Los Angeles Detective

Chapter 280 Sayid McCann

Chapter 280 Saeed McCann

Xiao Hei and Jackson are just a part of this operation.

The so-called joint action is not as simple as it is literally understood.

It's not just the Robbery and Murder Division and the Anti-Mafia and Anti-Drug Division who are involved.

It's just a joint operation initiated by these two departments. These two departments have a strong appeal and can mobilize the patrol police from the sub-bureau to assist.

The clues and location of the money sale organized by the Mao Bear Gang were provided by the Anti-Mafia and Anti-Drug Department. Luke only needs to arrange his men to go to various locations to arrest people.

Xiao Hei and Jackson handed over the two suspects they had captured to the police, and went to the next location to fish.

The Los Angeles police love fishing very much. This thing is addictive. It can not only do meritorious deeds, but also generate income.

In one night, most of the Maoxiong Gang's silver sales locations were raided, and a total of sixteen silver sellers and four gang members were arrested, and some of them could not be arrested because of insufficient evidence.

However, these twenty people are enough for Mao Xiong to help the boss. The people here are divided into two parts, one part has status, and they need a lot of bail.

What's more troublesome is the unidentified silver sellers, who are all facing repatriation, and this is the biggest loss for the Maoxiong Gang.

These silver girls are the money-making tools of the Maoxiong Gang in Los Angeles. He will definitely find a way to keep these people. As for whether he can keep these people, it depends on two aspects. The secondary aspect is that if his network is strong enough, There are a few ways to stay.

There are a lot of Laomei's show operations, and there are many ways to solve the violations in a legal way.

Of course, it mainly depends on the attitude of the police. If the police keep a close watch and bite to death like a vicious dog, no one will dare to help him no matter how much money he pays.


next morning.

Luke made a pot of strong tea and yawned as he drank from a cup.

He was very busy last night, and he really wanted to sleep in if he could.

"Dong dong." There was a knock on the door outside.

"Come in."

David opened the door and walked in, holding half of the leftover hamburger in his hand.

Luke asked, "Why are you in my office so early?"

David sat across the table, "Maybe I missed you."

"Go to hell!" Luke gave a middle finger.

David picked up the teapot, poured himself a cup of tea, and took a sip, "You are the captain now, why are you still as rude as before?"

"When you become the vice-captain, you are not the same as a violent maniac.

If I hadn't stopped you yesterday, you would have beaten someone again. "

"That guy deserves to be punched.

Besides, I'm just the vice team, if I'm promoted to captain in the future, I'll change it. "

Luke laughed, I believe you asshole.

"Let's leave this bullshit in the bar. Why are you looking for me?"

"I can't find you if I have nothing to do."

"David, you can't fool me.

From the moment you walk into the office, from your every move, I can tell that you have something to do. "

"OK, you are Detective Luke, who can fool you?"

"No, you are my partner, I am too familiar with you.

Stop talking nonsense, what's the matter? Luke yawned, "If I have time, I'll take a nap." "

David showed envy, "You bastard, why are you saying this in front of a deputy team?"

"Do it well, and you'll have your own office, too."

"You're killing me." David finished the rest of the hamburger in one bite, drank a cup of tea and sat down,

"The boss of the Maoxiong Gang is here. After a friendly discussion, he agreed to allow Petrov to cooperate with the investigation. However, Petrov will avoid some matters involving the Maoxiong Gang. I hope you will not hold on .”

Luke smiled, picked up the teapot and filled it for David, "How did you persuade him?"

David said, "He took the initiative to go to the anti-crime and anti-drug department and asked us what we want?

In Jones' words, the Mao Bear Gang has gone too far recently, violating the laws of California, disrupting the normal order in Los Angeles, affecting the normal life of citizens, and disrespecting lapd.

In order to protect the interests of taxpayers, the police will impose sanctions on the Maoxiong Gang in accordance with the law until the Maoxiong Gang faces up to what they have done. "

Luke asked curiously, "What did the boss of the Mao Bear Gang say?"

"He still said that, what do you think?"

"Jones told about Petrov's case and asked Petrov to assist the Robbery and Murder Division in the investigation.

The boss of Maoxiong Gang was a little reluctant at first.

Jones warned him that if he did not cooperate with the investigation of the Robbery and Murder Division, the Robbery and Murder Division would not be able to solve the case and would find trouble with the Mao Bear Gang.

Maybe there will be a bigger operation against the bear gang.

Mao Xiong helped the boss compromise.

In his words, they came to California to make money, not to fight, and they didn't want to fight against lapd.

As long as the Robbery and Murder Division didn't get involved with their gang, he could get Petrov to tell him about the suspect.

That's it. "

"Very well, let's have a drink with tea instead of wine."

David gulped it down, smashed it and said, "Tea is tea, it can't replace wine."

"I see, I will buy you a drink." After Luke finished speaking, he asked back, "By the way, you are also a rich bachelor now, do you need to drink every day?"

"Not every cop is as rich as you.

In fact, I am quite envious that you are half-Chinese, as if all Chinese are good at making money. At least, the Chinese people I know are richer than me. It is said that Kelin has secretly opened two Chinese restaurants and earned more money than he did as a policeman. "

Luke seemed to have guessed something, "Are you paying alimony?"

"Of course, Lindsay has started to quit drugs, but it's not easy to find a job. This alimony is enough to guarantee her a normal life."

"Is there a lot of pressure?"

"It's okay, although Lindsay and I are divorced, we are still friends and still care about her.

I would like to give some money to help her.

She also needs to be supported now, so that she can really come out.

Only I can help her. "

"If you need money, remember to tell me."

"Have you found another way to make money recently?"

"Yes, I will tell you another day when I have a suitable opportunity."

"I'll buy you a drink then." David got up and left the office.


Norwich Hospital.

Ward 704.

Petrov was lying in the ward with bandages on his hands and feet, obviously missing a piece compared to normal people.

After the man was sent to the hospital, the doctor tried to connect his thumb, but because the time was too long, the best time for surgery had been lost.

For a gang member, lacking four thumbs, he is basically equivalent to a half-cripple, unable to run fast, jump high, have no strength to fight, and can't even hold a gun steadily. How can he fight with others.

If he was asked to act on behalf of the gang, he would be laughed to death.

"Dong dong." There was a knock on the door outside.

Petrov didn't respond, and was still lying there in a daze, as if he had lost interest in things outside.

"Crackling..." The door opened.

Luke and Xiao Hei walked into the ward.

"Hey, boy, are you okay?" Xiao Hei greeted him as if he was familiar with him.

Petrov glanced at the two of them, but remained silent.

Xiao Hei walked to the bed and sat down.

"Ah! Move your butt, you're sitting on my feet!" Petrov sat up with an 'ow', yelling in pain

"Sorry, I didn't mean it." There was no sincerity on Xiao Hei's face.

"You are the real bastard." Petrov trembled angrily.

"Wow, I'm so embarrassed to compliment me as soon as we meet. Can you sit on the right side of the bed?"

Petrov quickly withdrew his right foot, "No, don't sit on my bed."

Xiao Hei shrugged, "You are too unfriendly, we just want to have a good chat with you."

"I don't want to talk to you guys."

"OK, let's go then." Luke turned around, making a gesture to leave.

"Hey, stop." Petrov yelled, somewhat helplessly, "What exactly do you want?"

Luke asked back, "Didn't you let us go?

We happen to have something to do, and we may have some action tonight, so we need to catch up on sleep in advance. "

"Damn it, I'm unlucky enough, don't threaten me anymore." Petrov was a little mad.

"No one threatened you, but you didn't correct your attitude.

You are already a waste, and the Mao Bear Gang no longer needs you. The only way out is to cooperate with the police.

I'm helping you by talking to you, if I don't say anything now, just turn around and walk out.

I don't need to say more about how the Bear Gang boss will treat you. "

"Fuck, why am I so unlucky to meet Novena Jones? If it wasn't for this stinky woman causing trouble, I wouldn't be what I am now."

Seeing that the other party brought up the female victim, Luke took the opportunity to ask, "OK, let's talk about Novena Jones, what is your relationship with her?"

"Before I say it, I want an immunity agreement."

"You first say that if the problem is not serious and it is only related to the sale of silver, we can not charge you."

"Uh... Novena Jones is my silver seller. She is young, beautiful, pure, and very popular. Many customers like her style. Of course, there are some more violent customers who may beat people.

Novena Jones was beaten more than once, but that's all, I didn't expect her to be killed.

I don't know who did it either. "

Luke asked, "When did you know she was dead?"

"Our last contact was on the night of September 15th. Generally speaking, in the early morning of September 16th, we will meet and she will give me the money.

But she didn't show up the next day and I couldn't get in touch with her.

At first, I thought she was hiding, but there was no news until the afternoon. I was worried that she might run away, so I went to the place where she lived to check.

Then, I met him..." Petrov pointed at Xiao Hei, hesitant to speak,

"I was chased all the way by them, and then I jumped out of the car and escaped...

I was about to go out to hide, and just after I packed my things, I heard movement in the house. I went to check with a gun, and then I was attacked. It was a black man wearing a mask, who was also a pervert who tortured me. "

Petrov showed an angry look, "That pervert thought I killed Novena Jones, and then began to torture me, asking me about Novena Jones.

He was ruthless, and I didn't hold back, so I told him.

But he still refused to let me go and abolished me. "

Luke knew that he had concealed something about the Bear Gang, but according to the previous agreement, Luke did not pursue it, "Does he have a gun?"

"I did not see."

"Then how did he attack you?"

"I was packing things in the bedroom, and when I heard movement outside, I found that the light in the living room was off, and the light was a bit dim...

I searched the house with a gun and when I got near the couch he popped out from behind the couch and knocked me out.

He's fast and well-coached. "

"Tell me about his characteristics?"

"Wearing a black mask, black, about 185cm tall, very strong, wearing black clothes, I can't remember the rest."

"What was his purpose in attacking you?"

"He's investigating the murderer of Novena Jones."

"What clues did you tell him?"

"He asked me who might have killed Novena Jones and I said I didn't know.

He seemed to know that Novena Jones had been hit by clients, and asked me the identities of those clients, so I... told him. "

"Who is there?"

"Eddie Rose. This is a rich pervert, because Novena Jones didn't cooperate, so he beat Novena Jones severely.

Afterwards, he compensated a large sum of money.

He liked Novena Jones very much and wanted to find her again. "

"Anyone else?"

"Saïd McCann. He's a black man, about forty, with a crush on white women, a morbid obsession."

Luke wrote down the person's name, "Where's his contact information?"

Petrov thought for a while, "I don't have his mobile phone number, but he likes to bring girls home, once he took Novena Jones home and beat her badly.

I've been to his house and fixed him up. "

"Did he ask anything else?"

Petrov hesitated, "Yes, and asked a lot about gangs."

Luke is not very interested in the Mao Bear Gang. Based on his speculation, the reason why the masked black man asks a lot of questions is probably to hide his real purpose.

However, Petrov attaches great importance to gangs, but may ignore the real motives of the masked man.


half an hour later.

327 Gilshey Ave.

Two cars stopped near a two-story villa.

Luke, Xiao Hei, Jackson, and Jenny got out of the car one after another.

Luke ordered, "Jenny, Jackson, you are guarding outside the house, and Marcus and I went over to ask."

Jackson asked, "Captain, do you think the masked suspect will come looking for Saeed McCann?"

"It's possible, we'd better not make a big fuss. If he finds out that the police have set up an ambush, he probably won't dare to come." There is another possibility that Luke didn't say, that is, the suspect wearing a mask may have already come, so, this This investigation is likely to turn into a body collection.

"Boom boom."

Xiao Hei walked to the door and knocked on the door.

No one responded.

Luke leaned against the wall, and could faintly hear a burst of music, motioning for Xiao Hei to knock on the door again.

"Boom boom."

"Who is outside?" A man's voice sounded from inside the room.

"Crackling..." The door opened.

A black man in a bathrobe and smoking a cigarette stood at the door and exhaled a smoke ring, "Who are you? Why are you knocking on my door?"

Xiao Hei showed his police badge, "lapd."

"Wow... I rarely deal with lapds, what's your problem? Which boring neighbor complained about the noise?" The black man turned his head and shouted in the direction of the living room, "Hey baby, turn down the music.

Sorry, I just met a girl, she likes this kind of heavy metal music. "

The man showed a wretched smile and shook his body, "It's a white girl, she's awesome, hehe..."

Xiao Hei "..."

Luke said, "Listen, we are not interested in your girl, we are here to investigate the case, can you let us go in and talk."

"No, I can't let you in, she has no clothes on..."

Luke didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so he went straight to the point, "Sayyid McCann, we are investigating a criminal case, and we would like to ask you to assist in the investigation."

"What does that mean? Why am I involved in a criminal case?"

"You know Novena Jones?"

Said McCann hesitated, "No, I don't know."

Luke saw that the other party was lying, "Hey, you don't seem to realize the importance of this matter. Let me give you another chance. Do you know Novena Jones?"

"Uh..." Said McCann sighed softly, "Yes, I know her."

"What's your relationship?"

"It doesn't matter, I just met a few times, chat and communicate." Said McCann had an expression that you understand.

"On the night of September 15th, did you see Novena Jones?"

"No." Said McCann asked back, "What's wrong with her."

"She's dead."

"I bought Karma, what a pity, she is so beautiful, I have always wanted to have a good conversation with her...

It seems that there is no chance now.

But what do you want me to do? Saeed McCann seemed to think of something, "God, you don't think I killed her, do you?"

I swear to God, I didn't kill her, absolutely not. "

Luke kept staring at the other party, and found that the other party's expression did not seem to be lying, so he could temporarily rule out the suspicion that the other party was the murderer.

"If there's nothing else, can I go back?"

"Saïd McCann, the situation is more complicated than you think.

Someone might be after you. "

"What do you mean by that?"

"We got news that someone is also secretly investigating the cause of Novena Jones' death. You are also his target. If you are caught by him, you will not be as polite as us."

"Who is he and what will happen?"

"Probably a friend of Novena Jones who wants to avenge her.

The last client who was found by beating is still living in the hospital. "

"I bought Karma, that's terrible, what should I do?"

"Our police will protect you, but we need your cooperation."

"Is what you said true?"


Said McCann showed a flustered look, "What do I need to do?"

"Considering your safety, we hope you can go to the police station for protection, and we will temporarily requisition your house and set up an ambush to arrest the other party.

To ensure your safety. "

Said McCann patted his forehead and thought for a while, "Is there no other way? I don't want to go to the police station."

"You can stay in the house if you want, but you have to sign an agreement that if there is an accident during this period, it has nothing to do with the police."

"No no, I will not sign any agreement, I accept your suggestion, I will go with you to the police station." Said McCann sighed softly, pointed to his bathrobe,

"Can you give me a few minutes? I'm going to change clothes and tell my girlfriend about it by the way."

Luke stared at each other thoughtfully, "What's your girlfriend's name?"

"Sabana Fisher.

Is she going to the police station too? "

Luke didn't answer, and continued to ask, "What's your name?"

"Saïd McCann. Any questions?

If nothing else, I'm going to change clothes. With that said, the black man was about to close the door.


Luke blocked the door, "For your safety, I want to go in with you."

"Come on, are you kidding me? My girlfriend is naked in the living room." The black man winked his eyes and smiled cheaply.

"Although I don't really care, she will complain to you."

"I believe she will understand, let's go in together." Luke pressed his right hand on the gun.

It was too late and then it was too late, the black man made a move without warning, and waved his right hand like a shooting star.

Luke was worried that the opponent had a knife, so he dodged sideways.

The black man feinted and closed the door.


Luke took out his pistol and kicked open the door,


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