Los Angeles Detective

Chapter 208 Suspect

On June 28, in the robbery and homicide case of Mount Copper, according to the description of the victim Shirley, a black car drove by the side of the road during the incident.

Later, her son Terry also claimed that he spent $1,000 to hire four punks to go to the crime scene to make trouble, and the car driven by the four punks was a black Tesla sedan.

The same car appeared at two different crime scenes, and the two cases had similar means of committing crimes, and they were probably committed by the same murderer. The suspicion of this car has naturally risen.

Moreover, even if the owner is not a suspect, he is likely to be a witness.

Luke zoomed in on a part of the dashcam video, saw the license plate number of the Tesla car clearly, and found out the identity of the owner based on the license plate number.

Name, Brian Martinez

Sex: Male

age, 44

Mobile number, 626 876 583*

License plate number, 3lLb85*

Address, No. 104, Naka Community


Later, Luke led the team to the owner's house.

After getting off the car, I observed the surrounding environment. The left side of the owner's yard is the lawn, and the right side is the garage. There is an Audi car in front of the garage, but the black Tesla sedan is not found.

Although the Tesla car appeared at different crime scenes twice, the owner of the car has certain suspicions.

But there is no direct evidence that the other party is the suspect.

Therefore, it is still necessary to treat the car owner as a witness.

Of course, this attitude refers to the superficial attitude. In fact, we still have to prepare for the worst.

Luke and Xiao Hei are responsible for calling the door.

Jenny and Jackson are on alert around, ready to support.

After everything was ready, Xiao Hei walked to the door and rang the doorbell.

Not long after, the door opened from the inside, and a middle-aged white man stood at the door, looked at Xiao Hei, and then at Luke, "What's the matter? Who are you looking for?"

Xiao Hei flashed his police badge, "lapd, I'm Detective Marcus, and this is Deputy Luke."

The white man was a little surprised, and spread his hands, "Did you make a mistake, I didn't report to the police."

Luke asked, "What's your name, sir?"

"Brian Martinez."

"Mr. Martinez, do you have a black Tesla sedan with license plate number 3lLb85* in your name?"

"Yes, what's the problem?"

"Is that car you are using?"

"No, my son is using it, what's wrong with this kid? He was speeding again, or didn't pay the ticket on time?

When this bastard comes back, I will definitely teach him a lesson. "

Xiao Hei curled his lips, "Hey, this is not our business, we are from the Robbery and Murder Division, we are investigating a criminal case, and the black Tesla car appeared at the scene.

We're here for witnesses. "

Brian Martinez frowned, "That should be a coincidence."

Luke echoed, "Of course, we just wanted to come here and ask if the car owner found anything unusual when passing by the scene of the crime, such as some characteristics of the suspect or other clues, which are very important to the investigation of the case."

Brian breathed a sigh of relief, "That's right.

I'm afraid that will have to wait for my son to come back. He has been using that car recently.

I'll give him a call. "

Luke said, "Can you give me your son's contact information? Let me communicate with him directly, and it will be clearer."

Brian hesitated, "Sorry, my son is not yet an adult, so it's more appropriate for me to say it.

Don't worry, I will let him come back as soon as possible, so I won't waste too much time for you. "

Brian stepped aside, "Lieutenant Luke, please come in and wait for a while."


Luke and Xiao Hei entered the living room, while Brian went to the dining room to make a phone call.

The decoration of the living room is very simple and clean. There are many oil paintings on the walls, most of which are realistic oil paintings.

Among them, there was a picture of a naked woman coming out of the bath that caught Xiao Hei's attention, "Luke, what do you think?"

Luke nodded, and said solemnly, "It suits your style."

Brian came out of the restaurant and said to Xiao Hei, "You have a good eye. This painting is from a famous artist. It is a master of realistic ink painting in the last century, and it is also the most expensive of all oil paintings."

Xiao Hei sneered, how could he understand this.

Luke asked, "Mr. Martinez, when will your son be back?"

"He's near home, and he should be back soon." Brian responded, showing concern, "I want to know what case you are investigating."

Under normal circumstances, Luke would not easily disclose the case to outsiders.

But Brian's situation is different. His son is not yet of age, and Luke can't get around him if he wants to get his son's statement.

"We are investigating a car shock robbery and homicide." Luke briefly introduced.

"A car robbery?"


"I bought a car, it's terrible. Now almost everyone has a car, and everyone can become a murderer's target."

"You are right, so we must catch the murderer as soon as possible. And your son's record is very important to us."

Brian nodded, "What do the two police officers want to drink? Coffee or tea?"

"Thank you, we just drank coffee in the car, we don't need it for now."

Luke would hardly eat at the homes of the people involved.

It may not be dangerous once or twice, but the person involved may also be a hidden murderer. What if he is caught?

After about twenty minutes, there was movement outside.


The door opened from the outside, and a white teenager with long hair and a tattoo on his right arm walked into the living room, similar to the physical characteristics of one of the gangsters Terry described.

Brian pointed to the long-haired boy and introduced, "Deputy Luke, this is my son Achille Martinez."

"Hello, Achill, I'm Luke, the deputy captain of the Robbery and Murder Division. I'm here today to ask you something."

Achill sat on the other side of the sofa, crossed his legs and said, "I heard from my father that you want to ask me about a case, what case?"

"On the night of June 28th, did you go to Mount Copper in your black Tesla?"

"Yes, what's the problem?"

"That night, there was a robbery and strong homicide on Mount Kapolei. According to the victim, your car happened to be passing by."

"That's right. We were driving up the hill and we saw a masked man and a woman playing poker from a distance.

At first we thought they were playing a game, some kind of perverted sex game.

A friend of mine still wants to stay and study.

Then we heard gunshots, and the masked freak fired.

We didn't want to cause trouble, so we drove away. "

"Who else was in the car besides you?"

"They're all my friends."

"Tell them their names."

"Domit James, Bobby Rael, Galika Udo, just the four of us."

"Who was driving?"

"it's me."

"Describe the detailed crime scene you saw."

"It was dark at that time, and the car was still driving, so it was impossible to see too clearly.

And there was another gunshot, and I was shaking with fright, not sure how much I remembered. "

Luke pressed, "How many people did you see at the crime scene?"

"three people."

"Tell me about the physical characteristics of the three people, as well as the detailed process of the crime."

"There was a woman lying on the front door of the car, naked, couldn't make out her face, but she was white.

There is a masked person playing poker behind her, it should be wearing a black top with bare bottom.

In addition to these two people, there should be a man in the back of the car.

After our car approached, he poked his head out to call for help, as if his mouth was gagged, he could only make a whining sound...

Then the masked man shot and killed the man in the back of the car, and the woman ran away, or so. "

"After that, have you ever returned to the scene of the crime?"

"No, the other party has a gun. I didn't want to cause trouble, so I left by another way."

"Why did you appear at the scene of the crime? Is it by chance or for other reasons?"

"There was a kid in a white Volvo who came to us and paid us a thousand dollars to go find that Mercedes and mess with the people in it.

At that time, we thought it would be interesting, if we had money to get it, and we could watch the show, so we agreed.

Unexpectedly, I was almost shot. If I see that kid again, I must ask him for a mental damage fee. "

"Since you witnessed the shooting, why didn't you call the police?"

"We don't want to get in trouble, and to be honest, the cops I've had in the past haven't been nice." Achill gives you a look you know.

Achill's description roughly matched that of Shirley and Terry.

Luke changed the subject and asked about another case, "Did you drive a black Tesla car to Santa Monica Beach between nine and eleven last night?"

"No, I haven't been there."

"But according to our investigation, this car of yours was traveling with the victim's car for a long time, which is why we came to you."

"Uh, actually, if you don't come today, I will call the police. My car has been stolen."

Luke didn't speak, and Brian frowned, "What are you talking about? The car was stolen.

When did this happen? I do not know how? "

Achill showed a nervous look, "Yesterday, I went to the bar to drink with my friends, and I was accidentally drunk and couldn't drive, so I took a taxi and went home.

The car was parked on the side of the road. I went to find the car this morning and found that the car was gone.

I guess it might have been stolen. "

Brian scolded, "fuck! Are you an idiot? Why didn't you tell me the car was lost?"

"That's why I didn't tell you, if you found out, you would scold me, I don't want to be beaten.

Also, I drank too much last night, and I can't remember whether I parked the car on the side of the road or was driven away by a friend.

I called my friends today and they haven't seen my car, so I'm sure it was stolen.

I was about to call the police, but when I received your call, I hurried back. "

Luke stared at his expression and asked, "When was your car stolen?"

"I don't know, I drank too much yesterday."

"When was the last time you saw that car?"

"At about seven o'clock yesterday evening, we went to the bar for a drink, and we didn't see each other after that."

"How old are you? How do you go to the bar to drink?"

"I'm sixteen years old. I got a fake driver's license. Many of my classmates have it. It's no big deal. You won't arrest me for that, will you?"

"Which bar did you drink at yesterday?"

"Bo Marie's Bar is about a few blocks from my house. The bar is well decorated, the drinks are delicious, and there are often beautiful women."

"Did you park outside Beaumarie's?"


Luke reconfirmed, "Are you sure your car was stolen and wasn't with you for some other reason?"

"yes, I'm sure."


"Do you now know the whereabouts of that car?"

"I have no idea."


"Did you hide the car?"

"I didn't." Achill said firmly.

Luke observed his expression, but this time he didn't lie.

The car wasn't stolen, and he didn't hide it, it was probably on loan.

"Did you lend your car to someone else?"



Luke said seriously, "Achille, you may not realize the importance of this matter.

We're investigating a case of robbery and strong homicide, which is a felony, a very serious crime.

Even if you are a minor, if you are implicated, you will be interrogated as an adult.

The fact that your car was at the crime scene twice is hard to explain by coincidence.

You are the actual user of the Tesla vehicle and you are likely to testify in court. If you dare to lie in court, you may be charged with perjury.

This is a very serious crime. Once convicted, your life will be over.

Mr. Martinez, I think you need to remind your son.

As his father, you should know the importance of this matter. "

Brian seemed a little annoyed, "Deputy Luke, can we have a private talk with father and son?"


Brian then dragged his son into the bedroom.

Luke could faintly hear a reprimand.

After a while, Brian brought his son out, "Sorry, this kid drank too much yesterday, and his mind is a bit out of order, I'll help him recall it.

Can you make a record for him again. "

Luke glanced at it, Achill's eyes were red, his cheeks were puffed up, probably because he was beaten, and he said with a smile, "No problem."

Serious battery and child abuse can lead to loss of custody in the United States.

But beating children is still relatively common.

It is normal for a child to tantrum and make adults cry. It is normal for parents all over the world to slap their buttocks.

Not to mention that Achill is so big.

Luke asked again, "Achille, did you lose your car?"

"No. I lent the car to a friend."

"Which friend?"

Achill hesitated for a moment, "Dormit James."

"Then why did you lie before?

Don't use the excuse of being drunk. As long as you tell the truth now, the police don't need to pursue your lying behavior just now. "

Achill glanced at Dad, who nodded slightly.

"Yesterday afternoon, Domit found me to borrow a car, I asked him what he was doing, and he said he was going for a drive.

I didn't want to borrow it at first, but I was too embarrassed to refuse, so I agreed to him.

Then, he called me again this morning and said that something happened last night, and if the police asked me about the car, he said the car was stolen.

I was anxious at the time and asked him why. He refused to say. "Achille sighed softly, showing a helpless look.

Luke asked, "You actually deceived the police for your so-called friend, don't you know the consequences of this incident?"

Achill showed a helpless look, "I don't want to, but you don't know him.

Domit James is not easy to mess with, he is a madman, he can do anything.

I didn't dare to provoke him, so I could only do what he said. "

"Is that Tesla still in Dormit's possession?"


"Can I believe what you say?"

"I swear to God, I'm telling the truth this time."

Brian also said, "Lieutenant Luke, don't worry, if he dares to lie again, I will immediately throw him out of this house."

If what Aqier said was true, there must be something wrong with his so-called friend Domit, otherwise, he would not be allowed to deceive the police.

"Where is Domit's house?"

Thanks to the book friends for the reward.

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