and the short-term follow-up is okay.

If you follow for a long time, you will definitely be noticed by the other party.

But if he doesn't follow up, he may commit crimes at any time and new victims will appear, which makes Luke very entangled.

The deputy team laughed, "Captain, I know how to make the suspect lose his mind."

"you say."

"No matter how rational a man is, he will lose his mind when facing his wife."

Raymond said, "I agree."

"That's right." Xiao Hei agreed.

"Hehe..." Luke laughed, and even Raymond took the initiative to open his mouth for the first time. This idea is probably okay.

Luke then called the cell phone number of the suspect's wife, Marta.

"Hello, Officer Li."

"Marta, I went to your friend Lorna Post's house to investigate."

"Did you find her?"

"Uh... I don't know what to tell you."

"What does that mean, something happened to her?"

"We found a highly decomposed body in her backyard..."

Before Luke could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the excited Marta, "Send the photo, she is my best friend, I will definitely recognize it."

"That's exactly what I'm going to say... Her head was cut off by the murderer."

"Oh no... why did this happen, why was she..." Marta cried out in pain on the other end of the phone.

After a while, Luke persuaded, "Things may not be as bad as you think, we haven't confirmed the identity of the body yet."

Marta choked up and said, "Did the murderer of the headless female corpse case do it?

Didn't he commit suicide in fear of crime? "

Luke explained, "First of all, the body found at Rhona Post's house died earlier than all the other bodies.

Secondly, the police have never held a press conference, and the so-called closure of the case is just for the media to gain traffic. "

Marta asked, "Is there a ring on the left middle finger of the corpse? I gave Lorna a ring once and she still wears it."

"The headless female corpse is indeed wearing a ring, I will send you the photo later.

Also, the corpse's right arm was once broken, did Rhona Post have a similar situation? "

"I bought the one, it was really her, she was injured when she fell while parachuting, and I took her to watch it together.


Woohoo..." Marta burst into tears again.

When the crying subsided, Luke asked again, "Marta, have you also paid attention to the case of the headless female corpse?"

"After talking to you on the phone yesterday, I also read the Los Angeles news. Is Helson Sweeney's wife the victim of the headless woman case?"

"Yes, they were killed in the same way."

"Do you suspect that Henry Rogers did it?"

"What do you think?" This is the second time Luke has asked this question. The last time he called, Marta was unwilling to answer directly.

After a long silence, Marta said firmly, "He did it, he is a terrible person, that's why I dare not go back to Los Angeles, but... I didn't expect him to hurt Lorna Post, I killed him her.

I killed my best friend. "

"It's not your fault, the murderer is Henry Rogers."

"No, you don't understand.

Rona knows where I am? And only she knows.

If Henry Rogers knew the address from her, he would definitely come to me.

If she told Henry Rogers, she wouldn't die... woo woo...

I killed her!

I killed my best friend with my own hands! "Marta was very emotional, "Have you caught Henry Rogers yet?" "

"not yet."

"Why didn't you catch him?

He must be the murderer. "

"Henry Rogers is very cunning. We investigated all the scenes and found no direct evidence related to him."

"Officer Li, what can I do?

I want to catch him, not only for Lorna, but also for myself and my child! "


305 N. Ibanez Community.

In a two-story villa.

Henry Rogers was sitting on the sofa, still drinking while watching TV, but the TV turned into a colored pay program, and three people were playing poker together on the screen.

Henry Rogers' expression was very flat, and his body didn't respond at all, as if the stimulating pictures and sounds couldn't bring him any emotional fluctuations.

Turning off the TV casually, Henry Rogers lay on the sofa bored, his eyes were empty and his expression was numb.

The whole room was surprisingly quiet.

"Jingle Bell……"

A mobile phone rang.

Henry Rogers picked up the phone and looked at it, sat up abruptly, the expression on his face changed again and again, and pressed the answer button, "Marta!"

"it's me."

"I've been waiting for you, waiting for you to come back to me."

"Henry, you know that's impossible, it's impossible for me to stay with you anymore."

"Why? Do you have a new love?"

"No, I just simply don't want to be with you, let's divorce."

"Marta, do you really want to be so heartless?

I have been waiting for you, but in exchange for a divorce? "

"Sorry, I really can't live with you anymore."

"How about we meet and have a good talk? I will change and become what you want."

"There's nothing to talk about, let's get a divorce."

Henry Rogers clenched his fists, "Have you decided?"

"Yes, let's get a divorce."

After a moment of silence, Henry sighed, "When?"

"You agree."

"Do I have a choice?"

"I'll make an appointment with a lawyer and let you know tomorrow."

"Very good, send me the flight number, and I will pick you up." The phone hung up, and Henry Rogers showed a fierce look, with a slightly sad tone,

"I gave you a chance..."

Henry Rogers took a sip of wine, closed his eyes, and slowly lay down on the sofa.

After a while, Henry Rogers stood up abruptly and said to himself, "Marta, why did you suddenly call for divorce?

You haven't contacted me since you disappeared.

Why this time? "

The corner of Henry Rogers' mouth curled up, "Los Angeles police?

It's getting more and more interesting.

But it's useless.

Marta, no one can stop you from coming back to me, no one! "

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