As the title, this is a serious listing testimonial! Very serious! ( ̄^ ̄)

Well, let me just say a few words.

It has been more than two months since the book was released on July 20th. I have been updating the scrap iron step by step, and I have never stopped updating. I seem to have promised that it will explode when it is released.

Although the grades of this book are mediocre, and the recommendation grades are far inferior to those of some friends in the same period, but this is also my first effort.

First of all, let me do my own self-criticism, because this is the first time I have written a novel seriously, so there are quite a few flaws, and because of this, some readers have been lost. I would like to say sorry to them here, although they may not see it. This sentence.

I am sorry to my readers, and I am sorry to myself, I am guilty. (╥╯﹏╰╥)

Secondly, I also experienced pressure when writing this book, and it even affected my state when typing.

For a while, I was afraid to go to the comment area and this chapter to talk about such places.

Fortunately, I still have a group of readers who like my works, and I am really grateful to you all.

Then I would like to thank my editor-in-charge, Qingmang, who gave me a lot of recommendations. I went through all the recommendations on the category and the client. Although it was a pity that I missed the home page, it was still because I was not up to date.

The shelf time of this book is around zero o'clock on the 1st (silently put on the shelves in the early morning), and it will be delivered at five o'clock on the day of the shelf, and then it will explode depending on the situation.

I hope that those who have the conditions can subscribe to the genuine version. (Thank you, subscription is everything to the author)

Also, those who don’t need to donate coins are true love. After all, I still want to earn college living expenses by myself.

If the grades are good, my motivation will come, and there will definitely be more additions. (^O^)

Finally, thanks again to the readers who have always supported me!

There is also my book friend group: 207637245, everyone is welcome to join in and complain.

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