Lord of the Silver Crow

Chapter 984: "Forgotten"

The path "2-6", which is the symbol at the position of "Emperor", is also somewhat similar to the symbol of "Queen". Its edges are a little fuzzy, as if there is no definite shape, and the color is monotonous, and generally looks like something The silhouette of the creature's body curled up-

It's just that the tone of this silhouette is bloody.

From the silhouette, it looks like some kind of reptile, but it has parts similar to wings...

The dragon?

The keywords "blood", "crawling", and "wings" made Yago immediately think of the noble way.

He also had speculations about the connection between the "noble" approach and the image of the "dragon".

It's about the background of "Vampire" Dracula and Roman Vlad III and their fathers.

Vlad III’s father was a member of the Dragon Dao Society and was also called "Duke Long", and as his son, Vlad III was also called the so-called "Son of Dragon".

And because the etymology "Dragon" of "Great Dragon" is originally a general term, many monsters will be called "Dragon", and even a certain religious religion also has "Dragon" text about "Satan".

However, it is not that Satan is "Dragon", but when describing the evil degree of the monster "Dragon", "Satan" is often compared.

Later, the monster image designated by this word was gradually fixed with the routine creation of the creators, locked into a monster with four legs and two wings, and gradually determined to be the image of a dragon that many people are familiar with in previous lives.

The emergence and change of the image of Vlad III as a "vampire" is related to his **** and brutal enemy image.

In that kind of religious atmosphere, it is common to wear a "demon" hat at every turn.

Vlad III himself is a believer, and it is reasonable for this kind of "violence" to be deceived by Satan or even incarnate.

In the age of Yago, Satan also has the image of "ancestor of vampires" in many works.

Of course, the direct creator, the 19th-century writer, is not clear about this idea, but there are many clues pointing in this direction.


The "great dragon" in this silhouette has a long and narrow body, and the twisted posture that violates the body structure does not look like a creature with bones can make it. Perhaps it is more suitable to say that it is a mollusk?

After thinking about it, Yago turned his eyes to the next one.


A word he is very familiar with.

In his original world, he had the nickname "Pope".

And the symbol in its position...

Similar to "Emperor" and "Queen", this symbol is also a symbol with fuzzy edges and outlines, which can only be vaguely seen as grayish white.


The degree of ambiguity of this symbol far exceeds that of others, only one symbol can be compared with it——

"The Hermit".

The 6-4 path, corresponding to the symbols of "hermit" and "hermit", is also a few symbols specifically omitted by Yago.

Because the symbol itself is a blur, like a smeared handwriting, like fog.

The symbol on the position of the "pope" is also vague.

However, judging from the other symbols around...

The symbol of the "Fool" position is like a swaying flame, like a weird spiral twisted and blurred by heat waves.

Then there is the "Queen", the "Emperor", and then the "Pope"...

What are the common points of these symbol patterns?

The outlines of the symbol lines all have a certain indefinite distortion and blur.

So why?

What about the Fool of 1-2, the "Queen" of 2-3, the "Emperor" of 2-6, and the "Pope"?

Its location is the path "2-4".

If they are really a Kabbalah tree structure, then their endpoints are all mass points "2".

What is the "trait" of mass point 2?




In fact, with so many clues and so many features, even if Yago tried to deny it, he still had to associate this symbol with the abnormality that appeared on him.

"Adapt to everything"?

Yago once again remembered what the emperor of the blood feast of Barcelona, ​​the "Your Majesty" had said.

There was a slight silence for a while, and after the overturning thoughts in his brain gradually calmed down, Yago looked at the last one.

He is also very familiar with the symbol of "justice", a seemingly inconspicuous symbol.

polyhedron? Or a kaleidoscope?

The pattern he focused his eyes on was an obvious kaleidoscope-like composite crystal-like pattern.

Although it looks like it is composed of a plurality of triangular faceted crystals, if you look closely, those corners are not joined together, but more like crystals.

Although the surface is uneven, it is actually a connected, leak-free, "perfect" crystal.

Such a structure, as Yago thought of it, is naturally--

"Secret Way".

No, to be precise, it was the "secret court" approach, which he himself called the "iron law" approach.

That is, the channels of "informant", "armed person", "recorder", "punisher", and "punisher".

That's right.....

Yago muttered to himself, scanning the symbols.

Suddenly, he noticed something.

He seems to have missed two... No, three symbols.

One is a "demon", one is a "trial", and the other is a "hanged man".

But this is definitely not his omission.


Cognitive impact?

In an instant, Yago's nerves tightened.

His sight fell on this symbol.

Path 5-8 "The Hanged Man".

The symbol of "The Hanged Man" also has crystal-like edges and corners, but it is very sharp.

It's like glass shards...

But the symbol itself is not transparent, and there are patterns inside.

However, the internal patterns are chaotic and mixed——

No, it is also regular.

Yago watched carefully.

It was found that within this closed symbol, other symbols were intertwined and mixed together within this symbol.

It's like...concave mirror?

Not a concave lens, but a concave mirror.

Moreover, when Yago observes this pattern, his attention always seems to be not concentrated together and is diverted to the surroundings...

It seemed that there was some power that diverted his attention.

At this moment, the concave mirror that I was thinking of just now reminded him of another thing...convex mirror?

This strange situation made Yago very concerned.

However, other than that, there seems to be no other special place.

The impact on his cognition seems to be nothing more than that.

After not letting his guard down, but unable to find other problems, Yago could only turn his attention to the other two.

10-8, the symbol of "judgment" is a half-opened eye.

And this eye itself, like a "light" composition, with a slight hazy feeling between pure white.

But this hazy is not the same as the others, it's more like because...

"Dazzling" and hazy.

Hazy because of "rejection".

Hazy because of the refusal to "invade".

Hazy because of his refusal to invade.

The pattern itself gave Yago a strong sense of intrusion and made him feel resistant instinctively.

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