Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 419 The Last Defense Battle

The war broke out in an instant, and the first to rush up was Rollola.

Across the distance, the red dragon is a mouthful of flame, which is the real dragon breath. No matter the distance or the range, it is not comparable to the death breath of the flying dragon, and the power is even more terrifying.

Although they are all at the gold level, the opponent is infinitely close to the legendary level.

As a creature like a giant dragon, when it reaches the bottleneck, it can continuously accumulate power, and finally break through the realm forcibly through the power accumulated by itself. This is a unique ability of top-level creatures.

Therefore, although this red dragon is still at the gold level, it can be regarded as a quasi-legendary.

The power it possesses is actually not weaker than the legends that some ordinary races have just broken through. It's just that there is a slight gap in the power level. This is something Fang Jie can feel after he has more contact with the legend.

The real legend, in terms of strength and quality, is not comparable to this dragon.

But even so, after taking a breath of the dragon, within the coverage area, except for those skeletal dragons that could survive, the rest were lost. The Bone Griffin Knight, unable to resist at all, was burned on the spot.

Even the more resistant Skeleton Dragon was not lightly injured at this time.

It's just that because they are all undead, there is no feeling, let them continue to rush forward.

At a certain distance, the breath of death also spit out. The red dragon sensed danger and immediately avoided it. If it is concentrated by this kind of power, the red dragon of the same level will definitely not feel good.

But this time, Larolla started. The dragon spear in his hand spun, and a sharp breath shot out.

The dragon breath of death in front of him was smashed on the spot, and the sharp fighting spirit instantly killed the skeletal flying dragons that approached, and the sky was cleared out of a large area at once.

"It's amazing. After working with the dragon, the strength of this dragon knight is terrifying."

Fang Jie has already seen from the opponent's performance that the opponent should be a legend who has just broken through.

It is not that a legend of this level has never been hunted, and even if there is no legendary powerhouse by his side, with his current level of troops, it is not troublesome to surround him. But the other party has a giant dragon, then it is completely different.

Even if the dragon did not reach the legendary level, it still brought him great convenience.

The combat power that erupted at this moment is not worse than the old legend of the Lansha Kingdom.

Moreover, because of the relationship of inheritance, this one has more means and more complicated skills.

Fang Jie simply changed his tactics and let his combat power start to attack the enemies behind him. After a while, the other party's Flying Dragon Knights had approached.

As soon as they contacted each other, both sides felt the strength of each other.

These flying dragon knights cooperate tacitly, and the strength they exert is very terrifying.

And they also found that their opponents, those skeletal dragons, were simply air tanks, and their defense was too strong. Although there are not many means, but every means is tempered, and the attack power is powerful.

If they cooperate with each other, the power will be even more terrifying.

The strength of the Bone Griffin Knights is a little worse, but their means are not weak, and they are more flexible. Under the cooperation of each other, the tacit understanding and strength that broke out also gave them a headache.

In desperation, Rollola could only help with all her might, and instantly became a firefighter.

After all, this is the first time that I have encountered such a difficult battle on this scale, and some of the previous problems have been exposed.

"Damn, the consumption is too much." Rollola sighed, those enemies were much harder than she imagined. Without using more vindictiveness, there is simply no way to destroy it.

"These flying dragons have the breath of giant dragons. Although they are not really made from flying dragon corpses, they have been specially strengthened." A voice sounded in Lorolla's heart, which was from his partner Red Dragon.

As a high-level creature, how could the dragon family not speak, and spiritual transmission is more instinctive.

"Then continue, I don't believe it, I can't destroy these things yet."

The battle continued, and Fang Jie was constantly making adjustments.

"According to the time, there are still two to four hours, and then it will be easy."

Fang Jie calculated the time, and the final time was approaching, and his subordinates would be here soon. When his subordinates enter this world, they will not be able to deal with them at that time.

Once his own legendary powerhouse arrives, this dragon knight can only become his own legendary proof.

Those undead who escaped couldn't help but look back at this time.

"My God, that human has hidden his strength, he is not just a few flying dragons at all."

The undead didn't know anything either. At the beginning, Fang Jie just took out 5,000 bone dragons to fight, and there were many bone griffins to assist. This kind of strength simply cannot stop everyone.

So from time to time, there are many fish that slip through the net, and they must be dealt with.

In this case, their losses are not small. Seeing this scale of troops now, instinctively began to curse.

"Enough, it's time, aren't you hiding as well? It's just a pity that you didn't stand with him, otherwise you wouldn't have to run away like this."

Indeed, if Fang Jie himself was able to come up with a force of this size, the territory behind him would definitely be stronger.

If we stand together, we might be able to lie down and win this time, but unfortunately none of them succeeded.

After all, the other party is just a human being, who would have seen such an existence that is not an undead until he didn't show it at the beginning.

"Don't talk nonsense, didn't you see that the chasing soldiers were about to catch up?" Someone looked at these people with a speechless expression. It's not good to see the power in the air without seeing their own situation.

Although the chasing troops are not too strong, it is impossible for them to unite to resist.

Whoever is caught up now will basically not end well. There were still some people in front of them who just glanced back, and then continued to bury their heads and run away, with no intention of talking nonsense with them.

By the time they discovered this situation, they had already fallen to the end of the team, and they were about to be caught up.

After fighting in the air for a while, the battle on land finally began. A large number of troops tried to rush up Emerald Slope along the two nearest roads, but then they found something troublesome.

Countless little spiders ran out of nowhere, and launched a siege in conjunction with the spider silk traps on the ground.

But the little spiders can also explode, which has a huge impact on them. Uphill, giant centipedes emerged one by one and spit fire at them. Because they are all cliffs, it is not easy for them to fight back.

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