The undead are indeed powerful, but compared with the universe, there is still a big gap.

Although there are many of them, the high-end combat power is very scarce compared to the world territory.

Two giant dragons can resist the undead air force, a titan can make the undead lord cast a mouse, and an extraordinary army legion can also deal with the undead army with ease.

In Huang Yu's opinion, he doesn't even need to use the entire army, just take out two legions, and cooperate with the twelve golden men, blood **** generals, arcanists and giant dragons to easily defeat the undead army.

Of course, defeat is defeat, but it is difficult to completely eliminate the undead.

The undead are like weeds that can't be burnt by wildfires. Once their lord runs away, they will quickly form a scale after a period of time.

So what Huang Yu wanted was to completely wipe out this army of undead and not give them a chance to make a comeback.

"The seven skeleton giants are nothing to be afraid of. Although they are bigger than the twelve golden men, their fighting ability is definitely not as good as the twelve golden men."

"We still have giant dragons, and the lord will also send blood-born gods. It is better to gather the top combat power of the legion and directly hunt down the undead lords. This is simple and effective..."

"Heroic spirits can also participate in the war. Their abilities have a certain restraint on the undead, and they will definitely be able to play a miraculous effect in the battle with the undead."


In the hall of fire, the other seven commanders of the army except Fergus were present and expressed their opinions.

However, the whole battle was dominated by Leonidas, Ryana, Jiang Chengzi, and Arman.

The four of them are all commander-type king-level arms, good at marching and setting up formations, and their control of the battle situation is stronger than other king-level arms.

However, just as everyone was discussing, the perspective of the video sent by the teleporter Yuri suddenly changed and began to sweep towards a place without any vision.

The inexplicable behavior of the teleporter made everyone stop talking, and even Huang Yu didn't know what Yuri was doing for a while.

At this moment, ripples appeared in the area corresponding to the picture, and a scene of two giant eagles carrying ten people of different races appeared in front of everyone.

But it was Yuri, the teleporter, who, with his powerful spiritual power and insight, easily saw through the actions of the Puntagan Alliance team.

"Orcs, eagles, dwarves, elves and humans..."

"How can these five races get together? It seems to be getting along quite well."

Huang Yu looked curiously at the Punta Gan Alliance team on the video, and Yuri, the teleporter, was also a bold artist. He used his space ability to hide his figure, and he was almost stuck with two flying giant eagles.

The communication crystal in its hand is also constantly transmitting videos to Huang Yu and others. With the communication base station, Huang Yu and others can not only see the dynamics of the Pentagan team, but also hear their conversations.

Immediately, the person in charge of the professional training base, the extraordinary archmage, You An, gave everyone in the Tinder Hall a proficient language.

The sudden disappearance of the invisibility technique also caused the ten Puntagan Alliance members to panic.

The grumpy orcs and dwarves began to question the light elves, while the relatives controlled by the two eagles quickly lowered their flying heights, wiping the gaps in the canopy to avoid being seen by the undead in the distance.

The light elf looked around with a puzzled expression, and at the same time was rather impatient due to the questioning of the orcs and dwarves. They didn't know why their secret arts were suddenly interrupted.

The light elves, who have always been proud, naturally do not think that their secret techniques are in addition to problems. Correspondingly, they suspect that they have been manipulated by others.

Among the ten people, the priests and temple warriors in the Danmo territory were relatively calm, but if you look closely, you can see that both of them are very vigilant.

Because he is a cleric who communicates with "gods", Pastor Danmo's spiritual power is the strongest among the ten people. Just now, he felt a kind of peeping and malice.

It's just that this perception is too vague and short-lived, and he can't even be sure that this feeling comes from a few people around him or from some other existence.

"Everyone, calm down, stop arguing, please continue to use the secret technique, let's get out of here quickly."

"Since it's not a big problem, there's no need to make trouble."

"The most important thing now is to form an alliance with the Titans."

Pastor Danmo had an uncomfortable feeling all over his body. The feeling just now was like a slimy poisonous snake, crawling on his body.

Even Pastor Danmo felt that the undead lord had discovered them, and it was just because of his use of spell perception that he broke the secret spell of the light elves.

This made him speak out to stop the curses of the orcs and the dwarves, and asked the two light elves to perform the secret technique again, hoping to leave here as soon as possible.

Before coming, the bishop conveyed the will of God to him, so that he must maintain the Puntagan Alliance and find an opportunity to destroy the undead.

The purpose of maintaining the alliance is to preach, and to destroy the undead, because the God of Light hates undead creatures very It is a kind of blasphemy to the light that such filth exists under the bright eyes.

Therefore, Priest Danmo now just wants to get rid of the undead, and is not willing to cause more troubles.

The two light elves glanced at the orcs and dwarves in disgust, and reluctantly cast a secret technique again, hiding the entire Puntagan team and chasing in the direction where the Titans left.

It didn't take long for them to fly over the border of the forest.


"Alliance with the Titans?"

Yuri got close enough, and Huang Yu naturally heard what Pastor Danmo said.

When he learned that the believer wanted to form an alliance with Thunder Fury, Huang Yu couldn't help chuckling a few times.

Obviously, these aliens saw the power of Kraos and wanted to ally with him to fight the undead.

Although Huang Yu did not know the origins of these people, whether they were believers or aliens, Huang Yu lacked goodwill towards them.

At this time, although both sides have a common enemy, Huang Yu has never regarded the undead as a strong enemy from beginning to end, and the so-called alliance means nothing to him.

This is not Huang Yu's arrogance. In terms of the current strength of the Universal Territory, the undead are at most a troublesome enemy to clean up.

small book booth

The seven skeleton giants looked tall and majestic, but in Huang Yu's eyes, they were just seven gimmicks.

Different from the situation in the original assessment, Huang Yu now not only has a large number of soldiers and generals, but also has a branch city and acropolis as a support.

However, these people are not useless.

Huang Yu thought for a while, took out the communication crystal, and asked Yuri to tell Kreos and Cangxuancheng to perform a play.

He then ordered Morning Star Queen Ryana to be the commander, Jiang Chengzi and Arman as the deputy commanders, and lead troops to encircle and suppress the undead.

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