Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony

Chapter 1309: Rewarding the Ironclad Ship Ru0026D Team

On the morning of February 20, the tenth year of Tianxuan, the bustling iron-clad ship launching test lasted until 11:30 am. During the nearly two-hour test, the iron-clad ship passed through the gate of the dock, sailed 10 meters toward the bay, and then Turn around and drive back to the dock.

The person in charge of the ironclad ship research and development team waited until the ironclad ship returned to the dock, ordered the gate to be closed, and then drained all the seawater in the dock, allowing the ironclad ship to dock in the dock again.

Qu Mao invited all members of the ironclad ship research and development team to have lunch at the Fucun Tavern at noon, and invited all ironclad ship research and development team members to have a meal as the lord of King Yi's territory to celebrate the success of the ironclad ship's launch test.

Because it was a temporary idea, Qu Mao had to pay the tavern owner to clear and reserve the venue, and asked the tavern owner to serve the best meals and the best drinks to entertain the entire ironclad ship research and development team members.

After dozens of R\u0026D personnel from the iron-clad ship R\u0026D team tasted the five flavors of the dishes and finished drinking for three rounds, Qu Mao stood in the center of the tavern, holding his wine glass high, and said loudly: "Everyone on the team of the iron-clad ship R\u0026D project, I would like to represent the lord of King Yi's territory. The hut, the outlying island power research institute, and on behalf of the entire Yiwang territory, I would like to extend my most sincere respect and best wishes to you all.

Your hard work over the past four years has not been in vain. This morning our first ironclad ship was officially launched for sailing trials, and it achieved a decisive success. A strong confidence protects the safety of all residents in our King Yi territory.

Ladies and gentlemen, just imagine: before this ironclad ship was officially launched, did you ever think that a warship made of pure steel could float on the sea? Have you ever thought about how much energy the enemy needs to spend to sink a warship made of pure steel?

I'm proud of you, I'm proud of what you've achieved..."

The members of the Ironclad R\u0026D project team who were excited by Qu Mao's words were completely excited. Although Qu Mao's toast had not been finished, the R\u0026D personnel of the Ironclad R\u0026D team had already shouted.

"Thank you for your guidance!"

"My lord's satisfaction is our greatest honor!"

"Thank you sir!"

"Thank you to my colleagues for working tirelessly and working together in the past four years!"


Seeing that the atmosphere in the tavern was getting warmer, Qu Mao had no choice but to swallow back what he hadn't finished speaking, put it to his mouth, and drank it all in one gulp.

Originally planned to say a few more words after drinking, but when all the staff in the tavern saw that Qu Mao had finished drinking, they immediately shouted in unison: "My lord, I am willing to obey your orders and defend your glory to the death!"

Seeing that the atmosphere in the tavern was out of control, Qu Mao had no choice but to wave his hands and asked Kong Ming, Xuande, and the head of the Ironclad R\u0026D team to stand in the center of the tavern and let them control the field.

Kong Ming, Xuande, and the person in charge of the Ironclad Ship R\u0026D project successively stood in the center of the tavern, and the noise in the tavern gradually subsided.

The three people successively summarized, commended and looked forward to the ironclad ship research and development project from their respective perspectives, which made the entire ironclad ship research and development team begin to reflect.

The banquet organized by Qu Mao on the spur of the moment to reward the ironclad ship R\u0026D team lasted until three o'clock in the afternoon, and the team leader of the ironclad ship R\u0026D project was obviously very excited.

Near the end, the head of the armored ship R\u0026D team walked to the center of the tavern again, and said with a little heaviness: "Dear colleagues, in fact, we all know very well: Although the iron-clad ship has been successfully launched for sea trials, our results are far from the iron-clad ships expected by adults. Battleship, there is still a very long way to go.

At present, the ironclad ship we have successfully launched into the water is too slow to move, does not carry artillery, and the thickness of the armor is not enough, so it cannot be used as a sharp weapon.

Therefore, on behalf of the ironclad ship research and development team, I would like to invite our Chief Scientist of King Yi’s Domain and our long-winded lord to tell us about the future direction of ironclad ship research and development improvement at the end of this gathering. Please welcome.

Please take out your paper and pens and record the instructions that adults have given us. "

Qu Mao was stunned for a moment, but still walked to the middle of the tavern naturally, coughed a few times to clear his throat, and then said: "Today was originally a banquet for everyone to celebrate achievements, so we shouldn't talk about technical issues, but the person in charge of the R\u0026D team Taking the initiative to bring up such a heavy topic, I feel that your Ironclad R\u0026D team has a clear understanding of your own products, so I would like to say a few words.

First of all, the iron-clad ship was successfully launched in the navigation test today. This is an achievement and a great honor. There is no doubt about it.

Secondly, I want to say that the bottleneck restricting the development of ironclad ship research and development projects does not lie with everyone, but with our supporting power system. So I hope that Bi Sheng, Yan Qisheng and your team from the Island Power Research Institute need to further develop higher-power engines or other power systems to support the ironclad ship research and development project team to achieve greater results.

Third, the shortcomings of ironclad ships at this stage have been pointed out by the person in charge of the ironclad ship research and development team just now, nothing more than speed, firepower and defense. I think ironclad ships can consider reducing the weight of the hull, but the appearance volume cannot be reduced, otherwise the buoyancy will appear insufficient.

In the future, ironclad ships will need to be equipped with artillery. A shipborne artillery can cost thousands of kilograms. Without enough buoyancy support, ironclad ships will lose the meaning of research and development.

Of course, in order to ensure the armor protection and defense capabilities of ironclad ships, new alloy materials and materials combined with metal and rubber can be considered.

I can only give some directions as far as I know. As for whether the directions I gave are correct, you still need to conduct experiments and evaluate them.

I personally think that there is enough speed to ensure the maneuverability of the ironclad ship, enough firepower to enhance the attack power of the ironclad ship, and an armor defense system made of suitable materials. If these three points are achieved, our ironclad ship can be directly listed. Installed Navy App.

Although our navy is already very strong, with the blessing of ironclad ships, I believe our naval forces will be even stronger.

Partners of the Ironclad R\u0026D project team, are you confident? "

Everyone in the tavern stood up and shouted loudly: "My lord, obey your order and defend your glory to the death!"

Qu Maoxu pressed the air a few times to calm everyone down, and said with a smile: "Partners, our iron-clad ship research and development project has a long way to go. on the sea of ​​the sea."

"Triumph!" Everyone shouted again in unison!

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