Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony

Chapter 1492 The Battle Situation Sudden Change

Starting from July 7th, the 15th year of Tianxuan, as the Overseas Chinese Federation quickly invested new arms and forces around the Taiji Village branch territory, such as magician troops, sixth-level champion knight troops, etc., the Taiji Village branch territory and the Overseas Chinese Federation Empire faced each other. There are also more uncertain factors in the battle around the teleportation array.

At least the battle situation has shifted from the unilateral crushing advantage of the branch territory of Taiji Village to the casualties of soldiers. The assistant troops of the Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese Empire have also changed from the previous few days when they only knew to do unnecessary charges, and their tactics have become more flexible.

Qu Mao reminded Di Taiji and the Chosen players of the branch territory management team of Taiji Village more than once that the Imperial Garrison of the Overseas Chinese Federation on the opposite side might have dispatched the Chosen players to command the battle, or it might even be the Oriental Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese who came to the front in person.

However, Di Taiji and others believe that the Overseas Chinese Federation Empire has been researching gunpowder for more than 5 years, but no firearms and weapons have ever appeared on the battlefield. From this, it can be judged that the Overseas Chinese Federation Empire's god-chosen players are basically not bad.

It's just that when soldiers and civilians were killed in the branch territory of Taiji Village in the process of fighting against the garrison troops of the Overseas Chinese Federation, Di Taiji, Wu Congrong, Li Buxing, Zuo Xiangxi, and Skop-Drucker immediately established a branch territory. All five of them were on the front line of the battle. Obviously, all five of them attached great importance to the sudden change in the battle situation.

Di Taiji even entrusted personnel from the Intelligence Department to send a letter to Zhao Pan, commander-in-chief of the Yidi Territory Army who was still fighting on the Western Front, hoping that Zhao Pan could send at least one company of Yidi Territory Army special warfare fighters to the branch territory of Taiji Village help.

At present, the branch territory of Taiji Village is compressed within the range covered by the artillery of Taiji City under construction. It is completely blind to external intelligence and knows nothing.

The reason why he applied for Army Special Warfare Soldiers was because the management team of the Taiji Village branch heard Xuande, Xinping, Silta Delta, etc. talk about the position of Army Special Warfare Soldiers and their performance in previous wars, so Di Taiji wanted to mobilize some army special combat soldiers to investigate the intelligence behind the camp of the imperial garrison of the Overseas Chinese Federation.

Xinping very much recognized the measures taken by the management team of the branch of Taiji Village. At the same time, he also transferred 15 elite intelligence personnel from the Tassel Empire to invest in intelligence collection.

Compared with the special warfare soldiers of the army, Xinping's intelligence personnel came faster. After all, it took three hours to take the steam train from the old imperial city of the Tassel Empire to the Teleportation City Railway Station. After arriving at the Teleportation City, it took 10 seconds to teleport .

Xinping and Xuande left the branch territory of Taiji Village on July 5th and July 6th respectively, and Sirta Delta, the head of the military department of Yidi's territory, has always been a prepared soldier. Once the war starts, Selta Delta is rarely seen on the battlefield.

The branch territory of Taiji Village seized the inner city wall at the end of the Overseas Chinese Federation Empire, and Silta Delta never participated in the battle. Even since the repair of the teleportation array on July 1, 15th year of Tianxuan, Silta Delta has never been involved. Set foot on the side of the teleportation array.

Qu Mao himself felt that even if there was a sudden change in the battle between the branch of Taiji Village and the Overseas Chinese Federation Empire, with the strength of Di Taiji, Wu Congrong, Li Buchuan, Zuo Xiangxi and Skop-Drucker, they could completely deal with it by themselves.

Therefore, Qu Mao doesn't want to stay at the construction site of the branch territory of Taiji Village anymore. After all, Qu Mao has reviewed the operation of using the cheating summoning skill to increase the cheat value in the past few days. The number of cheating points obtained is relatively poor.

Qu Mao's cheating system has already accumulated 2 billion cheating points, and he doesn't care about using the cheating summoning skills to earn even a little bit.

The only thing that worried Qu Mao was that soldiers and civilians in the branch territory of Taiji Village were killed.

Although the number of soldiers and civilians killed in the Taiji Village branch territory is almost negligible compared to the number of deaths of the assistant troops of the Overseas Chinese Federation, Qu Mao has always believed that every soldier and civilian in the Yidi territory is a living person, not a piece of data in the game , so every unnatural death will make Qu Mao very sad.

The management team of the branch territory of Taiji Village did not prevent Qu Mao from leaving. In fact, they preferred Qu Mao to leave the branch territory of Taiji Village so that they could give full play to their subjective initiative to build and develop the territory of Taiji Village. After all, when Qu Mao was in However, when some opinions were not unified, they still had to persuade Qu Mao.

The departure date agreed by Qu Mao and the Taiji Village branch territory management team was at noon on July 10, 15th year of Tianxuan, but in the early morning of July 10th, 15th year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao was awakened by a loud explosion.

After getting up suddenly, Qu Mao didn't care that he hadn't washed yet, because the explosion just now knew that it was not the sound of artillery from the branch territory of Taiji Village.

So when Qu Mao rushed out, Di Taiji and his management team also rushed out, and the six met outside the temporary camp.

Di Taiji said: "In front, the city wall construction site directly south!"

Qu Mao immediately rushed to the south, and the five chosen players from the Taiji Village branch territory management team followed Qu Mao closely.

Before reaching the construction site of the outer city wall, everyone could see from a distance that the first-tier city wall under construction had been blasted with a 5-meter-wide gap, and countless high-level fighters from the Federation of Overseas Chinese Empire were swarming to charge the city wall under construction.

Some residents of the branch territory of Taiji Village who were on duty to build the city wall before they could evacuate were hacked and killed by high-level fighters of the Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese Empire.

Qu Mao roared angrily: "Notify Howard Wood, immediately organize the cavalry to countercharge!"

Howard Wood, the army hero of Yidi Territory, had already arrived at the front line. Even if Qu Mao's order hadn't reached his ears, he still blew the cavalry's rallying call.

Soon, nearly a thousand cavalry units composed of sixth-tier champion knights and fifth-tier heavy cavalry rushed through the breach in the city wall and rushed towards the troops of the Overseas Chinese Federation.

Qu Mao said bitterly: "Damn it! After all, the gunpowder weapon was brought out, and I knew that the Oriental Federation of Overseas Chinese must have it."

The faces of Di Taiji and others were also ugly.

Half an hour later, Howard Wood was lying on a stretcher and was carried to Qu Mao by two soldiers.

Qu Mao was stunned.

Howard Wood said helplessly: "My lord, I'm sorry! The enemy has laid mines, and the cavalry has suffered losses.

The subordinates stopped fully, but captured the enemy's weapons. "

Di Taiji shouted in astonishment: "Wo Cao! This is the most primitive artillery, right?"

It turned out that what Howard Wood had seized was a section of an iron barrel, and the gunpowder pack was stuffed into the iron barrel and ignited, but it could be successfully launched.

Qu Mao said: "Go back, Di Taiji, I guess you need to have a meeting to discuss the coping strategy."

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