Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony

Chapter 816 Make a decision with Kong Ming

On the afternoon of July 4th in the fourth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao finally finished his inspection of the 15 islands in the Holy Land after returning to the Holy Land, and boarded the shuttle boat back to Yidao.

When he first decided to do this, Qu Mao really just didn't want to be like Kong Ming, just stay in the lord's hut, and make false claims with the heroes and administrators who stayed behind in the Holy Land.

But after actually setting foot on the islands, Qu Mao still saw a lot of things and thought about a lot of things. These things need to be discussed with Kong Ming in advance, and proposed at the Holy Land Development Planning Conference on July 5, so that the garrison of each island Heroes and executives figured out how to implement it.

At two o'clock in the afternoon on July 4th in the fourth year of Tianxuan, the shuttle boat Qu Mao took docked at the civilian pier outside Yidao Fisherman's Village. After landing, Qu Mao immediately walked towards the lord's hut non-stop.

As soon as he walked into the east gate of Yicheng, Qu Mao used the magic communication crystal to contact Kong Ming as he walked, and asked Kong Ming to go to the door of the anxious bedroom on the third floor of the lord's cabin to wait for something important to discuss.

When Qu Mao returned to the third floor of the lord's cabin, Kong Ming was already waiting at the door of Qu Mao.

While greeting Kong Ming, Qu Mao beckoned Kong Ming to enter his room with him.

After returning to the room, Qu Mao pulled Kong Ming to the small living room outside the bedroom, and immediately told Kong Ming about his thoughts when he was touring the 15 islands in the Holy Land.

Kong Ming shook his feather fan and nodded frequently while listening to Qu Mao's thoughts. Finally, Kong Ming put down his feather fan, took out a pen and paper from his backpack, and said, "My lord, speak slowly, and my subordinates will record it."

Qu Mao was stunned for a moment, then said: "Kong Ming, don't be so cautious, it's just my preliminary thoughts, don't I want to discuss it with you?"

Kong Ming smiled, and did not put away the pen and paper, but said: "My lord, please tell me first.

After the subordinates record it, they will evaluate it, and then have an in-depth discussion with you as an adult. "

Qu Mao felt that it was appropriate for Kong Ming to do so, so he nodded and said, "Kong Ming, let me start with the three northern islands.

Combined with the current situation, Fukushima can consider developing leisure tourism; Shangdao has newly established the North Island Chamber of Commerce, which is responsible for the domestic trade between the holy land of Yicheng territory and the independent territory on the main mainland. It is timely and good, but I have not seen North Island so far. The person in charge of the Island Chamber of Commerce will see you tomorrow, so the business island must focus on developing commerce; Zhidao’s technology research position is still maintained, but I feel that the residents of Zhidao are a little depressed, so I want to find a way to solve it.

The depressive atmosphere is actually not conducive to scientific and technological research, and in the future we will search for skilled craftsmen and knowledgeable scholars. We can't continue to focus on the aboriginal forces. We have to find a way to let Xinping's intelligence agencies extend into the power of the Chosen player lords. "

Kong Ming nodded and said, "My lord, let the subordinates find a way to activate the emotions of the island residents."

Qu Mao continued: "As long as there is a chance, the pastures on Sky Island and Lian Island must continue to sow grass, especially Lian Island.

Although the war horses raised on Sky Island and Lian Island have been moved to Jidao Ranch, and the pastures on Sky Island and Lian Island are in the stage of self-growth and reproduction, artificial acceleration must be artificially accelerated.

In addition, Liandao will soon replace Skydao and become the largest grain production base in the Holy Land of Yicheng Territory, so we have to reserve planting talents in advance, build grain storage warehouses on Liandao, and even expand Liandao's civilian wharf. "

Kong Ming recorded Qu Mao's instructions and requests one by one, but did not express his opinion to Qu Mao.

Qu Mao said: "The positioning of the four southern islands as industrial base islands will not change, and the construction of factories, including Dry Island, needs to be stepped up.

Dry Island is currently developing very well, the original vegetation has been preserved, and the factories are gathered in 10 inhabited towns, but the number of factories is still insufficient.

Both Bo Island and Green Island have handicraft workshops. This is beyond our expected results. Therefore, it needs to be further strengthened and encouraged. Some policies can be introduced to reward residents engaged in handicraft workshops on Bo Island and encourage them to invent production tools. If it proves to be effective, a heavy reward will be given.

Once a handicraft workshop has mass-produced production tools, isn't it the prototype of a factory? "

Kong Ming nodded and echoed, "Indeed, my subordinates never thought that the Bodao handicraft workshop could develop to the level you described, my lord."

Qu Maolue said with some embarrassment: "The development of Green Island is a bit embarrassing. The development of handicraft workshops copied Bo Island, but the scale is far smaller than Bo Island.

Few formal factories have been built, and the residents are still exodus from Liber Island and Gan Island, so at least Green Island must find a solution to the problem of the loss of residents.

I originally wanted to suggest that Green Island develop marine fishing and aquaculture, but Zhongdao already has this position, so I still feel a little embarrassed about Green Island. "

Kong Ming said: "My lord, if Green Island can't think of other methods, then it should be marine fishing and aquaculture. However, this is somewhat contrary to the positioning of an industrial base island. We should also introduce policies to support the invention and manufacture of production-related tools. , somewhat different foundations."

Qu Mao nodded and said, "That's the only way to go, the industrialization of Lian Dao needs to be strengthened, even though Lian Dao will soon become the largest grain production base.

There are also pastures on Sky Island and Lian Island. I just talked about planting pastures. In the future, I think Sky Island and Lian Island can be used as bases for cavalry regiment mount breeding and mating.

Even if this base is not built, the planting of pastures can also help conserve the water and soil on Sky Island and Link Island. "

Kong Ming said: "Sky Island and Lian Island are both small, so it's not a big problem."

Qu Mao continued: "Yi Island, Outlying Island, and Ji Island are the three islands developed in the early days of our holy land. The current population is close to saturation. I don't think there is any need to give additional development directions. It can be further prosperous according to the current development.

Of course, the military factories in Jidao also have to consider technological innovation. There are also military factories on Liandao.

Jidao can be used as a pasture for our cavalry corps if it doesn’t work, and outlying islands will change the water power research institute to the industrial power research institute.

When I walked over there, I provided the researchers of your Hydrodynamic Research Institute with a conceptual drawing of a wind-powered mill, waiting for them to develop it for me. "

Kong Ming gently put the pen and paper in his hand aside, and said, "My lord, Yi Dao, Li Dao and Ji Dao can spend less energy, there is no problem.

An idea for a windmill? Let's go back to outlying islands after the meeting tomorrow. "

Qu Mao nodded and said, "These are my preliminary thoughts. We'd better discuss it before tomorrow's meeting."

Kong Ming said: "Yes, my lord, this subordinate understands."

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