Lord of the People: Discount Artifact For Signing In at the Start

Chapter 21: Fighting warriors with their own BGM

The day has just broken.

The morning breeze is also a little cool.

Huang Yu put on the cloak carefully made by the domain tailor and walked out of the castle.

The foundry at the Blue Mountains workshop is more diligent than him.

The materials collected last night have all been shipped to the Blue Mountain workshop, which is the same as manufacturing equipment.

The dense percussion of iron tools sounded very pleasant to Huang Yu.

Because that symbolizes, piece by piece of freshly baked equipment.

Di Rios took ten Spartans with them, as they did yesterday, in the small square outside the castle.

The ten newly-appeared subjects were quietly waiting in front of the castle, waiting for his arrangement.

Huang Yu called up their information panel.

Six farmers, three gatherers...a village chief?

Are there new foundational careers?

Huang Yu looked at the elderly citizen.

When he first saw him, Huang Yu felt strange.

Why is there an old man among the territorial people who appeared today?

Unexpectedly, his basic occupation turned out to be the village chief.

【Lingmin No. 133】

[Level: LV1]

[Loyalty: 100 (die loyal)]

[Potential: Black Iron (Upgradable to LV9 only)]

[Basic Occupation: Village Chief]

[Introduction: With rich experience, the village chief can lead ordinary residents to complete matters such as farming, felling trees, knocking stones, raising livestock, etc...]



It seems that someone can help me share some of the work arrangements of ordinary citizens.

Huang Yu nodded and threw a kind smile at the village chief.

When the village chief saw it, he was immediately flattered.

The hunched waist is even more bent, and his face is full of honor.

"Don't be restrained."

Huang Yu patted the village chief on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"The ordinary citizens will be handed over to you to manage. If you have any questions or needs, you can ask me!"

"Please rest assured, Lord!"

The village chief replied respectfully:

"I will work with you to build your territory like a paradise!"


Huang Yu was noncommittal.

After sending the village chief to leave, he selected 30 subjects and arranged for them to enter the Spartan training camp.

Enter the Spartan training camp with thirty ordinary citizens.

300 soul crystals were also deducted from Huang Yu's account.

The Spartan training camp is now a Tier 2 building.

You can train 10 Spartans for free every day.

For the extra training places, you need to pay 10 soul crystals separately for each.

Huang Yu paid 300 soul crystals.

It's because ten of them are at LV2 level.

To train the people of LV2 to be Spartan warriors, the consumption of soul crystals is twice that of LV1!

The trained Spartan warrior will also maintain the level before training.

Now the number of soul crystals is relatively rich.

Huang Yu also wanted to train more Spartans.

But after careful consideration, he put the plan on hold for the time being.

Now the territory is so big.

The nearby activity area, for 40 Spartans, was approaching saturation.

If there are more, it is easy to have a situation where there are too many monks and few flesh.

There is no heroic unit command, and reliable means of information transfer.

Huang Yu was not at ease with the Spartans going deep into other areas.

Spartan warriors are strong.

But not invincible.

This is a world of extraordinary power.

The strength gap of combat units with different potentials and levels is very obvious.


lean less.

The door to the Spartan training camp opens automatically.

Thirty Spartan warriors with body builders lined up.

In front of Huang Yu, they were arranged in three rows.

Hammering the well-developed pectoralis major, salute him.


Of the thirty Spartans, ten had sub-professionals.

Six Spartan spearmen, three Spartan longbowmen...

Another one turned out to be a Spartan singer?

Look at the Spartan singer.

Well-developed muscles, rough looks... No matter how you look at it, Huang Yu feels that he is not too close to the singer.

[Spartan Warrior: Musa]

[Level: LV2]

[Loyalty: 100 (die loyal)]

[Potential: Diamond (upgradeable to LV49)]

[Occupation: Step Warrior]

[Skills: Spartan combat skills, Spartan battle formation, Spartan battle song...]

[Sub-occupation: Spartan Singer]

[Motto: The singing sounded, and it was time for our enemies to throw away their armor and armor! 】


spartan battle song

There are also exclusive skills!

Huang Yu deliberately called out the information of the skill "Spartan War Song".

[Spartan War Song (Premium Skill)]

[Musa's singing will inspire fellow Spartan warriors and make them cooperate more tacitly in the **** rhythm! 】


It's still an excellent skill!

Is this the legendary man who fights with his own BGM?

Huang Yu was very curious and ordered Musa to demonstrate it.

Musa took up a long sword and a shield.

His expression suddenly turned fierce.

As if there were a large group of enemies in front of him.

"Clang clang!"

The long sword struck the shield again and again.

Musa made an offensive action and suddenly said:


A mighty roar.

The sound is not beautiful, but it makes people's spirits jolted.

The ordinary citizens not far away seemed to be frightened.

He stood there dumbfounded, not knowing that the **** in his hand had fallen.

The state of the other Spartan warriors was quite the opposite.

They picked up the weapons that had been prepared on the side, led by Di Rios, and stood in a simple triangular formation.

"Urakula Ban..."

A paragraph of incomprehensible characters spit out word by word from Musa's mouth.

Although it sounds very rhythmic.

But Huang Yu couldn't connect this thing with the song.

In his ears, it was more like shouting a password.

Just like one-two-one, rest for a while, and stand at attention.

in the singing of Musa.

Thirty-eight Spartans were like one body.

Handing spears and swords neatly and rhythmically.

The changing formation is also very smooth.

Each Spartan warrior is like a gear, meshing with each other to form a whole.

And with the rhythm of Musa accelerated.

The Spartans were also more swift in their movements.

Although it looks a bit garish.

But Huang Yu is still keen to see.

In the dazzling formation, there are countless murderous intentions lurking.

At this time, if a team of enemies pounced on the Spartans.

They will be torn to shreds in an instant under the attack of the Spartan warriors!

Muto's Spartan battle song only lasted for a while.

After the singing stopped, the Spartans also stopped their smooth offensive.

"Clap clap clap!"

Huang Yu applauded and said to Musa with satisfaction:

"Yes, Musa, under your war song, the Spartan warriors will be in full swing!"

Thirty new warriors were added, and Huang Yu regretted that there was no hero unit

Now this regret has been greatly reduced by the appearance of Musa.

Huang Yu can't imagine how terrifying a group of Spartan warriors who will tacitly kill the enemy in the battle song after becoming mad!

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