Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 425: New Arms Poison Bone Flying Dragon

As time passed, the whole world became more and more chaotic.

The original enemy of Glory Leader was only himself, but if Fang Jie did not attack, the other undead would not be spared. So recently there are more and more enemies in the Glory Collar, which makes them a little bit overwhelmed.

But this day, Lorola finally got a solution. Although the Royal Capital did not send troops to help, she found a legendary powerhouse who lived in seclusion, and her strength was strengthened again.

So, Larolla took this legendary powerhouse and began to sweep around.

That is, the Emerald Slope was left empty, because the power over there was still not something they dared to attack easily.

That day, Lorolla felt the breath of the legendary powerhouse, and with so many troops, now she is indeed no opponent. Fortunately, during this time, they had already come down from the Emerald Slope.

A large number of undead develop under the Emerald Slope. Although the position is becoming more and more consolidated, it is still flat after all.

Without the special natural barrier of the plateau area, it is much easier to attack. Lorolla even let go of a piece of territory and let these undead develop towards this side, in order to attract more undead.

It's a pity that he didn't know that although more and more undead came down, the undead on the Emerald Slope was only a lot more, and even the entire plateau was about to be hollowed out, and it was full of undead.

On this day, Fang Jie, who was studying spells, suddenly raised his head with joy in his eyes.

"What's wrong? What happened."

Fang Jie's actions immediately caught Qin Lan's attention, and Qin Lan temporarily put down the things he was dealing with and looked at Fang Jie.

After finishing this period of time, Qin Lan has handled things in an orderly manner, taking a little time every day to deal with it. The extra time is still in this place, but it is not in the office.

Fang Jie is learning all kinds of magic knowledge, and Qin Lan will also learn, of course, it is more about condensing the power of elements.

After all, the profession is an elementalist, not an ordinary mage, so magic knowledge is not that important to Qin Lan. On the contrary, the strength and magnitude of one's own elemental power are crucial.

Fang Jie said, "A new class of troops has appeared. I didn't expect the Abyss of Death to finally give me a surprise."

The Abyss of Death has been in constant operation since it was built.

A lot of undead needs to be invested every day, but there are too few new arms that can appear, and most of them are useless. A few useful ones are the advanced forms of other arms.

For example, the Skeleton Archer is now not only at the apprentice level, but also complements the black iron and bronze levels.

It's a pity that the silver level has not been produced, and there is some lack of long-range attack at this level.

However, with time, archers of this level can eventually complete, Fang Jie believes this.

"What kind of army is it? Seeing how happy you are, it should be at the gold level."

Fang Jie nodded lightly: "Yes, it's at the gold level. The poisonous flying dragon corpses brought back before, and the skeleton flying dragons made from their corpses, all have some special individuals, some highly poisonous individuals."

"The staff in charge of acting at the back thought that this change was prone to new mutations, so they threw the corpses of the skeleton flying dragon and the poisonous flying dragon into the abyss of death. As a result, something good really appeared."

This kind of move has to be said that it is really very bold, and it dares to throw into the gold-level arms.

The abyss of death is the highest and can mutate golden troops, and Fang Jie's current golden troops are not enough to be wasted.

Although the person in charge can make such a move this time, although he is confident, it also shows that he is very courageous.

Fang Jie released the panel he just got and showed it to Qin Lan. After this period of erosion, Fang Jie has been able to summon the panel and look at it near the space channel.

It is even possible to control some functions of your own territory through the panel from a distance.

On the side closest to the space channel, his arms can actually get the blessing of the gods, which is really a good change. I believe that with the passage of time, my troops will eventually be fully blessed by the gods.

Poisonous Dragon Level 10: Level (Gold) Skills: Poisonous Breath, Poisonous Control, Poisonous Miasma, Tarsal Poison

Recruitment requirements: 8 units of golden bones, 2 units of aggregated magic spar, 160,000 units of spiritual points

"Although I haven't done the experiment myself, it can be seen from this skill that it is definitely a large-scale poisonous unit. It may be useless for the undead, but it is more lethal to normal creatures."

They are also highly poisonous, but Fang Jie, the poisonous bone dragon, is more at ease, after all, this highly poisonous can be degraded.

It will not be the same as the plague on those infected. Once it breaks out, it cannot be controlled at all.

Using the poisonous bone dragon, Fang Jie has no psychological burden at all. Fang Jie has ordered to make a batch and send it over. The earliest batch will be delivered to you in three days.

And this poisonous bone flying dragon is not only useful for this mission, but also has a huge role in the hunting ground of the heavens in the future. With this kind of power, even in the face of the empire, he has a strong deterrent power.

The only thing missing is top-level combat power, but that Fang Jie can't help it.

"This price is very cheap, much cheaper than the bone dragon. Using the poison bone dragon on the battlefield is also better than the bone dragon, and it should be possible to form the main battle army."

Qin Lan glanced at it, and there was some surprise in his eyes.

"By the way, does the Poison Bone Dragon have front claws?" Whether it has front claws has a huge impact on its melee combat. If not, then it is very weak when the gold level powerhouse is one-on-one.

"Don't worry, this is after all evolved from the bone dragon, so the melee ability is not weak."

"I heard from there that although the attack power is far less than that of the Skeleton Dragon, it is more flexible. After all, it is a gold-level soldier.

Because of the building level over there, the Poison Bone Flying Dragon has just been included, which is the peak level of gold level 10.

In the past, if you had such a large-scale influence, you would not have to use various methods to cause a war between the two kingdoms in dealing with the two kingdoms in the south, and you would have no problem with direct attack.

With this, my stress will be less. When the troops here are sufficient, Fang Jie is ready to destroy the Glory Leader in one go. Come into this world and do nothing.

As for those civilians, let's take prisoners first, and we can't just kill them like this.

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