Lord of the Star Ocean

Chapter 266 Fire Department Assessment (Sixteen)

The Xianluo Empire controls the Xianluo Starfield, and vigorously expands its power in the wild starfield. The empire has hundreds of immigration stars and resource stars, and its territory is more than hundreds of millions of miles.

But even if it is a powerful empire, it is simply unrealistic to completely control so many planets. The basic structure of the empire for thousands of years is that the orthodox forces of the empire represented by the royal family control the emperor star and the major main stars.

On the surface, all the aristocratic families surrendered to the Xianluo royal family. Once the imperial decree of the Xianluo Emperor Star was released, it could pass unimpeded within the star field, but in fact, when it really reached the immigrant star, especially the wild immigrant star, its effectiveness was greatly reduced.

With the increase of immigrant planets, the influence of aristocratic families has been growing slowly and continuously. The children of aristocratic families can enjoy various resources when they are born. Naturally, they can get twice the result with half the effort in cultivation, which is far beyond what ordinary people can compare.

However, not all the descendants of the aristocratic families have preferential treatment. Of course, the direct descendants of the main line are the first-class, the second-class are the branches attached to the main line, and finally the collateral lines with more distant bloodlines.

Many people with aristocratic surnames may not live a more comfortable life than ordinary civilian merchants.

Wei Liangcai is one of them. He is a collateral child of Haoyuan Wei's family, and he is also a bastard with an extremely embarrassing status. His status in the family is even lower than that of the housekeeper.

So he came out early to work hard on his own, went out hunting with the hunting team, worked hard to make money and practiced hard, and finally gained the opportunity to participate in the Ministry of Fire assessment by accumulating the contribution of the star tower.

Because of the family relationship, Wei Liang was drawn into the team by the children of other aristocratic families. As a result, he never expected that the team collapsed after arriving at the outpost camp.

The other descendants of the aristocratic families who chose to stay had their own familiar teams to rely on, but Wei Liangcai did not have such conditions, and he did not want to be despised or used as a stepping stone, so he approached Peng Yi.

After learning about Wei Liangcai's situation, Peng Yi asked Nie Feng, "What do you think?"

The current Nie Feng in the team is definitely a well-deserved number two role, equivalent to the vice captain.

Peng Yi regards him as a real brother in the same robe, so he needs to seek Nie Feng's opinion on this very important matter to make a decision.

After all, Wei Liang is a child of a family, even if he is a concubine of the collateral line, he can easily become an unstable factor in the team.

Nie Feng pondered for a moment, then asked, "What are you best at?"

Wei Liangcai patted the longbow on his body, and said: "My strongest skill is archery. I was always a sharpshooter in the hunting team, but I hope I can become a knight!"

Wei Liangcai's greatest wish was to become an imperial knight. As a bastard of the collateral line, he didn't want to enter the sect and be a follower or even a slave to the children of the main line of the sect, so he had a strong desire to join the army.

Once he becomes an imperial knight and obtains the honorary honor of an officer, his status in the family will be completely different. Even his mother can enjoy the glory and enjoy the blessings, and he will not be easily bullied again!


Nie Feng and Peng Yi looked at each other, and they both saw the emotion in each other's eyes.

Currently there is only Nie Feng in the team as a sharpshooter, and in the battle against monsters, a sharpshooter with long-range attack ability is very useful. If Wei Liangcai is added, the increase in combat power is not as simple as one plus one!

Peng Yi was able to ascertain Nie Feng's thoughts, and immediately said: "That's all right, you are welcome to join our team!"

If it weren't for Wei Liangcai's embarrassing status, a junior silver marksman would have no trouble finding a suitable team, so there is absolutely no reason to refuse to push it out.

Wei Liangcai showed a relieved smile: "Thank you!"

His proficiency in archery is an advantage, but if he ventures into the Hidden Fog Swamp alone, it will be difficult to use this advantage, because it is impossible for a monster to stand stupidly as a living target, and it needs the protection and cooperation of his teammates.

He is unwilling to join the team of other aristocratic children, so the Peng Yi team is the best choice.

Wei Liangcai learned from other people's mouths that Peng Yi's team actually allocated most of the monster crystals they had worked so hard to get to the team members who were injured and couldn't continue to participate in the mission, so that the latter could complete this assessment.

Such a loyal team, no matter how strong it is, is a trustworthy team!

This is precisely what Wei Liangcai values ​​most.

And after the previous encounter, the current Peng Yi team is already quite famous among the students being assessed.

As we all know, this is a pretty strong and amazing team!

So Wei Liangcai took the initiative to recommend himself, hoping to join this team.

He got his wish!

"You're welcome!" Nie Feng said with a smile, "From now on, we are comrades-in-arms!"

As he said that, Nie Feng stretched out his fist to Wei Liangcai.

Wei Liangcai was stunned for a moment, but soon understood, he clenched his fist and touched Nie Feng: "I will work hard."

Peng Yi smiled and said, "Brother Wei, the rules of our team are very simple. First of all, we must obey the command. I am the captain, and Nie Feng is the vice-captain!"

When the team was first formed, there was no special vice-captain, but now Peng Yi deliberately added it because of his trust and reliance on Nie Feng.

Wei Liangcai replied without thinking: "I will definitely obey the command!"

"That's good…"

Peng Yi continued: "Secondly, our team's booty preparations are distributed equally, until everyone has collected enough to complete the assessment task before leaving, and advance and retreat together. Can you accept it?"

Wei Liangcai almost patted his chest: "This is exactly what I hope for!"

He didn't want to join the team of other aristocratic children, but he was worried that he would be used as cannon fodder as a stepping stone, and he worked so hard to fight, but in the end he couldn't get enough quest items.

Such a situation is very likely to happen, because the children of the aristocratic family are more selfish, greedy for life and afraid of death, and expecting their help to complete the task together, Wei Liang would rather believe that pigs can fly in the sky!

So the rules Peng Yi said were exactly what he was most satisfied with.

Peng Yi smiled and said: "That's good, I don't have any other requirements, you can stay here at night, and tomorrow morning we will set off for the Misty Swamp!"

Wei Liangcai nodded vigorously: "Okay!"

Since Zhang Chen was injured and left, Peng Yi's team has added another new force to make up the team.

It was not dark yet, everyone had dinner early, and soon lay down on the Chase bunk and fell into a deep sleep.

Tomorrow, there will be an unknown test waiting for everyone!


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