Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 120 One Wave After Another Of Salted Fish

Fang Jie and others didn't know about the first time the murlocs acted.

It was not until these murlocs came to the front that the news came back. By the time Fang Jie and the others knew, there was a battle going on for a while. This wave of murlocs was slaughtered a lot.

Seeing that, if this continues, I am afraid that these murlocs will run away.

"Sorry, I didn't find out in advance." Qin Shulan said embarrassedly. The other party launched an attack, and as the person in charge of the territory, he did not find out. This is definitely his own dereliction of duty.

Fang Jie shook his head and said, "It's not your fault, we are all here, and we didn't find out. These murlocs are so disorganized and undisciplined." Fang Jie was also speechless for a while, because he had already discovered the reason.

Murlocs do not have a leader, and although they are numerous, they are actually the same as gang fights.

The front ones couldn't take it anymore and didn't want to wait any longer, so they started making their own decisions.

And with some hands-on, naturally others will follow, which is why these murlocs rushed out in the first place. Fang Jie has been monitoring the murloc army all the time. Who would have known that the army had not moved, but they started to do it first.

The key is that they started, and the follow-up murlocs did not follow, just watching them rush past.

After the escaped murlocs fled back, those behind were just laughing and had no intention of helping at all.

It was the first time Fang Jie had seen such a big mistake that there was no command at all. Who would have thought before that there would be such a stupid army, it is unimaginable.

"But that's fine. After all, there are already more than 100,000 murlocs gathered, maybe even more. It will definitely be more troublesome to rush over at one time." Qin Lan also comforted.

Although they now have more than 200,000 lobster people, and they are still making them, the number is still not so safe.

Fang Jie has always liked to use far more troops than the opponent to directly engulf the opponent.

There is no such superior force this time, of course, I feel a little unsure. Besides, this was the first time fighting in the sea. They could only be on land, and they couldn't see what was happening in the ocean at all.

"Some dead lobsterman elites have met the requirements, let's create a few heroes to use."

When Fang Jie heard this, he nodded and said, "That's right, it's time to create a few heroes. It just so happens that I'll go there too."

Fang Jie went back to fission the newly created lobster man, so he couldn't wait until the lobster man came. In the past, there was only Qin Lan, and it was easy to avoid.

But it's different here. In addition to Qin Lan and Qin Shulan, there are a lot of people who came to help.

A large part of these are compatriots from the earth, and some are indigenous people. These are all collected by Qin Lan during this period. With these people, many things are easy to do.

Moreover, people from different regions on both sides are more likely to spontaneously form circles and confront each other.

This form was also deliberately promoted by Qin Lan.

Now that so many people are here, they will all be Qin Shulan's direct subordinates in the future, but no one knows if they will see something. The two stood up to see each other without saying much.

A day later, Fang Jie returned to this place, bringing with him a batch of heroic units.

With these hero units in the water, it's easier to command there. All kinds of information are continuously sent out, so that they have some understanding of the underwater situation.

With the battle, a large number of corpses were already floating on the water. Even if it is cleaned all the time, it is not cleaned up.

In the depths of the sea, a large area has turned blood red, and it has also attracted various marine creatures to gather here. There are even often some marine creatures that will attack the murlocs and prey on them.

"Are those murlocs still like that?"

Qin Shulan nodded and said, "It's still the same, sending them here in waves, without any organization at all."

After a few days of training, Qin Shulan had some obvious changes, and she also had a bit of a superior person's breath on her body.

Fang Jie nodded, afraid that the person in charge would not be able to train, does it look good now? As long as it is a talent, Fang Jie will not skimp on resources to cultivate it.

"The number of those murlocs has been reduced a lot. I'm preparing to launch an attack at dawn tomorrow, and while they are resting, I will completely maim them and establish the dominance of this sea area."

Is it dawn? That's a good time. These murlocs, whether active during the day or at night, are basically sleeping at dawn, and they are naturally sleepy at this time.

Don't say anything like Legion vigilance, those murlocs don't have that brain.

When the time comes, they will only sleep according to their instinct, and only a few will be awake. To deal with these things, you can't think too much, because they don't have any plans at all.

In the past few days, the ones that were given away by private actions are about to occupy one-third of the gathered murlocs.

They even found that some murlocs feel that life here is good, and they are going to build their nests here as their own place to live. One can imagine how pitiful these murlocs are.

Fang Jie didn't say anything, and let Qin Shulan command the army herself.

At dawn, the Lobster Man launched the general attack directly. In the sea, the fighting power that the lobster man can exert is even more terrifying.

The lobster man in front directly activated the skill splitting water thorn, and the sharp corners on his head tore open the sea water, and also tore open the murlocs in the water. Some special juices flow out from the manholes of some lobsters. These are all medicines that have a paralyzing effect on murlocs.

This is also secreted by a waterweed discovered in the past few days.

It's hard to imagine that things that restrain the murlocs actually grow not far from the murlocs.

The murloc seemed very shocked by the sudden attack of the dead lobster man, and did not expect that the other party would suddenly attack him. In a hurry, the murloc's counterattack was so weak, and soon the entire seabed was in chaos.

"It's too much to overestimate them, except for the number, it's useless." Fang Jie shook his head.

When the number of this thing is small, it may look quite ferocious, but if it gathers on a large scale, it is a group of garbage.

Unless there are creatures that can command these murlocs, maybe that can play a good role in combat. This sea area obviously does not exist, so this will be my own territory in the future.

It depends on the first battle, and the development of the ocean will not have to worry about it. What Fang Jie has to do is to complete the last condition for upgrading his territory. The black market that Qin Lan discovered before should go.

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