After visiting Huiye City, Huang Yu declined the invitation for lunch from Lord Huiye, summoned the Spiritual Essence of the Hall of Valor, and fled directly to the sky amid the shocked expressions of everyone in Huiye's territory.

The three people who have the ability to teleport in the Universal Territory are actually from the divine prison creatures, but each person's transmission method is completely different.

Huang Yu is the anchor point of cohesion, positioning and teleportation.

Teleporter Yuri is an imaginary teleportation site, displacement transmission.

Although there are differences in the teleportation abilities of Huang Yu and the teleporter Yuri, they also have a certain connection.

Only the spirit essence of the Hall of Valor, I don't know if it is the reason for the energy creatures. Its teleportation ability is very convenient to open. With a thought, it can transport people to any place within the limit.

If you don't pursue distance, Yuan can also open a portal. During the short period of time the portal is maintained, anyone and everything can teleport to the target location.

It's just that this kind of large-scale teleportation consumes a lot of the power of faith. Even if Yuan has become a sixth-order heroic spirit, he can only maintain the portal for less than five seconds within a teleportation distance of 100 kilometers at most.

At present, the level of Ling Yuan in the Hall of Valor has risen to the sixth level, and the long-distance teleportation ability is second only to Huang Yu, which is much stronger than the teleporter Yuri, who is still at the fifth level.

Huang Yu asked Yuan to take him to the Welsh Territory. On the one hand, he wanted to put on a wave in front of the Hui Ye Territory, and on the other hand, he wanted to save his physical strength and find someone to share the energy consumption of the journey.

The Kaguya Territory and the Welsh Territory are one in the south of the Fifth District and the other in the northeast of the Fifth District, with a straight line distance of tens of thousands of kilometers.

If the anchor point positioning is ignored, even Huang Yu, who has been promoted to extraordinary, needs at least three teleportations of the extreme distance to reach the Welsh territory.

Between Hui Ye Territory and Welsh Territory, Huang Yu has only one anchor point for teleportation, and it is also in the northeast of District 5.

Before that anchor point entered Huang Yu's teleportation range, Huang Yu's fastest way to travel was to teleport with the Spirit Yuan of the Hall of Valor.


In the soft sound, the Spiritual Yuan of the Hall of Heroes, carrying Huang Yu, appeared above a huge ocean.

After walking a distance in the air, Yuan activated the power of time and space again and disappeared over the ocean.

When the two of them reappeared, there was a red earth Gobi below, and not far away, there was a territory surrounded by a high wall.

Before waiting for that territory to be discovered, after a short period of charging, the spirit energy of the Hall of Valor started the teleportation again and took Huang Yu to the next location.

From the Gobi to the forest, from the forest to the plateau, and then from the plateau to the desert. . . . . . After being teleported four times in a row over the extreme distance, the power of belief accumulated in the Hall of Valor was almost exhausted after being promoted to the sixth rank.

Continuing to teleport, Yuan needs to use the power of faith consumed by the fixed rank.

At that time, the level of Yuan will also be lowered to the fifth level.

"Okay Yuan, let's go here."

Yuan finally entered the sixth rank, how could Huang Yu let it drop the rank.

After the fourth transmission, Huang Yu patted Yuan's head and said to him:

"You go back first."

"The next road is up to me."

Yuan's four teleportation had already taken Huang Yu over half the distance.

Huang Yu only needs to move forward a certain distance before he can bring that anchor into his teleportation range.

At this time, the teleporters who have never been to the fifth district are useless.

Huang Yu could only turn on Chaos Vision, condense the anchor point at the end of the line of sight, and move forward little by little.

After Yuan became smaller, he rubbed Huang Yu's palm affectionately, then disappeared in front of Huang Yu and returned to the Hall of Valor.

After Yuan left, Huang Yu sensed the location of the anchor point.

The anchor point was condensed by Huang Yu through an ordinary faceless person, and it is located in a human territory. As long as he reaches there, Huang Yu can connect the anchor point of the Welsh territory and descend directly to the Welsh territory.

Now Huang Yu is less than 2,000 kilometers away from that anchor point in a straight line.

At this distance, with the aid of Chaos Vision, Huang Yu could reach the limit teleportation distance several times in a row.

Flying high into the sky, Huang Yu kept condensing the anchor point and began to cross the desert below.

The area of ​​this desert is huge. Huang Yu teleported three times in a row before he left the desert and came to a forest.

When Huang Yu just walked out of the teleportation anchor point, the forest below suddenly sounded a harsh alarm.

Huang Yu looked down, and the first thing that caught his eye was a huge elf mother tree with a height of thousands of meters, like a giant umbrella covering more than 20 square kilometers.

And around this elf mother tree, you can also see many elf mother trees that have been reduced in the same proportion.

Huang Yu opened this chaotic vision, and immediately found that these elf mother trees were clones extended from the rhizome of the largest mother tree.

These elf mother trees are densely packed together, covering an area of ​​nearly 100 square kilometers.

Obviously, this is an elf territory with a fifth-order level!

"It seems that this territory has been upgraded to Tier 5, and it should be a while."

"The speed of development is much faster than that of Gasd's territory... It's not easy!"

"Among the ten thousand clans, there are not a few people with great talents."

"Even in the world territory, you can't be complacent because of a temporary lead."

Sighing slightly, Huang Yu looked down.

He is currently at an altitude of five or six thousand meters, and his traces can still be found in this elf territory, which shows that his strength is also extraordinary.

In Huang Yu's line of sight, as the sharp warning sound spread throughout the In the quiet blue sea of ​​trees, there are constantly light blue-skinned elves, driving various mounts and rushing out. , flying in his direction.

Some ride on purple-skinned four-winged birds, some ride on colorful Banshees, and some of them ride the best flying monsters - Thunderbirds.

However, after a giant beast with a wingspan of more than 50 meters, which looked like a giant dragon but had no dragon scales, and had a dark blue overall appearance, burst out of the tree canopy, Huang Yu's eyes were instantly attracted to the wild monster.


It has nothing to do with the dragon family, and is a powerful beast that was born and raised in the Chaos Continent.

Once an adult, it is a sixth-order extraordinary creature, and its potential can reach the eighth-order legend!

Obviously, the forest below is the territory of the thunder elves, and their mounts are mostly wild monsters with similar attributes.

However, although Thunder Dragon is strong, it has only just entered Huang Yu's eyes.

What really attracted Huang Yu was the Thunder Elf on Thunder Dragon's back.

It was a male elf, not as soft and handsome as ordinary elf, but with thick eyebrows and big eyes, looking very majestic.

More importantly, Huang Yu could feel that this thunder elf was not as powerful. Although it had not entered the extraordinary, it had an aura that was stronger than that of Wumo before the transformation of the blood descendants.

This also means that this is a god-level soldier!

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