Lord of the Silver Crow

Chapter 946: Crystal colossus

The tree of flesh and blood that was pulled out of the "root system" by the giant sandstone statue suddenly struggled.

The soft, fleshy and fleshy roots, which seemed to have no bones, were entangled and contracted around the arm of the gravel colossus from which its roots were pulled out at a very fast speed. In the hinge-like tightening action, the gravel colossus appeared cracks. And those scarlet, root-like flesh and blood, when cracks appeared on the sand and stone colossus, they crawled into the cracks.

And at this time, behind the gravel colossus connected by Yago's cognition, there was also a tall and terrifying tree of flesh and blood spreading towards the colossus.

Then, like other gravel colossus, this gravel colossus, like a precise and cold machine, shook the rough-surfaced gravel arm without any hesitation, and pointed its huge fist at the twisted monster. The open "huge mouth".

boom! ! !

Flesh and flesh splashed, and the fist of the sandstone colossus blasted into the huge "mouth" of the fleshy tree that seemed to have stitched countless biological limbs.

Then, a force burst out.

That familiar, "unknown" feeling.

At almost the same moment, Yago saw that the body of the tree of flesh and blood was sanding and petrifying at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yago, who was observing this scene, quickly sketched the outline of this ability in his mind.

The petrochemical ability like a "sculptor"?

Yago thought of the Viscount Di Lud, the Viscount who called himself the "Ripper".

The "ripper" or "ripper" that can make the target's wounds unable to heal.

A "surgeon" who can accurately perceive the target body and find weaknesses.

A "sculptor" who can petrify organisms.

Almighty, magician...

The sequence name of this approach flashed through Yago's mind, and finally fixed on the "sculptor".

He was not unfamiliar with the ability of "Petrochemical", but it was a past life, not this world.

Yago has only seen a "sculptor" with the power to petrify the target.

However, this ability is not surprising in nature.

"Pollution" and "Assimilation".

Similar abilities appear in several sequences.

In the mechanical way, the "same law agency" can make the target and itself "same law" and become a machine.

Dusk approach,

Although Yago’s impression of the Twilight Path is more focused on his ability to break the effects of dominance and dominance, and break the connection between the two, after being promoted to the "Wolf King", the Extraordinary of this sequence path He also knew that the ability of the "shepherd" could transform a creature into the ability of a "half wolf".

Although "petrification" is a bit special, it is not a special case to appear on these sandstone giants.

However, at this moment, those blood-colored, root-like scarlet branches spread towards Yago.

Yes, Yago didn't feel wrong.

Those flesh-and-blood touches, those scarlet flesh-and-blood roots, spread toward him.

It spreads towards the self who is only cognitively connected to this sand and stone colossus.

Avoid? Fight back?

Yago didn't have time to care about whether his actions would be discovered by these gravel colossus, so he could only choose to fight back and resist these flesh and blood touches.

Silent burial!


Yago used the power of the Necro Way.

As the shadow scrolled, a dark sickle emerged, slashing towards the spreading flesh and blood.

The deadly, dark sickle that could strip the vitality and kill the cognition passed by, and the flesh and blood touching that had penetrated into the cognitive channel and spread to Yago's consciousness were all beheaded.

However, it was almost at this instant that he noticed that the crystal-like gemstone on the sandstone colossus suddenly lit up.

Is it this sandstone colossus?

Yago hadn't made an accurate judgment yet, the next moment, he felt a powerful force emerging.

"Unknown", "Unknown"...

A strong sense of restraint and suppression emerged from the strange feeling that could not be judged and recognized.

This feeling did not come from the flesh and blood tentacles, but from the gravel colossus that he established a cognitive channel with ignorance.

No, from something more distant.

The faint feeling pointed to the towering gravel tower.

At this moment, he saw a strange lens.

It is very similar to the lens on the sandstone colossus.

It is also very similar to the giant lens that appeared in the sand and stone tower.

However, it is different.

Dense, huge, although very close to a sphere or ellipsoid, there are still many huge sand-yellow lenses with obvious and orderly corners. The edges on that huge lens seem to be piled up by countless gravels. , Densely packed.


It resembles the scales of a fish, and it resembles a huge lens with countless small crystals joined together in a diagonally superimposed manner.

It seems that there is no "line of sight", and it seems that there is no "line of sight".

Under the cover of "unknown" and "unknown" traits, Yago has no means to identify it.

not to mention.....

He could clearly realize that from the sense of crisis that suddenly emerged--

The huge sand-yellow lens was staring at him.

That is to say, at this moment, the "Card of the Drama Master" that hadn't moved for a long time suddenly moved.

Faint, stagnant light and shadow emerged.

Almost at this instant, Yago saw that there were dense, gravel-like crystalline things emerging around him. These crystalline gravels had wrapped his surroundings in layers.

Before I knew it, I was almost locked in a cage.

Under the warning of the unexpected change of the card of the horoscope, Yago immediately resisted.

Gambler's fallacy!

Distort the standing statue!

Paradox fan lock!

hat trick!

Chains of natural disasters!

The turbulent jet black thread shot out, connecting with the edge of the crystal cage that was about to close.

With the use of the gambler's ability, the speed at which the edges of the crystal cage closed by half a minute.

However, it was only blocked for a while.

The crystal cage seemed to have a powerful ability to resist external interference.

Without hesitation, Yagoben is not optimistic about the ability of the gambler's fallacy to sway the line of probability, and the ability of the gambler's fallacy is not suitable for confrontation under pressure.

Distort the standing statue!

The ability of the scarecrow was activated instantly, and the edge of the crystal cage was pulled apart with the pull of this pitch black thread, and the edge of the crystal that seemed extremely strong also appeared a little deformed.

Almost at the same time, the ability of the paradox scholar was activated, and the pitch-black silk threads were intertwined into a mysterious lock with a peculiar structure. As the pitch-black silk threads stretched out of the cage.

hat trick!

At this moment, the ability of the strange thief was activated, and Yago's body directly exchanged positions with the paradoxic mystery lock that had just been constructed.

Yago's body escaped from the crystal cage that was about to form.

Vaguely, Yago saw a huge sandstone colossus.

That tall tower is not a tall tower in the true sense.

That is... "Fin".

Dorsal fin.

A huge, terrifying shadow with a silhouette similar to the shadow of a shark appeared in Yago's eyes.

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