Lord of Deception

Chapter 514 If you can afford it, choose one of the two (5k)

After thinking about it, he thought that even in the long river of time, everything about the part of the world that was taken away was still muddy and misty, so he held back.

If he didn't peep at everything in the part that was taken away, and no information inside was transmitted, the Ancient God of the Deep Sea couldn't do anything.

However, if the information does not get out, it can get in.

Some information has been transmitted, which is not inconsistent with the point of "not transmitting information".

How to transmit this information now is the troublesome part.

Yu Ziqing tried the ring on the seventh floor. Obviously, it didn't work. The current sealing was the most complete kind of sealing.

The ring on the seventh floor is based on the connection between the materials themselves and is inscribed with the magic of mantra.

This also has an upper limit.

Yu Ziqing stood on a huge petal of the Immortal Mandala and thought for a while. The only thing that could convey this message now was the fairy grass.

No information could be sent in at first.

The connection between jelly grass is completely different from the way ordinary people and strong people perceive it.

There is a unique way of connecting between them.

"Boss, can you do me a favor and give Juice a message?"

A trace of charm floated around. Yu Ziqing learned from the past and immediately closed his eyes to weaken his perception, but he was still a little dizzy from the rush.

Who can stand it when people convey a message that is directly based on Shen Yun?

Usually strong people will reach this point only after a fight breaks out.

No wonder the Sun Destroyer accepted the message as if he was receiving a severe beating.

It is estimated that the Immortal Mandala does not have a lower form of communication at all.

Yu Ziqing felt it, and Immortal Mandala seemed to say that he had no objection to bringing a message to Juice, but it was only for Juice.

Yu Ziqing didn't expect others to be able to bear the words of the Immortal Mandala.

He immediately gave an overview of the situation during these days.

Then he explained what he had speculated and what he should do accordingly.

After he almost finished speaking, Yu Ziqing felt that his voice was being contained and contained, and finally it was all thrown into a small fragment of withered and annihilated petals.

That small piece of palm-sized fragment fell into the halo of the center part of the flower.

The land and ocean that had been taken away were now completely wrapped in halo and were sitting there.

Nothing can pass through there except what belongs to the ambrosia.

Watching the fragment fall into it, Yu Ziqing continued to wait quietly.

Jinlan Mountain, after Lao Yang came back, he hasn't gone anywhere recently. He just stayed in the mountains. His laboratory is here. He has too many subjects to study, and he is still working on new ones. subject.

After Si Shen Chao was taken away, nothing seemed to have changed.

Everything is the same as before, except that there seems to be a boundary in some places.

It's like the end of the East China Sea, which is no longer connected to the deep sea. It's like there is an invisible boundary blocking the boundless sea water.

The boundary is not a smooth dividing line as previously thought.

The boundary between the East China Sea and the deep sea is just like the junction between ocean and ocean, ocean and land, with twists and turns and irregular shapes.

Not far from the border, after a void of nothingness, there is another sea.

It was a piece of the West Sea in the western part of the Fudo Immortal Dynasty, and it was incomparable in size to the East China Sea.

The two continents have never been closer than now.

In the entire Fudo Continent, only the part belonging to the Fudo Immortal Dynasty was taken away.

There is still half of the Immovable Continent left.

It's not that Yu Ziqing is completely unwilling to take away the half, it's just that time is too tight.

Yu Ziqing didn't have time to go to that chaotic place, look for the mountain kings, look for those evil ways, evil sacrifices, and explain the evils, so that they would fully support it honestly.

Moreover, what Yu Ziqing wanted to take away was the land, not the evil ways, evil priests, demons and so on.

I don’t have time to do this, so I have to give up.

Within the Fudo Immortal Dynasty, there is national destiny and the power of the Divine Dynasty. It is the high degree of concentration of the will of all the creatures in the Divine Dynasty. It only needs the full support of the Divine Dynasty's court and the emperor, which is enough.

Otherwise, everyone must agree and fully support it.

Even after ten thousand years, it is impossible for anyone to do it.

These days, ordinary people don’t feel that their lives have changed much.

The rising and setting of the sun was still going on, and it was weird.

Lao Yang had been thinking about it for a few days before, why were they all taken away and separated from the world. The sun and moon were not taken away, but the light of the sun and moon can still shine on the earth.

He couldn't figure it out, so he tried it, but it was obvious that he couldn't get to Haoyue now and couldn't find his way.

After experiencing the change, at least the top leaders of the major forces now know what happened.

There has been a lot of peace in the world recently. The gods and dynasties are not in the mood to fight or cause friction. They are all very restrained.

As for Daqian, after Emperor Qian put down the rebellion, he focused on stabilizing the government and Daqian.

Just today, a piece of debris passed through the light shield surrounding this land and passed into it.

The moment it was completely transmitted, the fragments thrown by the immortal mandala were completely annihilated, and nothing of substantial existence fell into it.

Only the words that Yu Ziqing said really came in.

The information that is not carried is received by the juice.

Soon, hungry ghosts relayed messages from the southwest corner of Jinlan Mountain, and Lao Yang and Tiger soon appeared here.

Because the roll call was called, let Lao Yang and Tiger come.

Mouth Substitute Piranha was conveying the words from Yu Ziqing.

After hearing what was going on outside, both Lao Yang and Tiger breathed a sigh of relief.

They were afraid of failure, because they were now sealed here. In fact, they themselves were not sure whether Yu Ziqing used the power of Qi Zi to directly take away the part except the deep sea.

Still borrowing the power of Qizi, he used the super-peak state of Dadui sealing technique.

Now it is completely confirmed. Although there are twists and turns, it is all going as expected.

“…that’s probably what happened.

Now I can't be on the outside knowing what's going on inside, because if I know, it will be determined.

If everything here is uncertain, or it is frozen, or it is something else.

Anyway, as long as it's not normal, just pretend you haven't received my message.

You should also not test the situation outside or send any news to the outside world.

If everything is normal and stable.

Then, let’s start the next thing.

I need to spread the news about the Ancient God of the Deep Sea.

It doesn't need to be known to everyone, but everyone with the strength must know it.

Let them know what the Ancient God of the Deep Sea can do and what he has done. "

Yu Ziqing rambled a lot, adhering to the Immortal Mandala to deliver the message once. It takes so much effort to say one sentence, and it takes so much effort to say it takes a year, so I simply said a little more.

The words I have spoken for Piranha all my life are not as much as what I said today. I am almost autistic, but I don't dare to lie down and die.

The higher the intelligence, the more understanding one has, but sometimes one cannot help it.

The tiger next to him looked serious, and his eyes did not change at all, because he was a little numb.

Lao Yang had been listening carefully. Yu Ziqing explained all the situations he could think of and how to deal with them based on the external situation.

Wait until it's almost finished, the last sentence.

"Tiger is listening, please. Please remember all the words, brother. I'm afraid these words may cause an accident."

The tiger's solemn expression finally changed.

There was a hint of surprise on his face, and he finally understood why he was asked to come along.

Isn't this what Zeng Shi and Yuan Jun did?

Let him remember the more important things and seal them in his head, so no one can change them.

He was the one who was used to tell the truth.

As soon as he thought this, the tiger relaxed his mind and no longer struggled to understand what Yu Ziqing said.

He doesn't need to understand it completely, he just needs to remember it word for word.

That's simple, he is very experienced.

When Zui finished speaking for Piranha, the old sheep was there thoughtfully.

Yu Ziqing only said how to do it, but did not explain the core behind it or what the ultimate goal was.

But he could probably understand that Yu Ziqing was using his strength, just like he beat Lao Qianhuang to death last time.

But he was still a little confused. The biggest topic Yu Ziqing opened was that even with such help, he probably wouldn't be able to kill the ancient god of the deep sea.

Putting aside the fact that the Ancient Deep Sea God still carries obstacles, the current state of the Ancient Deep Sea God is almost an enhanced version of the immortal blessing of the gods.

That's all. I'm afraid it's impossible to kill the Ancient God of the Deep Sea, right?

Lao Yang was full of doubts, but he still did it.

He went to see the emperors of the Three Gods Dynasty separately and told them what to do next.

He even crossed the East China Sea and went to the Fudo Immortal Dynasty.

The Fudo Immortal Dynasty has not been too stable recently, but it is just that the situation is a little unstable.

Suddenly, all places outside the Fudo Immortal Dynasty's territory disappeared.

Some people who have connections with the outside world cannot sit still.

Ordinary people, especially those near the border, immediately started celebrating.

Without the demons and monsters outside, without those evil priests and cultivators, most people don't care why, they only know that their lives are better.

Lao Yang appeared in Fudoxian Dynasty, and the place immediately became stable.

In the Fudo Immortal Dynasty, which uses the real dragon as its totem, Zhuge Wanjun, the emperor, is really not as good as the old sheep when it comes to some things, especially when it comes to appeasing people's hearts.

Lao Yang didn't need to say anything, he just manifested the real dragon's true form, and the overall environment immediately settled down.

Lao Yang continued to chat with them, just telling them things and what Zhuge Wanjun should do.

Yu Ziqing is still waiting. He wants to wait for time to ferment and add fuel to the fire.

Before that, before what happened next, he couldn't bring the land back, and he couldn't know what was inside.

Over the course of time, those who have no thoughts or consciousness, but the purest mental power, continue to bless the ancient god of the deep sea.

His form has begun to distort, and he can no longer stabilize in one posture. He is constantly changing.

Hajime just watched quietly.

The power of the illusory flower on the head of the ancient god of the deep sea has become stronger and stronger, strong enough to be felt, but it still has not opened or fully manifested.

The consciousness of the ancient god of the deep sea was increasingly affected, and the fear brought by the sword hanging above his head had little to do with his own willpower.

That kind of fear will continue to breed and grow, which will in turn affect his will.

Once the snowball gets bigger, it gets completely out of control and becomes unstoppable.

Shi Shi just watched quietly, contacting Yu Ziqing from time to time and telling him information.

The ancient god of the deep sea began to go crazy on the long river of time. He could not resist the thing that destroyed his consciousness, which was his own.

Then, he rushed to the end of the long river of time like crazy.

Trying to tamper indiscriminately again, causing huge waves.

Another big impact occurred.

This time, the big impact lasted five times before it calmed down.

After it completely calmed down, over the years, after it recovered to a certain level, it remained in that turbid and hazy state.

The remaining New World is still a dead place, and no living creatures can be seen in the deep sea water.

The remaining part of the Immovable Continent is not far from the desolate and dead land. Only some plants are left here, and any living thing larger than the size of a fist no longer exists.

After another impact, the Deep Sea Ancient God gave up completely.

Now it was useless for him to go crazy, and the fear in his heart was still tormenting him.

At this time, he started to split again, wanting to split the power in his body as he split into figures.

He has left countless figures in the long river of time.

At first, he did feel better.

Because every figure was him, and as it split apart, the fear in his heart also split apart and decreased.

But the good times did not last long, and the parts that separated from him began to lose control, began to collapse, and then merged back again.

After the fusion came back, the fear in his heart was even stronger than before, and it tortured him to the point where he could no longer calm down and think about anything.

All this was passed on to Yu Ziqing.

On the other side, Yu Ziqing thought that time was almost up. He closed his eyes, covered himself with a black cloth, and began to call the ancient god of the deep sea.

He called out once, but the Ancient God of the Deep Sea didn't bother him.

He was not in a hurry and continued to call once a month.

It took a full year for the Ancient God of the Deep Sea to respond to his call.

The moment the connection was established, the ancient god of the deep sea wrapped everything here tightly and rushed into the connection.

This guy has been driven to a desperate state, wishing that Yu Ziqing would fall headlong into the river of time. From then on, he would not be able to survive or die, and would be tortured forever.

But Yu Zi had experienced it early in the morning. This time, not only had he been covered with a special black cloth, he didn't even let go of his senses.

He didn't even sense the existence of the ancient god of the deep sea.

Not visible, not audible, not felt.

But the moment he confirmed that the connection was established, he just kept to himself.

“All creatures, all intelligent beings, must have the instinct to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune.

Fear is actually something that avoids disaster.

It's not necessarily a bad thing. If you don't know how to fear and fear, you are destined to live a short life.

If it were placed on a group of people, it would definitely be impossible to pass on its bloodline.

Don't ask me what's going on with you.

I can't hear what you say, and I can't feel it.

I'm just here to tell you something.

Actually, I think it would be of no benefit to anyone if we continue to waste it like this.

I can afford it, we can all afford it, and even if it continues like this in the future, I can actually accept it.

Those of us who are highly cultivated will die when we die.

As long as the inheritance is passed on, there will always be a day when change comes.

But you, I think you may not wait until that day.

Do you feel like you can no longer think, and your sense of self is beginning to become distorted and confusing?

If you continue to accumulate like this, sooner or later, your self-awareness will completely collapse.

For beings like you.

There is no difference between one hundred years later, ten thousand years later, and one hundred thousand years later, right?

What can be expected, what must happen.

Can you accept it?

So, now I have good intentions and give you a once and for all solution.

It's all up to you how you want to do it, it's up to you.

Love goes as it comes. "

Yu Ziqing talked to himself, and the ancient god of the deep sea calmed down a little at this moment.

His malice can no longer be concealed.

He established contact this time simply because he was tortured to the point where he couldn't help it, and he exploded maliciously, hoping to clear Yu Zi to death.

Blinding Yu Ziqing's eyes last time was obviously not enough.

But with Yu Ziqing's words, he calmed down and listened to the solution.

"First of all, it is impossible to erase the fear in your heart.

Unless you erase your own sense of self first.

Those powers can only be transferred.

By transferring it to something else in you, and then discarding that part, transfer it out.

The solution is simple, that's it.

The gods have passed away, and you could jump from the camp of the ancient gods to the camp of the gods.

Now that all the gods are gone, it's not impossible for you to jump to our side.

It would be nice for everyone to live in peace from now on.

Telling you the method now is sincerity.

Farewell, you can think about it slowly.

Of course, it’s best to think about it while you can still think calmly. "

After Yu Ziqing finished speaking, he immediately cut off contact and walked away neatly.

He just came to give a unilateral notice as to what the Deep Sea Ancient God Ai was going to do.

Time is no longer on the side of the Deep Sea Ancient God, because now Yu Ziqing can afford it.

The ancient god of the deep sea roared angrily and set off huge waves in rage.

However, it was of no use.

He naturally understood what Yu Ziqing meant.

Yu Ziqing was forcing him to give up the word "kan" on his own initiative.

By taking the initiative to give up the word "barrier" and transfer his fear away, he can be freed.

The ancient god of the deep sea is stuck to this day, and no one can do anything to him, just because he carries the word "Hand".

Moreover, no one can take away the negative character from him.

The only way is for the Deep Sea Ancient God to give up on his own.

This giving up cannot be like leaving a hole for Luo Ge Tianjun, so that there will be opportunities to borrow in the future.

He had to give up completely to completely cut off fear.

There are only two roads before the Deep Sea Ancient God.

Either continue to consume until his self-consciousness begins to become distorted and chaotic, until one day he becomes completely crazy, completely transformed into chaos, and after reaching the limit, completely annihilated.

Or give up the word "kan" and let the evolution of this world continue.

But the latter will make his stagnant death progress possible to continue.

As long as they evolve completely, these people will be very cruel and destroy the present world, and they will be able to completely destroy the ancient gods of the deep sea.

Choose one of the two, take your pick.

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