Lord of the Silver Crow

Chapter 940: Megalithic fortress

Yago didn't choose to approach the city he had searched for for a long time before he found it on this desolate land.

After all, he knew very well the ability of the Twilight Path.

Very good at tracking and identifying, but also able to quickly integrate other individuals to form a group of forces.

Even if Yago was far away, he was worried about whether he would be discovered and cause trouble.


Why are there so many inhuman creatures in this city.

Old posture?

No, Yago didn't think it was.

The various deformities of those bodies, not to mention the symmetry of the left and right sides, even the center symmetry and the radial symmetry.

The growth of body limbs does not repeat regularly.

But soon, Yago suppressed his idea again.

He believes that "symmetry" is normal because of him, or in other words, because he turns out that as a "human", the human body is symmetrical.

Because the appearance of the human body is symmetrical, he habitually believes that "symmetry" is normal.

The concept of man is based on cognition. Because this basic concept affects the aesthetics, he feels that asymmetry is "abnormal."

Although the ability to recognize life has faded, the habit of thinking as a "cognitive life" still affects him now——

It's as if he was a flesh and blood life, and his concepts as a "human" can still affect him now.

"Symmetry", the greatest meaning to life, is "relative stability".

It is not the most stable, nor is it unstable.

Although the simplification habits of various lives to reduce energy consumption to simplify the information recording and storage will make many people's thinking too simplified and appear diode, but the body that carries these conscious thinking is not extreme in itself.

The appearance of the body is bilaterally symmetrical, but the internal organs are not.

In a sense, the thinking and consciousness of many flesh and blood beings in human beings are "stupid" compared to their bodies.

Yago laughed mockingly.

Experience is the most advantageous and easily obtained weapon for various creatures, but it can also become a weapon for harming itself.

At this time, Yago recalled a sentence:

"Dialectical thinking, outside the framework of experience, many things that are taken for granted are not so taken for granted."

Who said it?

Yago couldn't remember the source of this sentence clearly, so he shook his head.

Then he turned around and moved to the other side.

This city will not enter for the time being. He has to see if there are other clues on this wasteland. If there are really no other clues, he will choose this city.


After continuing to wander in this wasteland of ice and fire, I don't know how long before Yago found a place that might be a man-made structure.

It was a huge building formed by piles of countless boulders, like a fortress and like a mountain.

The frost and flames intertwined all over the wasteland also covered this area.


At the moment Yago's diffuse perception was used as a unique sensory observation of "Time Life", he was taken aback for a moment.

A huge shadow far beyond his imagination.

Is that the past? Or the future?

Yago can't be sure, but it's definitely not "now".

After a brief observation, Yago returned to his "normal" perspective.

That kind of peculiar "time sense" cannot be used casually.

To be precise, if his other sense organs still exist, it will disturb the perceptual results captured by this sense organ.

Why, Yago also knows very well.

Because his other senses observe the "now", but the strange senses are different.

The results he observes with the "now" senses will "cover" what the senses see.

Wait... Yago was taken aback for a moment.

Snake without pupils.

He suddenly remembered the dark monster without eye pupils he had seen before.

He once thought about why the other party has no "eyes".

Although these thoughts were quickly overwhelmed by doubts about the identity of the other party and what connection with him, Yago did not completely forget the matter.

Even now, it seems that this point can be a side "corroboration."

It proved that he had some connection with the shadow snake without pupils, and even made him suspect that the shadow snake without pupils was his side evidence.

But, now, in understanding the nature of oneself——

The kind of existence that would change according to the environment under a certain opportunity was constantly changing. After realizing this situation, he denied this conjecture.

However, it cannot be said to be totally negative.

At a certain time, the "Diago" turned into a posture similar to that of the snake of the shadow. This possibility still exists, and Yago can't deny it.

Because the most critical issue has not been resolved.

That's how he became such a life form that "will change with the environment".

He is a human.

He is an outsider.

He is a life of flesh and blood.

These are his original features.

What has he experienced in the past or in the future will become this kind of life form.

If this is not clear, these unverifiable conjectures can only become troubles that he cannot solve.

After regaining his "normal" senses, Yago tentatively entered these boulder-stacked buildings.


This is a big hole.

To be precise, this fortress-like monolithic building is an entrance and exit.

The underground is the main body of the building.

However, he hadn't waited for Yago to enter the ground, but just entered the big hole. When he stepped into it, he couldn't help being silent for a moment when he saw the scene in it.

In his vision, one after another "corpses" were either burned into coke by flames, melted into a pile under the blazing high temperature, or covered by extremely cold frost...

Then it was crushed.

In Yago's field of vision, one piece, one piece, and a pile of bodies of various creatures were piled up in this huge hole of boulders.

However, these creatures.....


The creatures that were blocked in the frost were amazingly brownish-yellow stone bodies, just like the sandstone from the outside world about to be weathered.

Up to now, I have seen all kinds of life forms, and he himself is still a life form that can be constantly changed, and Yago wouldn't be surprised by this kind of "stone life".

Even without these experiences, it's the same.

"Dialectical thinking, outside the framework of experience, many things that are taken for granted are not so taken for granted."

In this fantasy world, there are even spirit bodies. What is strange about "stone life", not to mention silicon-based life, germanium-based life, tin-based life, lead-based life, which element is the basis of life. It can't be considered strange.


What are these apparently inhuman lives.....?

This question is not about the basic form of life, but...

What do they have to do with this land and this world?

What role do they play in this desolate land?

I can get any information from them.

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