Lord of the Witches

Chapter 1135 The Immortal Girl

In the void world, a tentacle flashing with dreamy phosphorescence wraps around an umbilical cord.

It was covered in blood, messy feathers, some cysts of flesh and blood, and snow-white bone fragments.

It slowly overflows with holy radiance as if it will never dry up.

Holy, yet dirty.

When viewers looked at it, they received some immediate feedback:

"It comes from an extremely powerful mother. The mother transfers most of her power to her child through this umbilical cord. A small amount of pollution and essence are left together in this blood-stained thing."

"With it, no matter what you do, you can absorb its power. You may not be able to become the second 'Lord of Light', but at least it is enough to become a powerful god with the power of light and darkness, order and chaos."

"This is a heavenly thing, it should belong to me..."


In an instant, a strong desire to possess began to spread and grow in the bodies of some weak-minded people like poisonous vines.

They couldn't wait to rush into the scene, snatch the umbilical cord and leave.

However, the reality is that no god dares to do this.

No matter if he is the master, there will only be one result for interfering in this duel, and that is getting beaten.

But even if they didn't hear the name that shocked the gods, the audience immediately knew that this was an extremely powerful divine object.

No matter which way you look at it, it shouldn't be unsaleable.

The answer that was both surprising and not surprising came out of Boss Aiken’s mouth very quickly:

"Its owner is one of the most respected mothers of the boundless mystery, the great and benevolent Mother Goddess of Light."

"As the divine breath it releases shows, it possesses high-level divine power, mixed with light, darkness, order, chaos, corruption, madness..."

"It may not be able to create another Lord of Light, or a Thorn of Truth."

"But it's not a big problem to create an evil, corrupted, slightly weaker version of 'Light' or 'Thorn'."

"Unfortunately, it never really took off."

"The Mother Goddess of Light followed the advice of a 'wise man' and consigned this umbilical cord to me. It does not cost much to obtain it. It only needs to meet one most important condition."

"Purify it!"

"As long as this is done, this sacred object will be given to the guest."

"For a long time, no one met this condition, so it became unsaleable."

"Of course, there is a hidden condition for this divine object. If it is met, the salesman will not only win, but also receive generous rewards."

"The condition is: sell the umbilical cord to the Lord of Light. As long as 'Light' is willing to accept it, the Mother Goddess of Light will give the salesman a lot of benefits."


In an instant, Tang Qi and the audience all had expressions that said, "There is a story here."

By purifying the umbilical cord, you can obtain the umbilical cord. This setting is not unusual.

But suddenly the "Lord of Light" was involved, and it was shown that the light was unwilling to accept the umbilical cord. Is this proof of his birth and the source of power?

Boss Aiken is a very responsible ancient man. He knows the story, but he cannot reveal it, so he skips it.

He shook his hollow belly, made a weird sound of "drink, drink, drink", and continued:

"After judgment, the divine entity that least needs the [Umbilical Cord of Light] is the Lord of Light himself."

"This is obviously a tough sell, so good luck to you."


The ancient Boss Aiken had just finished his introduction when a short burst of laughter came.

The head with infinite antlers is raised high, and the sphere representing the "origin of matter" is eternally rotating.

The Deer God looked down at Tang Qi, his eyes filled with gloating and a sense of satisfaction that he had won.

Bos Aiken kept it a secret from the gods for some reason.

But the "story" contained in the umbilical cord cannot be hidden from Tang Qi's omniscience, let alone the Supreme Deer God who understands the mysteries of all matter.

The story is both simple and complex.

Tang Qi stared at the umbilical cord, fragments surging in his mind:

"The great Mother Goddess of Light, she has a conflict of faith with her child 'Light'."

"Light thought his mother was partial and gave most of his power to him, but he passed on the clues that could lead to the highest path to his brother, the Lord of the Thorns of Truth."

"The stubborn light broke off relations with his brothers and mother, and turned against him, setting off a series of wars related to the truth."

"The Mother Goddess was hurt. She sealed herself in that wind-swept stone temple. She shed tears every day. She threw out the umbilical cord, trying to prove everything, trying to ease the relationship between the two children, trying to restore the relationship. That crumbling family relationship..."

This story was understood by Tang Qi and Deer God at the same time.

The Deer God obviously believed that Tang Qi could not succeed.

He even directly gave the reason, revealing a certain consensus among the supreme divinity.

"That shiny little thing just like you."

"Since a long time ago, I have longed to be one of 'us'."

"Its ambition exceeds its strength, but it unfortunately does not understand that some gaps can never be crossed."

"It is impossible for it to accept reconciliation with its mother, the 'girl' who impressed us so deeply. That girl, well, actually gave up on her own initiative..."

As he spoke, the Deer God's voice gradually became lower and lower until Tang Qi could no longer hear it.

Another secret that made Tang Qi feel itchy.

What did the Mother Goddess of Light give up?

Tang Qi was very curious about the answer to this question, but he also knew that since the Deer God did not say it, or said that Tang Qi could not hear it, it meant that this was some kind of taboo knowledge that he could not know for the time being.

The Deer God did not reply immediately. Tang Qi's gaze, together with other spectators, fell on the deer's hooves.

The last divine thing He needed to sell was also revealed.

The Deer God believes that he is sure to win, and his confidence must come from this divine object.

Now the two sides form a confrontation in two rounds, one losing and one winning, and the final round determines the outcome.

Tang Qi was also curious about what gave the Deer God confidence.

Billions of eyes also focused on this moment.


Once again, the audience was surprised.

At this moment, a figure stood on the powerful deer hooves.

Living thing?

Yes and no.

Although what stood on the deer's hooves was indeed a living body, it did not contain any will or soul.

As if it was just a corpse, an eternal and incorruptible corpse.

The appearance of the corpse makes it impossible for any being to have evil thoughts.

It was a little girl, a girl whose eyes seemed to contain all living beings and the whole "infinite mystery".

She was wearing soft clothes that seemed to have been woven just a second ago. Her body, her breathing, and the tips of her hair were all so fresh and vivid to the extreme.

But no one can look at her, just like no one can look at the "whole world".

The girl's eyes contain a whole world.

The ancient one who faced off against Boss Aiken spoke at this time.

"Her name is... Immortal Girl."

"Her state is very special. She has no soul, no self-will, and no needs, but she is alive. To be more precise, she is recognized by us as the infinite mystery, the only... immortal person,"

"In a literal sense, she is an existence that has achieved immortality in a true sense."

"No matter how ancient the immortal species, no matter how powerful the gods, they will all be wiped out by time one day. Even we [the Ancient Ones] are the same. We have lost many companions."

"But she won't. She is an existence that cannot be bound by 'time', 'death', 'destruction', 'destruction'... and other concepts. She jumped out at a certain moment and became an immortal girl. .”

"Because she has achieved immortality, the breath she exhales and the place where she exists... will be affected by some kind of radiation pollution, greatly increasing the duration of her existence."

"For example, if a dying divine entity acquires her, as long as she stays with him, the divine entity will not die."

"Even if a certain universe plane that is about to collapse accommodates her, then the collapse time will be greatly delayed until she leaves that universe."


At the same time, the auras of the gods everywhere in the boundless mystery fluctuated.

The leaders of a large number of high-level races are completely unable to hide their unprecedented desire for possession.

Immortal girl!

When it comes to temptation, all the divine objects that have appeared in the previous two rounds, including Father God's Wishes, Tai Sui, the Two of Ten Thousand Forms, and Infinite Sweetness, are far incomparable to this.

To a certain extent, time is the common enemy of all living beings and gods.

As the ancients said, even the Immortal Seed, a powerful divine entity, cannot fight against time at all.

Ten thousand years, a hundred million years, an era... no matter how powerful it is, it will eventually be annihilated at some point.

But now, the ancient one tells the gods that there is a girl who is completely immune to the damage of time.

No, not only time, but also concepts such as "death" and "destruction" can't touch the girl.

This is so unbelievable and so shocking to the gods.

The ancient one seemed to be able to see through the thoughts of the gods and the audience, and continued:

"Since she has no soul and no self-will, she is just a body. She is likely to become a treasure robbed by the boundless mysterious beings and gods."

"But fortunately, as soon as she was born, she was acquired by a sage with a benevolent heart."

"The wise man was not bewitched by 'eternal life', so he fostered him in [Everything Can Be Sold] and set extremely harsh adoption conditions."

"Since the Age of Enlightenment, no customer has met the adoption requirements, so she has been included in the most unsalable list."

"After judgement, the divine entity that least needs her is...the God of Death."

"A 'god of death' in the literal sense, that is to say, as long as it is sold to any divine entity belonging to the camp of the god of death, it is eligible."


No one questions the ancient one's final conclusion.

Although almost all living beings and gods desperately desire eternal life.

It's not all about ambition, chaos, or your own despicable desires.

Many divine entities in the order camp also hope that they can live forever in order to complete those ambitions.

But there is one camp that treats "eternal life" with disgust and even hatred.

There is no doubt that it is the Death camp.

Every god of death hates individuals who pursue immortality, which means violating the infinite and mysterious basic rules of death.

And the gods of death happen to be die-hard defenders of this rule.

All Shinigami do the same, using themselves to uphold the rules.

Some "gods of death" who live too long will even take the initiative to commit suicide to prevent themselves from becoming immortals.

The gods of death are also known to the world for their generosity towards subordinates who may succeed them in authority and status.

Such a divine camp really needs the "immortal girl" the least.

They may even hunt down and exploit the existence of the immortal girl.

According to common sense, this is another impossible task.

To a certain extent, it is no less difficult than Tang Qi's task, or even more difficult.

But now, the Supreme Deer God smiles like a fool.

Tang Qi did not satisfy the Deer God's vanity waiting for him to ask, but planned to use his omniscience to peep into the secret of the "Eternal Girl".

Sensing Tang Qi's movements, Deer God's laughter stopped, his head hung slightly, and he said angrily:

"I hate those people with weird eyes. They like to peek into other people's privacy. They are shameless, despicable and disgusting..."

The Supreme Deer God searched hard for words and insulted the Origin God Clan.

Tang Qi listened silently, his expression unmoved, and deep in his heart he gave the Deer God a thumbs up.

What you are insulting is the Origin God Clan. What does it have to do with me, Tang Qi?

After scolding for a long time, the Deer God saw that Tang Qi was unmoved, so he had to give up the yin and yang strangeness that he was not good at, but his tone was still unconcealable, and then he decrypted it himself.

"Forget it, since you are so curious, the great Deer God will tell you the answer."

"This is one of the biggest secrets of the Boundless Mystery. You group of so-called 'masters' have no way of knowing this ancient secret information."

"Those guys with thick dark circles under their eyes and who are very rigid really hate individuals who try to advance into immortals."

"Eternal life is their enemy."

"But this girl is different. Her true identity is actually...the ancient God of Death, and a special life form jointly bred by the first God of Death, 'Ash' and the God of Time...Her body is fixed with laws."

"She is the mysterious only one and the last immortal."

"Whether it's the attack from the master, the annihilation of the universe itself, or the passing of time... nothing can do anything to stop her."

"Even 'our' group would find it difficult to kill her within the boundless mystery."

"The supreme power can temporarily erase her, but the constant rules will restore her... I, and other guys, are above the boundless mystery, but this does not mean that we can destroy the entire boundless mystery in the blink of an eye. , this world is also complicated and huge for us.”

"This kid is actually a miracle."


The secret that made Tang Qi's eyes widen was spit out from the Deer God's mouth.

The Deer God did not exaggerate. What Tang Qi heard at this time was indeed one of the biggest secrets of the boundless mystery.

Although surprised, Tang Qi still looked at the Deer God.

Obviously, the secret has not been told yet, nor has it been explained how such a terrifying existence turned into a body without self or soul?

ps: Please tell me.

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