On the afternoon of February 14th, the 20th year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao and Kong Ming rushed to the Liandao Flight Research Institute. After witnessing the airship built by Nanli, Mu Degui and their team, they immediately decided to hold a flight test the next day. That night, Qu Mao and Kong Ming lived in a third-tier courtyard on the outskirts of Liandao Liancheng.

About ten years ago, when Qu Mao devoted himself to the industrial and technological innovation activities in Yidi Territory, he lived in this three-tiered courtyard for more than a year.

When he arrived at the United Islands Flight Research Institute, Kong Ming was shocked by the airship and didn't bother to speak.

But when he returned to the third-tier courtyard on the outskirts of Liancheng at night, Kong Ming seemed to come alive, just like a chatterbox, chatting non-stop with Qu Mao on the airship.

Qu Mao seldom sees Kong Ming like this. Under normal circumstances, Kong Ming is shaking a goose feather fan, and he always looks slow.

But after Tianxuan lived in the third-tiered courtyard on the outskirts of Liancheng on the night of February 14th, 20th year, Kong Ming kept talking to Qu Mao about his mood and feelings after seeing the airship.

Qu Mao himself was very much looking forward to the next day's flight test. When Kong Ming said this, his heart was even more itchy, but he had to patiently comfort Kong Ming and let him go to rest early.

Then Qu Mao took out his magic communication crystal and began to gather the core military heroes who were still staying in the Holy Land of Emperor Yi, including Minister of Military Affairs Zhang Yao.

Zhang Yao himself is very much looking forward to leading the soldiers on the battlefield, and he is unwilling to stay in the Holy Land of Emperor Yi to serve as the Minister of Military Affairs.

However, Qu Mao failed to let Zhang Yao step down as Minister of Military Affairs after the 19th year-end summary meeting of Tianxuan, because no one could take Zhang Yao's position.

Fortunately, Qu Mao and Zhang Yao have reached an agreement in private, that is, they will continue to work until the end of March in the 20th year of Tianxuan. During the usual physical examination, she was found to be pregnant for three months. By the end of March in the 20th year of Tianxuan, she would be six months pregnant. Even if Hua Tielan personally wanted to continue serving in the army, her body would definitely not allow it. .

From the time the child was born to the time the child was weaned, Qu Mao believed that at least two or three years would be enough to succeed Zhang Yao and serve as the Minister of Military Affairs for several years.

Of course, Hua Tielan herself agreed with this arrangement. After all, it takes time to raise a baby. Zhang Yao thought it would take two or three months, so he could wait.

After all, except for the Taiji Marquis who has been fighting in the branch territories on each continent, there is a high probability that the fierce battles in other branch territories will not start until the end of March in the 20th year of Tianxuan, and it is just right to go to the battlefield at that time.

At 9 a.m. on February 15th, the 20th year of Tianxuan, a total of 41 military heroes, Zhang Yao, Su Qiaoer, Kong Ming, Xuande, Mengde, and Zhongmou, who stayed in the Holy Land of Emperor Yi's territory, appeared in the United Nations. Island Flight Research Institute, preparing for the airship test flight experiment.

Nanli and Mu Degui were both busy on the deck of the airship, checking the furnace, fuel, safety ropes, etc. One large, four small and five hot air balloons had already been tied to the sky above the airship deck.

Everyone looked at the airship and were shocked. Almost no one believed that such a huge thing could break free from the ground and fly into the air.

Qu Mao glanced at Nanli and Mu Degui on the deck of the airship, and shouted: "Nanli, Mu Degui, you two must leave one of you to explain the specific situation to me."

Kongming waved his goose feather fan, leaned close to Xuande's ear, and said, "Xuande, my lord is afraid that there will be an accident in the flight test, and he threw two of his outstanding scientific research leaders to death together..."

Qu Mao glared at Kong Ming fiercely, and said angrily, "Kong Ming, be more cautious and shut your crow's mouth!"

Nanli and Mu Degui discussed on the deck of the airship for a while, and then Nanli walked down the hanging ladder of the airship and came to stand beside Qu Mao.

Judging from the expression on Nanli's face, it was obvious that Nanli was not satisfied with Qu Mao's arrangement, but Qu Mao didn't explain anything, or what Kong Ming said was indeed what Qu Mao thought.

At 9:30 a.m. on February 15th, the 20th year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao rushed to Nanli and nodded.

Following Nanli's order, six rings were thrown down from the deck of the airship. Before that, the heating furnace of the hot air balloon had already blown hot air into the five hot air balloons, one big, four small, and five hot air balloons. If there were not six ropes tied to the airship , maybe the airship flew away long ago.

After the 6 rings were untied and thrown down, the airship made a "creaking" sound and slowly left the ground.

The 41 onlookers, except Qu Mao and Kong Ming, all screamed loudly, regardless of gender.

Qu Mao's heart rose to his throat with the sound of "creaking creaking". The heroes who came to visit the flight test soon stopped screaming and held their breath. The scene of the flight test was so quiet that even a needle fell to the ground. It can be heard from the ground.

The airship was still climbing upward with difficulty, at a very slow speed.

Nanli explained: "My lord, hot air is lighter than cold air, so the hot air balloon filled with hot air will inevitably rise, which will drive the airship hanging under the hot air balloon to take off.

Now the climbing speed is very slow, it can climb 3 meters in about 1 minute, and on average, it takes 20 seconds to climb one meter.

What we considered was heating the hot air balloon in advance, but it still couldn't solve the problem of the rising speed of the hot air balloon.

Once climbed to an altitude of hundreds of meters, parallel flight can be considered, but the current speed of parallel flight is also very slow.

We were very excited when we had the airship idea in the early days, thinking that the airship can fly over the enemy and drop bombs vertically, which can achieve very good results.

This is the third test flight. If the speed of take-off and flight cannot be increased, we feel that the field of follow-up application is very limited, and there is a high probability that the army will not use this kind of airship with extremely slow flying speed. "

Qu Mao nodded and said, "It can be effective against military towns protected by city walls. However, the airship is the first step in the air force's construction and sold, and it is still very meaningful."

Nanli said: "My lord, when we set up the project, we studied towns protected by fifth-tier city walls, but now it seems that we were a little more optimistic when we set up the project.

By the way, my lord, what is the Air Force? "

Qu Mao said: "The Air Force, as the name suggests: is the army flying in the sky.

The airship is very good. Your achievement is no less than that of the ironclad ship developed by Fukumura Shipyard in Outlying Islands. We must continue to work hard. "

The whole flight test took half an hour, but Qu Mao was still very excited, but the military heroes who followed him were not optimistic about the airship, thinking that the speed was too slow and of little strategic significance.

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