Lord of the Star Ocean

Chapter 219 Journey

In the early morning, when the sky was just getting dark, Nie Feng quietly got up to prepare for a long journey.

Before leaving, he took stock of his luggage.

This time when he left Nanyuan for Haoyuan City, Nie Feng didn't bring much money with him, because he gave most of the gold coins he earned to Ye Qingniang so that the latter could settle down in Tianyuanxing.

Nie Feng now only has savings of around two hundred gold coins.

However, the equipment he was carrying was quite impressive, a divine arm bow, a slashing sword, an evil dagger, a second-order ring, and an arm guard, all of which were basically star artifacts, and there was also a set of military-standard dragon scale warrior armor in the package.

Many senior silver warriors do not have so many star weapons, and the combined value of these equipment is at least tens of thousands, and the pair of star armor armguards like Zhan Jiang Dao, Xiexie Dagger and Mr. Yu are not ordinary star tools.

Except for the exaggerated Dragonscale Warrior Armor, Nie Feng is equipped with all the Star Items. With the power of these Star Items, his current strength has at least increased several times compared to before.

It is precisely because of this that Nie Feng dared to embark on a journey of three thousand miles to Haoyuan City alone.

It's not an easy road.

Taking a last look at the house where he lived for a long time, Nie Feng closed the door with the package.

Nie Feng returned this house to Wan Shangzhi, because if there were no accidents, he would not return to Nanyuan City.

A green horned horse is tied to a stone pillar outside the door.

The blue-horned horse belongs to the first-order desolate beast. Its appearance is similar to that of an ordinary horse. Its fur is shiny and dark blue, and there is a small horn on its forehead, hence the name.

This kind of desolate beast has a docile temperament and strong legs, and is most suitable for long-distance transportation, but the price is very expensive for a small number. Nie Feng's green horned horse is a gift from Wan Shangzhi.

With the green-horned horse, if there is no accident, it only takes about ten days to reach Haoyuan City.

After stroking the long mane of the green horned horse, and untying the reins, Nie Feng grabbed the saddle and got on the horse.


He flicked the rein, and lightly clamped the horse's belly with his legs, and the blue-horned horse immediately stepped forward and galloped forward along the wide and straight long street.

The horseshoe clattered, breaking the tranquility of the morning light.

After leaving Nanyuan City, Nie Feng headed southeast according to the guidance of the compass.

Nie Feng's predecessor was born and raised in Nanyuan City, and he had never left the land of hundreds of miles in Nanyuan City, so for Nie Feng, this trip was very new.

Leaving the city far behind, Nie Feng couldn't help feeling relieved as he galloped across the vast wilderness.

The sea is as wide as a fish leaps, and the sky is as high as a bird to fly. His mind has never been limited to Nanyuan City. This trip to Haoyuan City is undoubtedly a rare journey for him to experience.

After running for dozens of miles, the surrounding environment became more and more desolate. The large farms and farmhouses that could be seen everywhere disappeared, and there were no traces of pedestrians on the road.

This is the imprint left by the caravan.

Haoyuan Star belongs to the immigrant star. A hundred years ago, this planet was completely in a barren state. Now there are dozens of immigrant cities, large and small, with a population of tens of millions.

But decades have passed, and the actually developed area of ​​Haoyuan Star is actually very small. Dozens of cities are scattered on the surface of the planet, like isolated islands, and the connections between them are not close or frequent.

Because of the savage beasts, ordinary people did not dare to leave the city too far, only merchants and warriors dared to travel back and forth between different cities, so what Nie Feng saw was normal.

At noon, Nie Feng reckoned that it was more than a hundred miles away from Nanyuan City, and the green horned horse under his crotch was a little tired, so he found a small river and stopped to rest.

He took out the grain bag from his luggage, first fed half a catty of black beans to the green wildebeest, and then let it eat grass by the river, and ate some dry food to satisfy his hunger.

For this body, it was the first time to travel alone, but Nie Feng wandered alone in his previous life and traveled all over the world, so he did not lack travel experience, and he brought enough supplies with him.

After resting for half an hour, he continued on the road. In the afternoon, it suddenly started to rain. He found a forest near the road to shelter from the rain, and set off after the rain stopped.

When the sky was getting dark, Nie Feng found a caravan walking in front of him.

This caravan has 20 to 30 carriages, including cargo carriages and traveling carriages. In addition to the coachman and handymen, there are also forty or fifty escorts. It seems to be quite large in scale and momentum.

Since they were moving in the same direction, the merchant group quickly noticed Nie Feng's appearance, and three riders immediately left the group and turned to meet him.

The leader among them was a middle-aged warrior, wearing a leather armor waist and a long sword, tall and resolute, with piercing eyes, and impressively possessed the strength of a high-level silver.

The other two knights who followed him were much younger, and their strength was also much worse. They were all in the high-level black iron realm.

They have to be more vigilant, and they still hold the bows and crossbows that have been stringed in their hands, and are ready to fight at any time.

Seeing Nie Feng, the middle-aged warrior's eyes flashed with astonishment.

He didn't expect that Nie Feng would dare to venture into the wilderness alone at such a young age. He was either stupid and bold or highly skilled, anyway, it was very rare.

Stopping his horse at a place more than twenty steps away from Nie Feng, the middle-aged warrior asked loudly, "Excuse me, are you also going to Shao'an City?"

Nie Feng shook his head and said, "I'm going to Haoyuan City."

"Haoyuan City?"

The middle-aged warrior was very surprised: "It's at least three thousand miles from here to Haoyuan City, and you go on the road alone?"

Nie Feng nodded, he could see that the other party did not have any malicious intentions.

The middle-aged samurai thought for a while and said, "We belong to the Yanshan Merchant Group. If you don't mind this little brother, you might as well join our merchant group and go forward together. There will be a helper on the way. It's just right to go to Haoyuan City."

The two young knights looked at each other, unable to think of the reason why their leader was so polite to Nie Feng.

In their view, Nie Feng is the kind of young man who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and thinks that he is strong enough to go out alone, and this kind of person often dies very quickly.

The wild land of the wild star is dangerous beyond imagination. Even if it is not in the deep mountains and old forests, there are still unpredictable dangers, so most travelers only dare to travel together.

Nie Feng hesitated for a moment, but still accepted the other party's kindness: "Then I will trouble Your Excellency."

The middle-aged warrior said with a smile: "You're welcome, it's fate to meet you!"


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