Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 172 Territorial Shackles And Vampire Territory

"Is it really good to do this, no one will say anything if it is carried out secretly, and your reputation is not very good now."

Above the fleet, Fang Jie was standing on the bow, Qin Lan was a step behind and said slowly.

"I also know that this is not good, but only in this way can we deter those who want to oppose us. Otherwise, some people may not listen to orders very much."

Qin Lan nodded. Some of his subordinates do have different thoughts. Even if he is using corporate management, there is still no way to avoid it. Now, more and more people have different thoughts.

Among the traitors this time, some of them were actually Qin Lan's subordinates.

In addition to some older people who want to become vampires to prolong their life, there are also some people who are dissatisfied with Fang Jie, a compatriot standing above their heads, even for various inexplicable reasons.

In short, many people choose to do things that harm Fang Jie for various reasons.

But after this massacre, those with special thoughts put their minds down one after another.

They finally understood that this world is not the original world, and in this world, they are only one life. If you betray, I am afraid it is not only the same as the original company, but just being fired.

After these people are honest, it is much easier to control.

However, in the discussion forum, more and more people criticize Fang Jie, and Fang Jie's reputation is visibly declining.

"So, has your business been affected?"

"No, although there are fewer small-scale transactions, and many people are very dissatisfied, there are more and more large-scale transactions. They can see the strength and stability of our side, so they trust us more."

Fang Jie said indifferently: "Then it's nothing, time will prove that my approach is right."

"There is a plateau of flowers in front, do you want to transfer to the agency flying eagle?"

Qin Shulan walked in from behind and said that the deserted island could already be seen in front of her.

In this area of ​​the sea, except for a few reef areas, other places are casual. As for those routes, it is just to avoid getting lost, and the distance is relatively short.

However, the ships produced by these docks will not lose their way at sea.

Fang Jie nodded: "Go there as soon as possible. I heard that the vampires have actually converted the occupied territories into vampire territories. Such territories are very interesting."

Fang Jie also wants to get a vampire territory, so that he can control the flower plateau by himself.

As long as a few local vampires are transformed, the nobles will be happy. And the vampire Fang Jie will not stay, but will be released, and then it will naturally disrupt the New Moon Kingdom.

When the time comes, the New Moon Kingdom stares at itself all day, making it difficult for this side to develop.

"It's not actually control. Those vampires just use special methods to control the territory. They haven't become real lords. And there are actually only three successful transformations."

Before long, Qin Shulan had already made statistics on the situation here.

Fang Jie nodded: "Just three of the three, as long as there is one that can be used. Let Mobas control it, and during the battle, it is possible to get the vampire type building."

Although that kind of possibility is relatively small, most of them still get the undead camp, but it is not completely impossible.

It's really not possible. If you go to the black market in the future, you will always be able to get it, although the possibility is a little smaller.

It didn't take long for Fang Jie to take the organ flying eagle and all the way to the place where the flower plateau was close to the center. The three transformed territories are all nearby.

Because the cost of transformation is too high, it is impossible for vampires to transform territories that are too far away.

These territories, because they are all near the main city, are used as experimental bases by the Duke of Flowers. Those territories in other places were only temporarily controlled by troops, and they were not completely controlled.

At this moment, those territories have been controlled by the Skeleton Legion.

I have to say that the flower plateau looks very safe and peaceful, so many people did not give up their territory at the beginning. Later, these lords were also enslaved or killed by vampires.

On this plateau, the number of territories counted has reached more than fifty.

That's right, these are all left by those who didn't give up their territories at the beginning, and each of them is a territory that can be controlled.

Unfortunately, most of them only have one lord's hut, and they haven't had time to add other buildings.

"A new territory is detected, the conditions are met, and you can choose to occupy or destroy it."

Hearing this, Fang Jie just wanted to choose to occupy, but suddenly a second prompt appeared.

"It is detected that the territory has been blocked by the territory shackles and cannot be occupied. Please choose whether to destroy it." Fang Jie was stunned for a moment, what is the territory shackles.

"Can the territorial shackles block off one's own territory to prevent others from occupying it? This is really a tool that harms others and not oneself, but where did they get it?"

Fang Jie doesn't know, but this blood family who has lived for countless years is really not simple.

With this shackle, this has grown to a large territory, and can only choose to destroy.

Fang Jie destroyed it in desperation, and the entire territory turned into ruins on the spot, then turned into flat ground, and nothing was left.

"How did it get destroyed?" Qin Lan, who was about to watch next to him, asked with a puzzled look.

Fang Jie spread his hands and said, "No way, the territorial shackles are used here. It can't be occupied and can only be destroyed." Hearing this, even Qin Lan became curious, but unfortunately there were no other experimental materials.

"Let's go, aren't there two more, I don't believe all three are blocked."

Fang Jie doesn't believe there are so many of such special equipment. Fortunately, the next two territories were successfully occupied. One has only one lord's hut, Fang Jie didn't like it, but there is another one with a special building attached.

It's a special peasant building, but it's capable of producing real vampires.

Otherwise, relying on the blood slaves of those peasant units, it would be impossible to carry out the first embrace. In that case, it would not be easy for him to gain a firm foothold here, and those nobles would not support him.

However, after occupying it, Fang Jie found that the blood race territory was different from what he imagined.

In the prompt, he asked himself to go to the blood pool in the lord's mansion and drip his blood on the statue in the middle of the blood pool. Fang Jie walked inside and saw a pool of dried blood with only a vague statue in the middle.

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