Lord God Investigator

Chapter 756 The war is coming

With their excellent medical ninjutsu skills and invincible youthful looks, the sisters, whose pseudonyms were Tsunako Mori and Neko Mori, joined the youth team and became trainee members, officially starting their undercover spy investigation career.

As trainee team members, they had not attended the first plenary meeting of the youth team and did not have a comprehensive understanding of the organizational program. The official team members also had limited trust in them. Many things were kept secret from them, and they also We can only work hard while quietly observing, trying to find fragments of information from the details, and then splicing them together to get a full picture.

After being undercover for a while, Tsunade liked the atmosphere of the youth team very much. This group of teenagers is full of vigor, ideals, goals, and passion. They are full of energy to help the people every day. The villages and towns of Tiannokuni near the Sound Ninja Village are under their control. Thanks to our efforts, there are new changes every day.

More and more displaced people are returning, resuming production and rebuilding their homes under the organization of the Youth League. The surrounding people do not dare to look down on the members of the Youth League because they are young. Instead, they increasingly show respect and admiration, treating them as farm workers. Treated as the actual ruler of the country, the lord turned a deaf ear to the corpse, who started a war indiscriminately and caused the country of Tian to fall into trouble.

The tax collection team hired by the Lord of the Country of Fields was also defeated by Sasuke and Gaara, completely cutting off the source of income for the Lord of the Country of the Fields.

In the ninja world, once the daimyo lord of the ninja country encounters trouble and his incompetent samurai cannot solve it, he often turns to ninjas for help.

The Oto Ninja Village in Tian Country no longer exists, and the lord can only ask for help from ninjas from other countries. The first one to come to his door was Konoha Village, the strongest village in the ninja world.

The lord of Tian Country asked for help from some small ninja villages with little information. There may be ninjas who don't know the truth and are willing to accept the task, but if they ask for help from Konoha, they can only return disappointed.

First of all, Konoha Village is very clear about the background of the Youth Team. This newly established organization is strong or not. There are only three shadow-level ninjas in charge. According to the mission level estimation, it is necessary to wipe out the illegal organization with three shadow-level ninjas. The mission commission At least in billions, the Lord of Tian Country, whose finances had collapsed long ago, simply could not afford so much money.

Secondly, Naruto and Sasuke are inextricably linked to Konoha. Naruto is also an employee of Konoha's investor Dragon Chamber of Commerce. Even if the two betray Konoha, Konoha Village is unwilling to further worsen their influence on the village. After all, the letter Naruto left behind when he left mentioned that he would return in the future.

Finally, the most important point is that Naruto possesses the S-level forbidden art Plague Company Jutsu and the strategic core Uzumaki. If he is pushed into a hurry, he can really bring Konoha back to the pre-restoration period overnight.

The Lord of Tian Country, who was rejected by Konoha Village, sent people to other ninja villages to seek help, but the results were also disappointing. No Ninja Village took on the so-called "bandit suppression" mission of the Lord of Tin Country.

The reasons for these ninja villages are similar to those in Konoha, but the most important thing is that there is no way to assemble an elite ninja team that can defeat three Kage-level people, two of whom are tailed beast jinchūriki.

Needless to say, Sagakure had been disabled, and the only remaining Kage-level ninja was Granny Chiyo. Kirigakure Village is about as miserable as Sandgakure, with only Terumi Mei being a Kage.

Powerful ninja villages, such as Iwagakure and Kumogakure, would not have more than three Kage level unless they let the Tsuchikage Raikage lead the Jinchūriki of the village into battle in person.

Although the youth team was established not long ago, in terms of high-end combat power, it has already reached the level of the five major villages in the ninja world, second only to Konoha.

In the entire ninja world, the only ones who could offend the youth corps were the Leaf Village and the Akatsuki organization.

The Daimyo of Tiannokuni also sought help from the Rain Ninja Village, and it was Konan who received the Daimyo. It is said that if the Akatsuki organization mobilizes all members to besiege the youth team, it is not without a chance of winning, but the key question is whether it is worth it.

Needless to say, the mission commissions that Lord Tian Zhiguo can provide are just a few million taels for beggars.

The biggest benefit of the Akatsuki organization's siege to the youth team is that they can hunt the two tailed beasts.

However, the key point is that at this point in time, the hunt for tailed beasts cannot be started yet, because the heretic golem is not ready yet, and the sealing technique to extract the tailed beasts, the Phantom Dragon Nine Sealings, has not yet been developed. If we act in advance, not only The success rate is low. Once the Akatsuki organization's covetousness for tailed beasts is exposed, the organization will immediately become a public enemy of the ninja world, and all subsequent plans will be disrupted.

It is now January of the sixty-first year of Konoha, and the Akatsuki organization officially launched the Eye of the Moon Project. It was in March of the sixty-third year of Konoha that the combination of Deidara and Scorpio selected the One-Tailed Shukaku.

As for the two tailed beast jinchūriki of the youth team, the tailed beasts sealed in their bodies are the one-tailed beast and the nine-tailed beast. The one-tailed beast is just one. Their strength ranks in the middle. The nine-tailed beast is the strongest tailed beast and is very unsuitable for testing. The complete version of Magic Dragon Nine Seals.

In short, the Akatsuki organization still needs two years to be fully prepared. If they come to them at this time, let alone the small amount of money offered by the Lord of Tian Country, even if it costs a huge sum of money, Xiaonan will not accept it.

After going around in a circle, the Lord of Tian Country was rejected. He had no choice but to return to the Lord of Tian Country and became a frugal homebody. He was in panic all day long, lamenting that the ninjas did not respect the decisions made back then. The contract, if things go on like this, the country of the ninja world will not be a country.

However, the Lord of Tian Country did not know that neither the Akatsuki Organization, the Five Great Ninja Countries, nor the Five Great Ninja Villages cared about the changes that occurred in a small country on the edge of the continent, nor did they want to provoke the new organization formed by Konoha's rebel ninja. A major event that is about to sweep the entire ninja world is about to break out.

After nearly half a year of preparations, the five major ninja countries finally raised enough military funds. The reason why the funds were raised so slowly was mainly because Konoha Village controlled the economic lifeline of the ninja world, and it was difficult for all countries to make money.

When a war begins in the ninja world, logistics also need to be prepared, such as hemostatic pills, military rations, ninja tools, military pay, tents, detonating charms, kunai, shurikens, bandages... These materials and money must be prepared in advance. In the original plot, Before the Fourth Ninja War began, Tsunade spent a lot of energy raising military funds. The funds raised filled a room. After raising the funds, she had to purchase large quantities of materials to ensure the normal march of tens of thousands of ninja troops.

The Battle of Kannabi Bridge in the Third Ninja World War was because Kakashi blew up the Kannabi Bridge and cut off the supply line of the Iwagakure Ninja Army. The Iwagakure Ninja Army lost their important supply line and had no choice but to retreat, and the war was possible. Finish.

It can be seen that logistical supplies play an important role in the Ninja War.

Formal wars between shinobi villages are often aimed at fighting for strategic locations. The key lies in effective occupation. It is not like Orochimaru's plan to collapse Konoha, which is an unrestricted war like a terrorist attack. Success may lead to assassination. The Hokage weakened Konoha, but could not achieve decisive results.

Next, is the diplomatic stage in which the four major ninja villages jointly put pressure on Konoha and forced Konoha to pay huge protection fees. If Konoha refused the conditions, the assembly would have been completed long ago, and the coalition forces of the four major ninja villages would have launched a war after raising supplies. The battlefield caught Konoha Village off guard, and what was not available at the negotiation table was taken on the battlefield.

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