Lord’s Little Vixen is Cruel Again

Chapter 559 Ding Fuqi's Decision

Tao Yun didn't know Ding Fuqi's mother, her temper was somewhat similar to Wei Qintong's, very irritable.

Originally, Tao Yun only heard that Ding Fuqi's mother was dissatisfied with Wei Qintong, but he didn't know that Ding Fuqi's mother could say such a thing in front of Wei Qintong, how could Tao Yun endure it.

Tao Yun immediately took a step forward, and his tone was a bit aggressive, "Auntie, did you get the wrong partner? It was your son who asked us Tongtong to apologize, so what does it have to do with you if we don't forgive you?

Besides, so what if Li Lu is your daughter-in-law? It is your son who is marrying the wife, not you. If you really like Li Lu so much, you can marry her home yourself. Why do you make things difficult for us Tongtong?

Instead of treating us Tongtong like this, you might as well persuade your son, needless to say, you can't persuade your son, so you came to trouble our Tongtong, right?

We Tongtong also have fathers and mothers, and they are also treasures held in the hands of parents. Who are you? If it wasn't for Ding Fuqi, who would be angry with you? "

"You!" The lady didn't expect Tao Yun to confront her so directly, and pointed at Tao Yun angrily, "Did your tutor teach you to talk to elders like this? I knew that like attracts like, you are nothing nice one."

"It's funny." Tao Yun didn't intend to give Ding Fuqi any face at the moment. Now Ding Fuqi's mother can say that about Tongtong in front of them. Might be able to bear it.

"Auntie, I'm really curious how you can raise such an excellent son with such a temperament? Don't you know that respect is mutual? You don't even have a tutor anymore, so why should I have a tutor for you? ?" Tao Yun kept Wei Qintong behind him.

Wei Qintong didn't stop Tao Yun, she didn't have a good temper herself, but because the other party was her boyfriend's mother, she tolerated everything and didn't want Ding Fuqi to be difficult.

But now, she doesn't know if she and Ding Fuqi can continue to be together, so why does she still have to swallow this breath, since it's not convenient for her to say something in person, let Yunyun say it, why did she stop it?

"You!" The lady couldn't say anything about Tao Yun, so she turned her attention to Wei Qintong, "Is this your roommate? You just let your roommate say that about me?"

Before Wei Qintong could speak, Tao Yun spoke first, "If I can't say it, I'll just say Tongtong, right? This matter has nothing to do with Tongtong, it's just because I can't see it and want to hate you.

You said that you are so old, and you are still clinging to your son's life, do you want your son to be a mother boy?

I really feel sad for your son, and fortunately you only have one son, otherwise your child would be so pitiful that he couldn't even choose the person he likes.

What relationship do you like between Li Lu and your son? The two of them grew up together. If they really liked her, they would have been together a long time ago, and there would still be Tongtong?

If you are dissatisfied, don't go to your son, to our Tongtong, why should we Tongtong be angry with you, Auntie, I am such a bad-mouthed person.

There is no way, my parents have said that if someone bullies me, I have to scold me back. Tongtong gave Ding Fu face, but I will not give it. "

Huang Xiaoxiao has always been relatively seldom talkative, and he is completely inferior to Tao Yun in terms of slander, but on this matter, Huang Xiaoxiao still expressed his own views.

"Auntie, I know you think it's wrong for Tongtong and Ding Fu to be in the right household, but you only value family background, don't you? You don't care if your son is happy or not, as long as the other party's family is suitable?

Auntie, put yourself in your shoes, if you married Ding Fuqi's father back then, and his family felt that you were not in the same family as him, what would you think?

We don't mean to target you, but what you said is indeed too much. From a bystander's point of view, there is no relationship between you and Tongtong. After all, you don't agree with them being together.

Then what right do you have to make irresponsible remarks to Tongtong? You are just taking advantage of Tongtong to give you face and tolerate you a little bit, so you want to make progress.

But please don't push people too fast, why don't you think about it, which is more important than your family background or your son's happiness. "

Huang Xiaoxiao's tone is still gentle, not as impulsive as Tao Yun, and what he said is considered humble and polite.

However, a lady is not someone who appreciates affection. "I have the final say on my son's happiness. He just likes Wei Qintong now. Maybe if he gets along with Lulu for a long time in the future, the two will fall in love with each other!"

"You're thinking about shit!" Tao Yun couldn't bear it any longer, and said directly, "If your son can't even win his own happiness, we don't want us Tongtong to be with your son either!

Even if we really marry into your family in the future, we still have to endure the bullying of your wicked mother-in-law, so we won't suffer from this kind of grievance. If you like Li Lu, let your son marry her! "

Wei Qintong remained silent all this time. Hearing this, he grabbed Tao Yun's hand and stood up. He looked at Ding Fuqi who hadn't said a word, "I want to know what you think."

She loves Ding Fuqi, and if she doesn't, she won't be angry with his mother all the time because of Ding Fuqi.

But this relationship cannot be held by only one person. Facing the opposition of her parents, she wants to know what Ding Fuqi thinks.

If Ding Fuqi chose her, then she is willing to work hard with Ding Fuqi.

But if Ding Fuqi is hesitant or chooses a family, then she can also persuade herself to give up. There are thousands of men in the world, but they are just lovelorn. After a long time, they will naturally come out.

Ever since Wei Qintong appeared, Ding Fuqi could hardly see anyone else, only Wei Qintong was in his eyes. Hearing Wei Qintong's question, Ding Fuqi didn't hesitate, "I've thought about it a long time ago."

All eyes were on Ding Fuqi.

"I want you, I only want you, and Ding Fuqi's spouse can only be Wei Qintong." Ding Fuqi's tone was decisive and firm.

Everyone present was a little shocked, especially Ding Fuqi's mother, who looked at Ding Fuqi in disbelief.

"Son, what are you talking about? Do you mean that you must marry this woman to come in? I object, and I will never let you be together!" The lady's tone was a bit more resolute than Ding Fuqi's .

"Mom." Ding Fuqi turned to face the lady, "Whether you agree or not, I will stay with Tongtong. If you still want my son, I hope you will respect my decision this time.

I'm an adult now, I've grown up living your life the way you want it to be, but this time, I want to do it for myself.

Tao Yun is right, if I can't even fight for my own happiness, why should I give Tongtong happiness? This time I really made up my mind, and I hope you can respect my decision. "

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