Los Angeles Detective

Chapter 260 Women

Although the woman's appearance was seen through surveillance, she did not apply for a membership card, and she paid in cash, so her identity could not be found.

Through the monitoring outside the supermarket, it was found that the woman left on foot and did not drive a vehicle, so there was no way to check the license plate number.

All of the above strengthened Luke's thinking. There was something wrong with this woman. She deliberately avoided police investigation and had a certain sense of anti-reconnaissance.

However, Luke didn't immediately look for this suspicious woman, not because he didn't want to, but because he had more important things to do.

Check the sales records, check the monitoring, and find everyone who bought Weisen brand mineral water from Shanyuan Supermarket.

These bought mineral waters are likely to contain highly toxic cyanide. In order to avoid more tragedies, the police need to remind these people not to drink mineral water.

At around one o'clock in the afternoon, Kelin Chen, the captain of the No. 2 Squadron of the Robbery and Murder Division, led a team to support.

Captain Chen's bald head was still so bright, and he was still serious.

Luke made a handover with him, and took Xiao Hei to dinner. The two had been busy checking the scene in the morning and hadn't eaten yet.

Xiao Hei was so hungry and weakly asked, "What shall we eat?"

Luke glanced around, "Get in the car, let's go to the Korean community and see what's delicious."

Xiao Hei pointed not far away, "Isn't there a Korean restaurant over there?"

"The ones over there are not authentic, let alone the poisoning incident in Shanyuan Supermarket. The two stores are so close to each other. Can you eat it?"

Xiao Hei nodded, "You're right."

The two got into the car, Luke commanded, "Drive slowly, I'll see what's delicious nearby."

Xiao Hei has partnered with Luke for so long, and he is more or less familiar with Luke's character, "Is there something you are hiding from me?"

"I just wanted to see if I could find the Korean woman who appeared in Shanyuan Supermarket nearby."

"How can you be sure she is Korean? Just because there is a Korean community around here?"

"This is just one of them."

Xiao Hei continued to speculate, "Because of kimchi? I also heard that Koreans like to eat kimchi."

"That's a huge part of the reason."

"Any other reason?"

"I can see that."

"Really?" Xiao Hei couldn't believe it, "I think Korean, Chinese, and Japanese are all similar. How do you tell the difference?"

"Clothes, manners, appearance, temperament..." Luke shook his head, "You can't learn this."

Xiao Hei pouted, "OK, then how do you want to find her? I don't know her identity, address, or license plate number."

Luke analyzed, "This woman is Korean, and she probably lives in the surrounding Korean community, and she did not drive, indicating that her home may not be far from the supermarket.

Koreans are relatively united, and many people know each other.

After dinner, let's go around and visit, maybe we can find out the whereabouts of this Korean woman. "

Xiao Heidao, "Sounds pretty good."

The two chose a Korean restaurant, because it was easier to investigate the case after eating.

Two servings of fried noodles, potted pork, grilled mackerel, fried chicken, miso soup, and two free side dishes, pickled radish and spicy cabbage.

Since we are here, how can there be less kimchi in a Korean restaurant.

It's simple to eat, a little food is enough, Luke and Xiao Hei are both foodies, even if they are investigating cases, they can't treat their mouths badly.

The case is investigated by others, and the body is his own. Luke's body was useless in his previous life. He suffered the same loss, and he didn't want to suffer it again.

After a meal, the overall feeling is not bad, but the fried noodles are a bit sweet, not as good as domestic ones.

The grilled mackerel was not bad.

What impresses Luke the most is the golden pickled radish, which is crunchy and delicious, which is a surprise.

After all, it is the kimchi kingdom, and there are still some unique features in this respect.

While checking out, Luke took out a photo of the suspicious woman for the waiter to identify, but the other party had no impression.

Luke didn't expect to be a hit, and continued to visit and inquire.

Restaurants, convenience stores, gas stations, flower shops, bars, barber shops...

Luke and Xiao Hei wandered the nearby streets for a long time and asked many people, but no one knew the Korean woman.

Xiao Hei's enthusiasm gradually declined, and Luke also had some doubts whether he had guessed wrong.

Afterwards, the two entered a nail salon. The nail salon was not large, it was a relatively long and narrow shop, and it looked like it was only tens of square meters.

There are three Korean women, one in her twenties, one in her thirties, and one in her fifties.

Luke looked at the three of them and locked his eyes on the Korean woman in her thirties. He felt that this woman was more like a boss.

Sure enough, the Korean woman in her thirties spoke up, "Gentlemen, do you want manicures too?"

Xiao Hei stretched out his black hand and shook it, "Is it okay?"

"Of course, as long as you like." The Korean woman smiled.

Xiao Hei waved his hand and pulled out his police badge like magic, "Sorry, I've let you down, we're not here to do manicures.

We are lapd and would like to ask you for some information. "

The Asian woman frowned slightly, "Oh, we are a legal nail salon with complete certificates."

"Don't be nervous, we just want to inquire about someone." Luke took out his mobile phone and clicked on the photo of the suspicious woman, "Do you know her?"

All three women leaned over to watch.

Luke said, "She should live in a nearby community."

Still no one spoke.

Luke said, "Your expressions have already told me that you know each other."

A Korean woman in her thirties said, "What happened to her?"

"We are investigating a case. She happened to be an eyewitness. We want to ask her some information. Are you familiar with her?"

"I do know her, but not very well. She only comes to nail art occasionally. I only know her surname is Jin, but I don't know where she lives? I don't have her contact information."

Luke didn't fully believe what this woman said. He knew Asian women better. Even if some people knew about it, they might not tell you.

"Do you know how to find her?"

An Asian woman in her thirties walked to the window, pointed outside and said, "After passing this intersection, there is a Jiangnan supermarket in front of you. I suggest you go there and ask, maybe you can find her whereabouts."

"Jiangnan Supermarket?"


"Does she work in this supermarket?"

"I'm not very clear, I still suggest you ask yourself."

"OK, thank you." Luke pointed to Xiao Hei beside him, "When there is a chance, my colleague will bring his wife for a manicure."


Xiao Hei froze for a moment, then asked, "Can I get a discount?"

"Of course, I will give you the highest discount, 20% off." The Asian woman smiled and sent the two out of the store.

The two walked a few steps, and Xiao Hei asked, "Why is it my wife?"

"Because I don't have a wife."

The two walked forward at an intersection, and saw the Jiangnan Supermarket that the owner of the nail salon said.

There are also many shops around Gangnam Supermarket, almost all of them are Korean style.

There are more than 300,000 Koreans in Los Angeles, which is the largest concentration of Koreans overseas.

Gangnam Supermarket is located within the Korean community.

The Korean style here is very strong, and you can read English, Korean, and Chinese, and it is easy to give people a feeling of crossing time and space.

After entering the supermarket, a woman in Hanbok stood at the door and greeted with a smile, "Welcome to Jiangnan Supermarket."

Xiao Hei spread his hands, "Why is it a supermarket again? We have been dealing with supermarkets today."

"This is good news. The common ground of the cases has been found, which shows that our investigation is in the right direction. As long as we continue to investigate along this line, we may be able to find the truth of the case."

Xiao Hei asked, "You mean that this case is a peer competition?"

"It's hard to say now." Luke said perfunctorily, and began to look around in the supermarket.

Compared with Shanyuan Supermarket, this supermarket has both similarities and differences.

The size of the two supermarkets is similar, and the products are both Korean products and Western products.

The difference is that Shanyuan Supermarket is more Western-oriented, and the proportion of Korean products only accounts for 30%.

Gangnam Supermarket mainly sells Korean products, and almost all kinds of Korean food and products can be found here.

Of course, there is also Weisen mineral water that Luke is most concerned about.

After checking the situation in the supermarket, Luke walked to the cashier and took out the photo of the suspicious Korean woman, "Hello, may I ask, do you know this woman?"

The cashier was a Korean girl in her twenties. She glanced at the photo, then at Luke, "Yes, what can you do with her?"

"Can you tell me where she is?"

The female cashier shook her head, "Sorry, I don't know you."

Xiao Hei flashed his police badge, "lapd, we are investigating a criminal case, and we want to ask her for some information."

"Wow... Please wait a moment." The Korean female cashier left a sentence and walked towards the back of the supermarket.

Xiao Hei asked, "Why do you always like to ask the cashier?"

Luke whispered, "Not every employee can be a cashier. Being able to become a cashier at least shows that the boss trusts her, either because of a close relationship or a stable job.

In addition, as long as the customers who bought something have to come here to check out, they will contact more customers.

While other staff in the supermarket are busy with their own business, they don't have much contact with customers. "

At this moment, a Korean woman in her thirties came over, "Gentlemen, my name is Sunmi Lee, and I am the boss here."

Luke looked at the other party, Li Sunmi was wearing a black dress, with a faint smile on her face, and she had a good temperament.

Luke took out the photo of the suspicious woman on the phone, "Boss Li, do you know the woman in the photo?"

"Yes, she is my cousin, what's the problem?"

"Can you give us her contact information and address?"

"Uh..." Li Shanmi hesitated, "Can you tell me what happened?"

"We are investigating a criminal case and would like to know something from her."

"It's not convenient for me to disclose her information at will. Do you think it's okay? I'll call directly and ask her to come to the supermarket to meet."


"You're welcome, please come to the office with me."

"It won't affect your work."

"It's okay, my cousin is like my family, her business is my business."

Luke and Xiao Hei were brought into the office. The office area was also small, and it was neatly organized in a typical Korean style. There were also a lot of potted plants in the room.

Li Shanmei asked, "What do the two police officers want to drink? Coffee, green tea, and black tea are all available here."

Luke politely declined, "No, we just had coffee before we came."

"Those two wait a minute, I'll call my cousin." Li Shanmei left the office, leaving only Luke and Xiao Hei in the room.

Xiao Hei got up and looked around, "I like this office, it's much more comfortable than Osmond's office. I feel that the lady boss of the supermarket is not bad."

Xiao Hei lowered his voice and said, "Do you think she has something to do with the poisoning case?"

"I can't tell." The distance between the two supermarkets is relatively close, and Luke also feels that there may be some 'problems' in the two supermarkets. As for the specific problems, it is not clear.

It's more of an intuition from years of police experience.

That's why Luke didn't come to the door directly, but rather waited.

Not long after, Li Shanmei walked into the office again, holding a tray in her hand, "Two police officers, I have already contacted my cousin, she will rush to the supermarket soon." While speaking, she put two cups of tea on the coffee table On, "This is a unique ginseng tea in Korea, please try it."

"What is ginseng tea? It's the first time I've heard of it." Xiao Hei picked up the teacup curiously, looked at it, and put it down again.

He is just careless, heartless, and not stupid.

What they were investigating was the poisoning case. Now that they found this supermarket, it means that there may be something wrong with this supermarket, so how could they drink the tea they gave them.

Luke showed a hint of apology, "Thank you for the tea, but we have a rule that we cannot accept entertainment during the case."

"Sorry, I don't know about this regulation, I just want to treat you to a cup of tea."

"Understood, kindly accepted."

Li Shanmei sat on the sofa next to her, picked up a cup of ginseng tea, and took a sip, "What do you call the two police officers?"

Xiao Hei introduced, "I am Detective Marcus from the Robbery and Murder Division, and this is Deputy Captain Luke."

"The Department of Robbery and Murder?" Li Shanmei looked puzzled, "I have a very close relationship with my cousin, and I know her better. It is hard to imagine that she will have contact with the Department of Robbery and Murder. Can I ask what happened?"

This female boss gave Luke a good impression, but Luke thought about it and didn't tell her the details. As she said, she has a good relationship with her cousin.

If she was told the reason for the investigation, the other party would probably talk to her cousin, and the police would be passive instead.

Besides, her cousin is the person involved, and her cousin hasn't arrived yet, so what's the matter with telling her?

But about ten minutes later, the door of the office was pushed open, and a 40-year-old Korean woman walked in. It was the woman captured on the surveillance camera of Shanyuan Supermarket.

The female boss Li Sunmi stood up, "Cousin, you are here.

These are the two officers looking for you, this is Deputy Luke from the Robbery and Murder Division, and this is Detective Marcus. "

The Korean woman nodded slightly, a little reserved, "Hello, two police officers, I'm Jin Xiuhui. What can you do for me?"

"We are investigating a criminal case and would like to ask you for some information."

Jin Xiuhui was a little nervous, "Criminal case, did you make a mistake?"

Luke looked at Li Sunmi who was on the side, "Boss Li, can we talk alone?"

"Of course." Li Shanmei responded, patted her cousin's arm, and then left the office.

Jin Xiuhui looked at Luke, then at Xiao Hei, "I... I have never done anything illegal."

"Ms. Jin, you look a little nervous."

"Isn't it normal to be nervous in the face of the police?"

"Relax, we're just asking a few questions, and you just have to answer truthfully," Luke said.

Jin Xiuhui nodded.

Luke cut to the point, "Do you know Shanyuan Supermarket?"

"Yes, it's not far from the neighborhood where I live, what's the problem?"

"Have you been to that supermarket recently?"

"Uh...it seems so."

"When did you go?"

"I can't remember."

"Then recall carefully."

"It seems to be... August 22nd."

"What did you go to that supermarket for? How long did you stay?"

"What can I do in the supermarket? Of course I'm shopping, and I can't remember how long I've been there."

"Just shopping? No other purpose?" Luke looked at the other party sharply.

"Yes." Jin Xiuhui dodged her eyes and turned her head slightly.


Luke continued to ask, "Your cousin also runs a supermarket. Since you need to buy something, why don't you come to your cousin's house?"

Jin Xiuhui thought for a while, "I like to eat soup and rice, but I can't eat it every day, and occasionally I will eat steak.

The same goes for supermarkets. Sometimes you don’t have to buy anything, you just want to go shopping. My cousin’s supermarket is too familiar.

It's also normal for me to want to check out a new supermarket.

What's wrong with this? "

"If it's just like this, of course there is no problem, and our Robbery and Murder Department will not come here, but the problem now is that someone poisoned Shanyuan Supermarket, causing one death and one injury to customers.

Both the boss and the clerk of Shanyuan Supermarket think you are suspicious, which is why we came here. "

"Poisoned in Shanyuan Supermarket? Still dead?" Jin Xiuhui opened her mouth, as if a little frightened,

"Nonono, this has nothing to do with me, I just went to the supermarket, it is impossible to have something to do with the murder case.

There are too many customers going to that supermarket, why do you doubt me? "

Luke didn't answer directly, because they did not have direct evidence to prove that Jin Xiuhui was related to the poisoning case, so he changed the subject and asked, "Ms. Jin, have you ever touched Weisen brand mineral water in Shanyuan Supermarket?"

"Mineral water?" Jin Xiuhui frowned slightly, as if recalling, "I can't remember. Isn't it normal to choose things in the supermarket? Besides, there is more than one mineral water brand in the supermarket, and I can't remember clearly."

Luke saw no obvious signs of lying from her face.

If the other party was a poisoner, it would be impossible for him to be so calm after hearing Weisen brand mineral water.

Did I make a mistake and she had nothing to do with the poisoning case?

"Ms. Jin, what we are investigating now is a case that seriously endangers public safety. If necessary, urgent action can be taken, even without search and arrest warrants.

If the case is delayed for even a second, there may be an additional death, so I hope you can clarify the matter.

I am a police officer, I deal with criminals every day, and I have seen all kinds of liars.

Whether you have lied or concealed anything, I can tell at a glance.

If you lie, it will affect the progress of the investigation, which means that you are indirectly involved in this case, which is not a good thing.

I say these, just hope you realize the seriousness of the matter. "

Jin Xiuhui's complexion changed again and again, her original fair face was a bit smudged due to dripping sweat, "I... I did have other purposes for going to Shanyuan Supermarket that day..." Jin Xiuhui hesitated to speak.

"What purpose?"

Jin Xiuhui glanced out of the office and whispered, "My cousin asked me to go."

"What did she ask you to do?"

"She asked me to check the prices and types of items in Shanyuan Supermarket. This is also the purpose of my going to Shanyuan Supermarket. I have not done anything illegal."

"Why do you want to do this?"

"The distance between the two supermarkets is relatively close, and the main customers are nearby residents. Everyone will definitely have a comparison. If the price is set too high, customers may not come and go to Shanyuan Supermarket instead.

If the price is set low, the supermarket itself will not be able to make money, so my cousin hopes to find out the prices of items in Shanyuan Supermarket.

However, she is the owner of Jiangnan Supermarket after all, it is not suitable for her to go by herself, and she does not trust others, so she asked me to help.

The two of us are very close, and I am not an employee of Jiangnan Supermarket, so it doesn't matter if Shanyuan Supermarket finds out. "

"Then why didn't you tell the truth in the first place?"

"I'm sorry, I'm just afraid of affecting my cousin's business. Although what I do is not illegal, it is taboo among colleagues.

And I did not poison Shanyuan Supermarket, I have a clear conscience, and I am not lying on this point. "

"Ms. Jin, I can understand your previous thoughts. What I want to know is whether you are lying now?"


"Can I trust you?"


"How did you investigate the prices? How did you record them? I'm afraid you can't remember so many prices from memory alone."

"Uh..." Jin Xiuhui showed hesitation again.

Luke raised his eyebrows, "Ms. Jin, don't let me down?"

"My cousin prepared a miniature camera in advance and put it in my purse. I just need to walk around with the purse and keep changing positions to take pictures of the supermarket and record the prices and types of goods."

Xiao Hei laughed, "Micro camera? Sounds like something only perverts would use."

Kim Soo Hye retorted, "I'm not a pervert, I'm just helping my family."

Luke asked, "Where's the camera and the footage?"

"It's all at my cousin's place. It's useless for me to ask for those things."

"Did your cousin give you money?"

"How can it be?

She is my family, and I will not ask her for money. The purpose of our filming is only to investigate the prices of supermarkets. Shouldn't it be illegal? "

"I don't know if it's illegal, and I don't know much about the law, but it's fine that you chose to confess to the police.

Based on this alone, I will not pursue this matter.

Of course, the premise is that it's just a sneak shot, and there are no other ulterior purposes. "

Jin Xiuhui breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank God, thank the two police officers, there are really no more."

Luke got up, opened the door of the office, took a look outside, and found Li Shanmei, the owner of the supermarket, standing not far away, "Boss Li, we are done talking, can I have a chat with you?"

"Me?" Li Shanmi hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Yes."

"Ms. Jin, thank you for your assistance. On behalf of lapd, I thank you." Luke made a gesture of invitation, signaling the other party to go out first.

Jin Xiuhui walked to the door and whispered something in Korean.

Li Shanmi patted her on the back, comforted her, and signaled her to go out first.

At this time, only Luke, Xiao Hei and Li Shanmei were left in the office.

Luke smiled and said, "Boss Li, I'm very envious of the relationship between you and your cousin."

Li Shanmei sat on the sofa and nodded slightly, "My cousin took good care of me, she was the one who brought me to Los Angeles.

Officer Luke, are you investigating my cousin because of the Shanyuan Supermarket? "

"Your cousin told you just now?"

"No, I guessed it, my cousin is a good person, and apart from this incident, I can't think of anything the police would want her for.

However, I just asked her to learn about the prices and types of items in Shanyuan Supermarket, so it shouldn't be a big deal.

Why did the two come to investigate? "

Luke smiled, "Boss Li, there are no outsiders here, I hope everyone can be honest.

We are the police, and we wear law enforcement recorders every day. This thing can indeed take pictures of law enforcement, but it is difficult to take pictures of small things clearly.

For example, the price and variety on the product label are difficult to capture clearly.

I don't think it's a good idea to use a tiny camera just to know the price and variety of items.

Being caught by the supermarket owner is even more troublesome.

Your operation confuses me a bit, can you explain? "

Li Shanmei seemed a little embarrassed, and lowered her voice, "Uh...you are right, actually there is another purpose for asking my cousin to bring a miniature camera to Shanyuan Supermarket.

However, my cousin doesn't know, can you keep it secret for me? "

Xiao Hei pouted, feeling a little disdainful in his heart. Sure enough, the capitalists didn't have a good thing.

Luke also slandered, okay, we were sisters just now, woman.

"As long as it doesn't affect the police investigation, I can agree."

Thank you book friends for rewarding

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