Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 176 The Positioning of South Village

"Your next task is to bring the soldiers of the archers back to the South Village, and to build a large market in the South Village. I will ask the village chief Ke Lin to send a construction team to follow you back to the South Village. Yes, so you don't have to worry about how to build the market, tomorrow I will give you a planning map of the future Nanshan Village, you just need to follow the building on the map and build it step by step."

Because from the panel of the system, Nuode can understand the layout of Nanshan Village, so tonight Nuode can draw the preliminary plan of Nanshan Village. At that time, Old Moll only needs to refer to the location of the building on the map. Just build the Nanshanzhai step by step.

And it won't be long before Nuode will arrive at Nanshanzhai. It is the only way to enter Nanshanzhai in the Yamon Mountains. Nuode may stay there for a while. If there is any change at that time, he can meet Old Moore face to face. comminicate.

After listening to Nord's words, Old Moore nodded to express his understanding. Now Nord has helped him arrange everything, and he only needs to execute it. He doesn't need to think at all, he only needs to execute it.

This made Old Moore feel relieved, and now his task has become easier, and he no longer has to lose his hair about how to build Nanshanzhai. It is good to be a tool man with peace of mind, at least No need to rack your brains to find a way.

Afterwards, Old Moore bowed to Nuode and left, and Nuode also began to plan the layout of the South Village. Although Old Moore was relaxed, Nuode, who was in charge of drawing, had dangerous hair.

It wasn't until late at night that Nord finally finished the planning of Nanshan Village, and most of them still refer to the layout of Tammy Village, which is also centrally symmetrical.

But the difference between Nanshanzhai and Tammy Village is that because Nanshanzhai is built on the flat land halfway up the mountain, the location of this flat land is very unique. It is very rare to have a flat land halfway up the mountain.

But the area of ​​this flat land is very limited, so Nanshan Village cannot expand at will like Tammy Village, and every piece of land is very precious.

So relatively speaking, the planning of Nanshanzhai is quite compact, and now it seems that Nanshanzhai can only be used as a subsidiary of Tammy Village in the future, because Nanshanzhai is limited by the area of ​​the flat land, and it must not be able to develop as comprehensively as Tammi Village.

Therefore, Nord wants to build the South Shanzhai into a hub, as a hub connecting Tami Village and the Shanzhai deep in the mountains, to play a role in assisting Tami Village, helping Tami Village undertake some tasks, and it does not have much independence.

Therefore, there is no need to build some buildings in Nanshanzhai. For example, the blacksmith shop and various workshops and other buildings that produce goods are not necessary in Nanshanzhai. We only need to transport the goods produced in Tammy Village to Nanshanzhai. That's it.

The market built by Nord in Nanshanzhai is twice the size of Tammy Village, and Nord has also planned many large warehouses. In addition, Nord has also planned facilities such as schools and hospitals, but Nord believes that even if these buildings are built, there may not be someone able to preside over the work, so it is very likely that they will be idle for a long time until Scholars Hill and Dr. Victor can cultivate a group of talents, and Nord will have someone to maintain these buildings normal work.

Early the next morning, Nord called Love to the study. Because when Nord sent troops, a group of people just heard what Love said and rushed to Tammy Village to join Nord. At that time, Nord had no time to meet him. They handed these people over to Love for reception. Now that Nord came back from Fort Isaac, it was time to meet them.

Compared with the merchants who choose to stay in Fort Isaac and flee to other places, these merchants who choose to come to Tammy Village can gain the trust of Nord, no matter what their original intentions are, it is trust Love still wanted to take a gamble, but they finally came to Tammy Village, and it was when the situation was not clear, what they did was commendable.

After all, icing on the cake is worse than giving charcoal in the snow. Although they didn't help Nord anything, but under the circumstances at the time, they could choose to take the risk to come to Tammy Village. Now Nord can treat them as his own and can trust them.

After Luofu entered the study room, he saluted Nord. Behind him were three strangers, who seemed to be the people who came to Tammy Village a few days ago. They also selected a few trusted people to meet Nord. After all, in their view, Nord's status is so noble, not everyone is qualified to meet Nord.

In fact, Nord himself doesn't mind. Even if he is a servant, he has goodwill towards Nord, and Nord will respect him. Nord never cares about a person's origin, but values ​​their ability and character. De can see that these three people are still a little cautious when they come to Nord's study.

It's not like Love has talked with Nord many times, knowing that Nord is a very tolerant person, not as scary as the nobles they saw before, so his demeanor and demeanor are very relaxed, but Love has some etiquette It is still done very well, and Nord will not become unscrupulous just because he is more easy-going. Love is not such a person, he has self-knowledge.

The three people following Love, seeing Love bowing to Nord, knew that the young noble in front of him was the lord of this place. They did not dare to neglect at all, and imitated Love and bowed to Nord. Then they secretly looked at Nord, but they didn't dare to look at Nord, not because they were guilty, but because they didn't dare to offend Nord.

At the same time, Nord was also looking at the three of them. Two of them looked like businessmen. Although they looked weather-beaten, there was no resolute look in their eyes. Just let Nord look at it a few more times, because he is very different from the other two.

Nord could tell that the person in front of him was not a businessman. From his powerful arms, he could see that this person looked like a soldier, or a mercenary. Nord nodded towards the few people who came in. , let them sit opposite the desk.

"Congratulations on your return from victory, Master Nord, I don't know if this war is going well. I noticed yesterday that you were consoling the casualties, so I didn't bother you. Did the troops suffer a lot of casualties? What about Lehman Brothers? did not return."

After Love sat down, he congratulated Nord on his return. In fact, when Old Moore came back, the news of Master Nord's victory had already been spread in Tammy Village. The soldiers were all from Nanshanzhai, so the villagers didn't know the specifics of the war, let alone Luo Fu, an outsider.

So if Love wants to know the situation, he still has to come to Nord, and Marco came back with Nord, only Lehman did not come back, so Love is very worried about Lehman's safety, because before Nord He has already reported his safety to the village head Colin, and casually asked Reed to take the students to seek refuge with Scholars Hill, so Love is the only one who doesn't know about Lehman's safety.

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