Lord of the People: Discount Artifact For Signing In at the Start

Chapter 425: Your enemy is beyond your imagination

Uval stood at the foot of the north mountain of Rising Sun City, his face a little ugly.

During the march, it also sent scouts to investigate the enemy's situation, but did not detect the whereabouts of the enemy along the way.

However, before reaching the enemy's station, they entered the enemy's encirclement.

Obviously, the enemy's detection methods are superior to them, and they are fully prepared before they arrive.

At this time, there were already enemy troops pouring out on both sides, and the number was small, only more than 2,000 in total.

But these two thousand people, each of which is a perfect grade arm, is not only well-equipped, but also occupies a critical point.

At this time, he didn't take the initiative to attack, he waited for work, and looked at himself eagerly. As long as the time was right, he would outflank his flank.

And this move is equivalent to clearly telling Uval that their next main opponent is on the mountain directly in front of them.

Uval ordered the yak army to slow down and recover a little for the next battle.

At the same time, look around, observe the terrain, and think about ways to defeat the enemy.

"Forcibly attacking both sides, the front line is stretched too long, and our weak side will be exposed to the enemy's eyes."

"And the enemies on both sides are not weak. If you delay for a while, you may be beaten by those unknown enemies on the mountain."

"Only by blocking the enemy's frontal attack can we have a chance to win this battle!"

Uval looked at the yak warriors around them. They were panting heavily, their eyes fierce, their armor dipped in thick hair, and their eyes looking at the humans on both sides had undisguised fighting intent.

It is no exaggeration to say that these yak people were all cultivated by Uval himself.

After coming to Chaos Continent, Uval can be said to be like a duck to water.

With his excellent battlefield command skills and strong personal force, he has won the respect and love of all yak people.

They attacked the city and pulled out the stronghold, destroying the large and small alien territories, including two human territories.

Even the heroic units of the Yak people are full of praise for Uval's commanding skills and combat ability.

It's just that those humans are very weak, and in front of the powerful yak warriors, they are no different from the fragile goblins.

Later, after Uvar decomposed the ancestor totem and became a wanderer, the yak warriors in the territory did not leave it.

But without objection, follow it to avenge Tiger Tiger.

Although there are not many high-level arms among the yak warriors under his command, the combat power is only strong or weak.

They firmly believe that under the leadership of Uval, even the abyss can be pierced by them!

Looking at the yak warriors around, Uval suddenly laughed, rubbed the thick beard on his chin, and said aloud:

"Do you still remember how that dwarf territory was occupied by us?"

Hearing Uvar's words, the yak warriors immediately boiled.

The dwarf territory in Uval's mouth was a fourth-order red dwarf territory they conquered not long ago.

Those dwarves are very strong and have much better equipment than them.

However, those dwarves chose to fight the yak warriors in the stupidest way - head to head.

In that battle, Uval demonstrated precise battlefield control.

More than 4,000 red dwarf warriors were all killed by the yak warriors, and the yak men paid less than 1,000 battle losses.

Seeing the high fighting spirit of the yak warriors, Uval nodded, suddenly raised his voice, and shouted:

"Now, there is another group of idiots who want to confront our yak warriors head-on!"

Pointing to the top of the mountain ahead, Uval sneered:

"The real enemy is there!"

"And it's a group of frail humans!"

"Warriors of Uval, tell me what you think at this moment!"

When Gu Xue heard Uval's words, the yaks raised their heads and looked at the silent mountain.

Then they looked frantic, slapped their weapons and armor, and let out their own roars.

"Crush them!"

"My axe is hungry and thirsty!"

"Hahaha, I only know that their meat is very tender!"


Ow! !

Just as the fighting spirit of the Uval army became more and more high, a dragon roar suddenly sounded from behind the mountain.

The dragon's roar was vicissitudes of life and long. Under the increase of the magic effect, it echoed in the mountains, and for a while it suppressed the roar of the entire yak army.

The reverberation of the dragon's roar still reverberated in their ears, and the yak warriors stopped roaring and looked at the back of the mountain in surprise.

Didn't it say that the enemy was a group of humans?

Why is there the dragon's roar?

Seeing this scene, Uvar's face couldn't help sinking. The dragon roar just now had a kind of magic power, which seemed to strengthen the dragon's prestige of the dragon family.

Its pre-war mobilization fell short, but fortunately, the warriors' fighting qualities were very strong, and they were not deterred by this dragon's might.

Bang bang bang!

There were bursts of dull loud noises, and Uval thought it was the sound of drums, but after listening carefully, he felt that something was wrong.

Then, the dull sound suddenly increased, as if a huge millstone was rolling on the ground for a while.

The low mountain in front of him began to sway visibly to the naked eye, and huge rocks mixed with soil fell from the mountain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Everything in front of me was like an earthquake coming.

"The giant shield comes forward, forms a good formation, and prepares to meet the enemy!"

Uval calmly issued an order.


However, as soon as his voice fell, five dragon roars suddenly came from the heaven and the earth.

In the unbelievable eyes of the yak warriors in Uval, five giant dragons of different sizes fluttered out from behind the mountain.

Among them was the largest red dragon, which was nearly thirty meters in length and had a ferocious and majestic shape.

"How come there are so many dragons here again... Could it be that it was not the orcs and humans that destroyed Tiger's territory, but the dragons?"

Uval was puzzled in his heart, but his outstanding combat literacy allowed him to order the yak warriors to prepare ballistas right away.

That red dragon has the highest level, but it's only level three.

Even a rare-grade ballista can break through its defenses, not to mention that Uval has prepared three excellent-grade characteristic crossbows.

Those giant dragons dare to fly down, and it dares to let them never fly again!

"But what's with this constant shaking?"

Uval stood in the middle of the army, looking at the mountain top where the smoke was rising.

It didn't take long for it to see a bloated, clumsy metal figure.

The "Hai" Jin Man is like a fat man who has managed to climb the top of the mountain, holding two round shields, bending his waist, and gradually shrinking into an oval shape.

"What is this!"

There was a bad premonition in his heart, Uval raised his hand to give an order, but he didn't know how to deal with such a behemoth.

He could only watch helplessly as the "Hai" Jin Man rolled down the hill.


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