Los Angeles Detective

Chapter 239 Weird (2 in 1)

half an hour later.

Other members of the Robbery and Murder Division rushed to the scene.

Recently, No. 1 Squadron has not assigned a case. Even if this case is discovered by others, there is a high probability that it will be assigned to No. 1 Squadron.

The deputy team glanced at Luke, and said enviously, "We work in the police station, but you are on vacation by the sea.

Boy, I am a little envious of you. "

Luke smiled. It stands to reason that Vice Captain Vincent has reached retirement age. He was rehired by the police station not so much because of his love of work, but because of economic reasons.

Xiao Hei pouted, "You didn't call me, it's so embarrassing."

"I also regret that I didn't bring you here, it's super boring." Luke thought of Orti's S-shaped curve, and said in disbelief.

Xiao Hei rubbed his heart, "Hearing you say that makes me feel much better."

The deputy team glanced around, "Didn't you say that the body was found in the sea? Where is it?

Why can't I see it. "

Luke said, "The body is three meters below the surface of the sea, so it's normal not to see it."

"Then how did you find the body?"

"Actually, I'm not here for vacation today, but to learn how to snorkel. I discovered it while practicing snorkeling."

"Scuba diving? Sounds super cool." Xiao Hei praised, then frowned, "You're secretly learning new skills by yourself again."

"I plan to learn to surf in the future, and I really want to experience the feeling of conquering the sea."

Xiao Hei shook his head, "No, you just want to be handsome."

"certainly not."

While the two were chatting, Susan was discussing with the technical team and the forensic doctor how to fish the corpse out of the sea.

In the end, it was decided to send a technical team member who could dive into the water, one was to salvage the body, and the other was to search for other evidence around the body.

Soon, the member of the technical team went into the water with diving equipment. Instead of salvaging the corpse immediately, he first took pictures of the state of the corpse and the surrounding environment.

This is the first scene. If the body is salvaged directly, some evidence will most likely be missed.

After taking pictures, the divers dived into the bottom of the sea. The location here is not very deep, only seven or eight meters in total.

A rope was tied to the right foot of the black teenager, and a large iron block was tied to the bottom of the rope. If the body was salvaged directly, the falling force of the iron block might damage the body.

Therefore, the salvage is divided into two parts, one part salvages the corpse, and the other part salvages the iron blocks, and the two are carried out at the same time.

The diver tied up the body, wrapped the iron block with a net, and pulled upwards at the same time, pulling the body out of the water and putting it into the motorboat.

Afterwards, the divers jumped into the water again and continued to inspect the scene around the corpse to see if there was any evidence left behind, such as tools or items carried by the corpse.

The body was moved to the shore, and the surrounding area was under martial law. Except for the presence of the police, other tourists had been dispersed.

People from the First Squadron, the forensic medical team, and the technical team all began to observe the corpse.

Luke also saw it more clearly this time. The boy's face looked a little immature, and his body showed signs of being bitten. Judging from the appearance of the wound, it should be bitten after death, and it is likely to be an underwater creature.

Thinking of this, Luke felt a little sick, and decided not to eat seafood for the last two weeks.

The teenager was wearing a black Nike T-shirt, shorts and a Nike sneaker on his left foot.

Xiao Hei squatted down and observed the boy's sneakers, "This pair of Nike sneakers is a limited edition. I have always wanted to buy them, but they are too expensive. They have already been priced at $1,000 a pair. Children from ordinary families must not be able to afford them." .

But who is so cruel that he would kill a teenage child. "

The deputy team said, "There are billions of people in this world, and it is impossible for everyone to be normal.

However, why did the murderer throw his body here? "

Jackson speculated, "Could the body have floated in from other places with the sea water?"

The deputy team pointed to the iron lump tied to the left foot of the deceased, "Even if it floats from other places, it shouldn't be too far away.

There are no witnesses, and Luke is the policeman. There are too few clues in the early stage of this case. We have to find out the identity of the deceased first. "

Xiao Hei pointed to several hotels not far away, "Could the deceased be a guest of the surrounding hotels?"

Susan said, "In this way, everyone will go to nearby hotels and shops separately, and when the forensic and technical departments find clues, I will send them to the chat group."

"Yes, captain."

Everyone split up.


Luke and Xiao Hei walked towards the Hilton Hotel along the beach.

Xiao Hei said, "The deceased was still a child. I hate such cases the most. I always feel uncomfortable in my heart."

Luke said, "The most painful thing at this time is his parents. The child who has been raised for more than ten years will be gone...There is nothing in the world that is more painful than a white-haired person sending a black-haired person."

Xiao Hei nodded, "You are right, so I don't want children in my life."

"You don't like children?"

"I like it, but kids mean responsibility.

I... feel like I don't have that ability, and I don't want to take on that responsibility.

Why do people have to have children?

I can't figure it out at all. "

"Have you talked to Julian?"

"No, I don't know how to talk to her, what attitude to talk to her.

First, I'm not sure if she's actually pregnant.

It would have been embarrassing for both of us if she wasn't pregnant.

If she is pregnant, I don't know how to face her. Xiao Hei couldn't help complaining, "I really don't know what this woman is thinking?"

The two of us got along very well, we liked each other, we were like glue, and we had a great time.

That night, I invited her to a very expensive restaurant for dinner, it was very romantic and very emotional...

She suddenly said that she was going to get married.

At first I thought she was joking.

But then...

I found out that she really wanted to marry me and used various means to force me to marry.

I was really miserable during that time, and I liked her, really.

But I don't want to get married, I really don't.

I don't even want children.

I cannot bear this responsibility. "

Luke speculated, "Could it be that she is pregnant and wants to marry you?"

"She never talked about being pregnant. If I knew she was pregnant at the time, I would have let her...

I know it's cruel, but I'm totally unprepared to be a dad.

No, it should be said that I was not prepared at all. "

Xiao Hei suddenly grabbed Luke's arm and said in a trembling voice, "I'm so scared now, I tremble when I think of this, I really don't know what to do?

God, why are you doing this to me.

help me.

I'm really scared! "

Luke put his arm around his shoulders, "Don't be afraid, man, I'll have your back.

Others I may not be able to help much, but if you need money, let me know.

What you have to do now is talk to her and get things straightened out.

Don't scare yourself by running away from yourself all the time.

Maybe like you said, she just gained weight and wasn't pregnant. "

Xiao Hei took a deep breath, "I will."


The mobile phones of the two rang at the same time. Luke took out the mobile phone and looked at it. Susan sent some information about the deceased in the chat group.

Preliminary autopsy results, male, aged between 13-15, drowned in water, time of death, between 5:00 pm and 12:00 pm on August 2.

Captain America shield tattoo on shoulder.

Luke couldn't help but feel a little bit emotional, between the ages of 13 and 15 is the best time for a person.

As Xiao Hei said, being a parent is not easy.

When handling this kind of case, what Luke fears most is facing the parents of the deceased.

The two entered the Hilton Hotel. There was a white man in a blue shirt at the front desk. He looked young, only in his twenties, a little younger than Luke, with a professional smile on his face.

"Gentlemen, what can I do for you?"

Xiao Hei flashed his police badge, "I am Detective Marcus from the Robbery and Murder Division, and this is Deputy Team Luke."

Xiao Hei is an optimist, the pain comes and goes quickly, and this is one of the things Luke likes about him.

People's emotions are contagious, and with this kind of people, you will also become happy.

Sometimes happiness is just a feeling.

The white guy asked, "Is it because of the dead people on the beach?"

"You've heard that too."

"Yes, a lot of customers were discussing just now, and some customers have to check out. We have been busy for a while just now. Two police officers, what do you want to do in our hotel?"

"According to our guess, the deceased is likely to be a tourist staying in a nearby hotel. We come to the hotel to investigate as a matter of routine. I would like your help in identifying it."

The front desk is the job of welcoming and sending people off. Many people have to go through the front desk when entering and leaving the hotel. If the deceased was a hotel resident, the front desk might be able to recognize him.

"OK, anyway, I'm not busy now, I'm happy to help."

"Thank you." Luke took out the photo of the deceased, "The photo may be a little scary, you have to be mentally prepared."

"I just went to my grandpa's funeral a while ago, so there was nothing to be afraid of."

Luke didn't say any more, and directly put the photo in front of him.

The Caucasian boy glanced at the photo, his expression changed slightly, and he frowned, "Wow, he's still so young, what a pity."

Luke observed his expression, "Is he a customer of your hotel?"

The white boy hesitated for a moment, "No."


"Have you seen him?"



From the reaction of the other party, Luke can basically confirm that he should know the deceased.

With the clue, Luke was no longer in a hurry, and looked at the white guy, "What's your name?"


"The name sounds nice. Can you help us find some employees who worked the day before yesterday? I want to know more about the situation. Maybe others have seen the deceased."

"Deputy Luke, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you, I work at the front desk every day, and I have a good memory, as long as it's a guest of our hotel, I can basically recognize it.

If I don't recognize it. Then it should not be a guest of our hotel. "

Luke asked, "Can we have a look at the surveillance?"

"Sorry, I'm afraid this won't work, the person in charge of our hotel won't agree."

"How did you know you disagreed if you didn't ask?"

"There have been similar situations before, according to the hotel's policy, unless the police have a search warrant, otherwise, we will not disclose the privacy of customers.

We need to be responsible to the customers of the hotel. "

"OK, I understand." Luke left a business card, "If you think of any clues, you can call me."

"no problem."

Afterwards, Luke and Xiao Hei left the Hilton Hotel.

Xiao Hei asked subconsciously, "Where shall we go next?"

"Apply for a search warrant!"


Half an hour later, Luke returned to the Hilton Hotel again.

Besides him and Xiao Hei, Raymond, Jenny and two patrolmen followed.

The little brother Butka at the front desk was a little surprised, "Deputy Luke, Detective Marcus, why are you back again?"

"What is that?" Xiao Hei didn't answer, and went straight into the counter.

Butka hurriedly stopped, "Sir, you can't do this. Even if you are the police, you can't break in."

Xiao Hei picked up a document that was being printed from the fax machine in the hotel, and handed it to Butka, "This is the search warrant you want."

Butka panicked, "Didn't I already help you identify the dead body? Why do you need to apply for a search warrant?"

Luke said, "Because you lied."

"I don't."

"Do you know for yourself that monitoring will not lie."

Luke said to the two patrolmen, "Look at him, let's go to the monitoring room."

"Hey, Deputy Luke, please wait a moment, I have something to say." Butka hurriedly shouted.

"Before you speak, think carefully. I don't like being lied to. Usually people who cheat on me don't end well."

Butka found a colleague to watch at the front desk for him, and whispered, "Deputy Luke, can you talk about it in another place?"

Luke took him to a place far from the front desk, "Go ahead."

"Sorry, I did lie, I'm really sorry."

"Why lie?"

"Things are more complicated."

"Just put it simply."

"I've seen the dead man and talked to him, but his death has nothing to do with me, and I was surprised to see his picture."

"Is he a hotel resident?"

"That's right."

"Yes, yes, no, no, what is it?" Luke was not satisfied with this answer, "Which room does he live in? Where is his family?"

"Room 707, he stayed in the hotel alone."

Xiao Hei frowned and said, "You are still lying, he is still a child, he is not an adult, and he is not even qualified to open a room, how can he stay in a hotel alone?"

"As I said just now, things are a bit complicated. His room was opened under my identity. If the hotel supervisor finds out about this, I may be fired."

"You know him?"

"do not know."

"Then why did you open the room for him?"

"After three years of employment, the employee can get a 20% discount card when staying in the hotel, and I can earn 20% of the difference.

I have been a little tight recently and needed money, so I opened a room for him. "

"How did he contact you?"

"A week ago, he showed up with a fake driver's licence.

I also came from that age, and I also got a fake driver's license, and he was so young, I could see through it at a glance.

He really wants to rent a house and ask me for help.

And gave me a $100 tip.

Although he is young, he is very rich.

I agreed.

He gave me cash and I opened a room for him.

Everyone gets what they need, he has a house to live in, and I can make a little money.

Please don't tell my boss that I need this job badly. "

Luke said, "We are here to investigate the case, and we have no obligation to hide it for you.

Of course, there is no need for us to report to your superiors, how to explain is your business.

When did he check in and did he check out? "

"Checked in on July 26, and his house has been checked out today."

"Have you cleaned it?"

Butka glanced at the phone, "It's time to clean up."

"Fuck!" Xiao Hei swears, "Are you destroying the clues on purpose?"

"I didn't. I didn't see him yesterday, and I didn't see him today. I called him and no one answered. The money he gave was only enough to pay for today's room. I can't lose money to help him rent a room. It's a loss.

So, at noon, I canceled the room, which should have been occupied by a new guest. "

The room was cleaned and new guests were admitted, so the clues and evidence were destroyed. Even if the police could find the remaining clues, it would be difficult to use them as evidence in court.

"What's his name?"


"full name?"

"I really do not know."

"What's his phone number?"

Boutka took out his phone, flipped it open, and said, "626 836 542*"

Luke directly sent the mobile phone number to Matthew. With the mobile phone number, the identity of the owner can be locked.

The owner is likely to be the family of the deceased.

Luke arranged the task, and Raymond and Jenny were in charge of checking the surveillance to see if, as Butka said, the deceased had indeed been to the hotel, and whether any other suspicious persons had contact with the deceased.

Two patrolmen rushed to room 707 and waited for the technical team to take over the scene. Even if the clues in the room were destroyed, necessary investigations were still required.

Luke and Xiao Hei are responsible for contacting the family members of the deceased.

Soon, news came from Matthew, and the owner information of the mobile phone number was found.

Owner, Maureen Yagot

Gender: Female

age, 42 years old

Address, No. 102, Carvalho Street.

Social Security Number, 623-53-854*

Mobile phone number, 626 836 542*; 626 346 268*

Afterwards, Luke dialed the owner's second mobile phone number.

After a while, the phone connected.

A woman's voice came to mind on the phone, "Hello, this is Yagot's house?"

"Do you know Kunel?"

"Of course, he is my lovely eldest son, what can you do with him, sir?"

Hearing this, Luke's face was a little dignified, telling a mother that your son died is a very cruel thing.

"Ms. Yagot, how is your health?"

"It's good, what's the matter?"

"I have something to tell you, a bad thing, related to your son Quinil." Luke continued to vaccinate.

"Damn Omega, is Kunel causing trouble again?

What a bad boy, when he comes back later, I will definitely teach him a lesson. "

Luke heard something strange in his tone. According to the forensic doctor's guess, Quinnell's death lasted more than 24 hours yesterday, but judging from what his mother said, it seemed that he had made an appointment with Quinnell. "

"Ma'am, have you made an appointment with Kunel?"

"Hehe, he is my son, we live together, do we need an appointment?

He just took his younger brother out to play basketball and will be back soon.

Sir, what is the matter with you? Why does it feel a little strange? "

Now, it's Luke's turn to make a difference. Isn't Kunil dead?

How can a dead person play basketball?

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