Josie's movement just now was too big, attracting the attention of a nearby bearman patrol.

When the bearmen walked out of the dense forest and saw a human being standing on the ground riddled with holes, their eyes couldn't help showing surprise.

As an intermediate race in the half-orc family, the bearmen are actually not weaker than the advanced half-orc races such as the lion and tiger race.

After coming to the Chaos Continent, this bear tribe is no stranger to the human race, because in the past half a year, they have destroyed three of the human territory alone.

Human beings, an ordinary race, have always represented weakness in the eyes of bears, so for a while, many bears have difficulty connecting the desolate land in front of them with the tired-looking man.

The sudden appearance of the bear people patrol also immediately attracted Josie's attention.

In fact, he had already sensed that a large number of creatures were approaching, but the contradiction between perception and cognition made him unable to distinguish what was real.

Now that the Bearman Patrol has appeared, Josie is even more confused.

"Why not humans, not elves... but bearmen?"

"I haven't heard that the teleporter was transformed by the bear man!"

"What do these bearmen portend?"

The things that exist in the illusion must have a certain relationship with the caster and the target of the illusion.

This is to better match the perception of the illusion target, making the illusion more realistic.

But according to what Qiao Xi has learned, neither the Universal Territory nor the teleporter Yuri, or even himself, have any connection with the bear people.

These bear people suddenly appeared in his perception, as if they were born to live in a fantasy, no matter from that angle, they did not seem to be artificially imagined.

Thinking that he had been running around for so long, and that there was no incongruity except for the wrong time, Josie gradually felt that something was wrong.

Even if the teleporter is strong enough to create such a vast and real fantasy world, it seems unlikely...

Seeing the human staring blankly at his side, the bear man patrol leader thought for a while, made a vague gesture to his subordinates, and then divided into several teams, outflanking Josie, intending to surround this strange human first.

Their patrol had fifty bearmen, two heroes, and ten warriors.

No matter how strong that human being, under their coordinated siege, there shouldn't be any trouble.

After controlling the human and taking it back to the territory, let the wizard in the territory pry open his mouth and ask what just happened in this area.

As a heroic unit of the bearman clan with a potential reaching the seventh rank sanctuary and a strength approaching the fifth rank, the bearman clan patrol captain could see at a glance that the earth in front of him was destroyed by the slashes inspired by the sword-like weapons.

And the human has no weapons in his hands, and his image looks quite embarrassed. It is impossible to associate it with power...

"True or false, it's not that important now..."

Seeing the bear people's actions, Josh murmured to himself.

He felt that even if he died, he couldn't die at the hands of a group of bearmen.

The power of faith in the body condensed again, and in the hazy golden light, a set of armor and a long blade of light were quickly formed.

The bear man patrol leader who saw this scene, after being stunned for a moment, his scalp suddenly numb, and he almost roared:


"Get out!"

Hearing the captain's roar, the bear man of the patrol did not hesitate, and immediately turned around and ran into the dense forest.

However, they are still too slow.

The dazzling white light suddenly bloomed in the dense forest, and the light blade wrapped around the holy light suddenly extended into a seven-to-eight-meter-long sharp blade.

Josh was wearing armor, his wings vibrated, and in the blink of an eye, he flew to the left side of the team of ten bearmen, and slammed down the blade of light in his hand.

A simple and unpretentious horizontal slash enveloped all ten bearmen.

When Josie flew to another bearman squad, the ten bearmen staggered a few steps, and their bodies were broken in two.

When the bear patrol captain saw it, his eyes were split. In order to buy time for his subordinates, he gave up running away, and rushed to Josie side by side with another bear hero.

After seeing it, Josie didn't dodge, waving the sword of holy light, inspiring the holy light slashes, and slashing at the two rushing bearmen.

It's just that the two bearmen heroes are warriors, with very rich combat experience and superb combat skills. Josie's slashing speed is fast and powerful, but for them, it is very easy to predict and dodge.

And Josie is a spellcaster in the strict sense, not very good at melee combat. He slashed several times in a row, and even turned the land over. , was almost hit by the short spear it threw.

Later, those bearmen who escaped into the jungle also began to draw bows and shoot arrows, disturbing Josie with flying arrow weapons.

When the two bearman heroes were less than ten meters away from him, Josie could only shake his wings and quickly flew high into the sky, forcibly distanced himself from the two bearman heroes.

Josie's mood was even more unhappy when he thought that he was a god's but was forced to retreat by two bearmen.

According to the skill information obtained when he was promoted to God's Dependant, Josie first added a layer of divine blessing to himself to isolate the bear man's flying arrow attack.

After brewing for a while, urging the power of faith to target the two bearman heroes is a judgment of the Holy Light.

Qiao Xi's strength is naturally not comparable to that of an angel, and the power of the skills released is much weaker than that of an angel.

However, this Holy Light ruling is still not something that the two bearmen heroes can resist.

The bear man captain had an early warning and hid faster, but the other bear man hero unit was not so lucky.

The ruling of the Holy Light, like a beam of light, directly engulfed this bear man heroic unit.

After the verdict of the Holy Light disappeared, the bear man hero did not even leave any ash.

"Run, run!"

"Run away!"

The bearman patrol leader took advantage of the interval between Josie's release of skills, plunged into the dense forest, and shouted loudly to let the other bearmen run away.

A spell caster flying in the sky is simply a nightmare for warriors under the extraordinary. They can only be beaten passively, but have no chance to fight back.

And while flying in the air, Josie didn't come forward to catch up, because the energy in his body was almost exhausted.

If he catches up again, if he is surrounded by the reinforcements of those bears, his fate will not be good.

After the bearmen were far away, Josie landed slowly, first taking a potion, and then praying to the God of Light to restore his abilities quickly.

However, at this moment, he felt a will come to him.

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