Lord God Investigator

Chapter 739 The Kingdom of Tian

Orochimaru's base is located in the mountainous area of ​​​​Tano Kuni. The large-scale ninja transport aircraft developed by Naruto does not yet have vertical take-off and landing functions. It must be loaded with the "Light and Heavy Rock" spell seal module before it can resist gravity. The only way is to find a suitable one first. Land on the runway and land in a skid.

In the way of naming countries in the ninja world, except for the five major countries named after the five elements of "Wood, Water, Wind, Earth and Thunder", the names of other small countries can mostly reflect the country's cultural customs, geographical conditions and natural conditions.

For example, Taki no Kuni has many waterfalls, Kawa no Kuni has many rivers, Ume no Kuni has rain all year round, Nami no Kuni is close to the sea, Yu no Kuni has many hot springs...

The Country of Fields, as its name suggests, has vast and gentle fields within its territory.

The transport plane easily found a meadow and landed on the ground. Naruto used the seal scroll to put away the plane, and formed a standard four-person ninja team with Sasuke, Gaara, and Kaoru, and headed to Orochimaru's base on foot.

The coordinates of the foundation have been learned through the interrogation of the big snake. Now this snake is saltier than salted fish and has a particularly strong desire to survive. The snake's bones have long been softened by the realgar wine. When facing the interrogation, he will tell everything he knows.

The four of them walked in Tian Country. Along the way, they were deeply shocked by the dilapidation and decline of this country. Compared with Konoha, this place was like hell.

There are many high-rise buildings in Konoha Village, and the villages and towns here are all dilapidated wooden houses. The wooden houses are in disrepair and are crumbling.

The farmland in the agricultural area near Konoha Village is neat and orderly. It is now autumn, and the fields should be filled with waves of wheat. The fields of Tian Country are obviously vast, but no one is cultivating them. Even if you see the fields, the crops are low and overgrown with weeds.

The citizens of the Kingdom of Tian that I met on the road were also in shabby clothes, disheveled faces, and weak spirits.

Sasuke and Naruto were both children from Konohagakure, a top-notch town in the ninja world, but such scenes were rare. They had witnessed a similar tragic situation in the small country during the last escort mission to the Land of Waves.

But the Kingdom of Waves is not as declining as the Kingdom of Tian. At least there is a group of craftsmen who work hard to build bridges and improve their lives.

Sasuke frowned and said: "It's just that the country is poor, why is the spirit of the people so sluggish? No wonder it has declined like this!"

Xianglin was no longer surprised and sighed: "What if the citizens of a small country are in high spirits? Even if they work hard to build the country, make money and hoard food, they will not be able to enjoy it. They will all be killed by the strong. Plunder and go.”

Naruto nodded and agreed: "According to the information collected previously, the Lord of Tian Country attempted to invade neighboring countries, which resulted in a devastating blow. The Fuma Ninja Village in his country was crippled in the war. The Fuma clan was on the verge of annihilation and lost the protection of the Ninja Village. The country has absolutely no ability to protect itself. Neighboring countries are asking for everything, and there is no guarantee for the safety of citizens’ lives and property.”

Gaara did not participate in the discussion, and followed the three of them with a gourd on his back, remaining silent.

The number one junior high school boy in Sunagakure has not yet made a psychological adjustment. In the Sunagakure team, he has always been a stickler for words. Whenever he suffers from secondary school disease, his brothers and sisters will give him three points and obey orders.

Now in Naruto's team, he has no voice at all. Anyone in the team can push him to the ground and rub him if he stands up. With such a huge psychological gap and status change, it will take time for anyone to adapt.

The existence of ninja villages is indeed necessary for the ninja world. Ninjas do not only serve the daimyo. In addition to their military functions, they also have part-time job as police officers.

If there are wanted criminals in the country, Ninja Village will take the initiative to send out ninjas to arrest them. When villagers encounter injustice, they can also pay to hire ninjas to help them seek justice. In a sense, they fight crime in disguise and maintain public order.

Like Tian no Kuni, when the shinobi villages of the country were destroyed, it was as if the country had lost its security and maintenance organization, fell into turmoil, social chaos, and the daimyo's decrees could not be conveyed.

Orochimaru, on the other hand, established the Sound Ninja Village in Tian Country, and also recruited some members of the Fuuma clan. However, the Sound Ninja Village is different from other Ninja Villages. It is just a tool for Orochimaru to satisfy his selfish desires. He does not accept tasks at all, and his responsibility is only to arrest innocent people. Being a test subject and protecting the safety of the base are two things.

Therefore, the country of Tian has declined to this point. Apart from the prosperous peach fairy dance industry, there are no pillar industries in the country. The people are in a state of collective unemployment, and they are kidnapped by the sound ninja from time to time and sent to the laboratory as test subjects. It can be described as miserable.

A group of four people passed through a dilapidated town and walked onto a rugged dirt road leading to the mountains. They were discussing the tragic situation of Tian Country. Suddenly, more than a dozen kunai were shot from behind, covering the four of them in kunai. Under the rain.

Without Naruto and Sasuke taking action, Gaara's sand gourd sprayed out billowing sand and dust, easily blocking the kunai.

When the attacker saw Gaara's strange sand ninjutsu, he seemed to understand and kicked the iron plate. He quickly retreated, turned around and fled.

"Rat, do you still want to escape?"

Gaara finally had his chance to show off, and with a sullen expression, he controlled the sand and dust to pounce forward, trapping the sneak attack ninja in it.

"Sand-bound coffin!"

The suspended sand wrapped around the attacker and slowly floated in the air. Naruto and others looked and found that the person was short and slender, not like an adult. The person's face was covered, and it was impossible to tell whether he was a boy or a girl. .

"How dare you sneak attack? Go to hell!"

Gaara showed a ferocious evil smile and shouted angrily: "Sand Waterfall..."

"I'll give you a big watermelon!"

Naruto rushed up and punched Gaara on the back of the head, interrupting the strangulation ninjutsu he was about to perform.

"You are not allowed to kill anyone without my permission!"

Gaara was beaten so hard that there was a big bulge on the back of his head. He gritted his teeth with hatred, but he couldn't get angry. He crossed his arms and turned his head away, letting go of the sand-bound coffin and throwing the attacker to the ground.

The huge pressure of Shabao's funeral was fleeting. Even though it was not fully exerted, the pressure still caused injuries to the man, and there were blood marks on the corners of his mouth. It could be seen from the eyes exposed by the mask that the man's eyes were wide and full. With tears.

"Naruto is right. If you kill him, won't the clues be cut off? If you want to kill him, you have to wait for torture before killing him!"

Sasuke walked over, raised his hand, the palm of his hand flashed with electric light, and said to the trembling attacker with a sullen face: "Obviously, take off your mask, reveal your identity, and explain clearly why you attacked us, otherwise...die!"

The poor sneaker was so frightened that she quickly pulled off her mask, revealing a pitiful and pretty face. It turned out that she was a little girl with long orange hair, about the same age as Naruto and the others.

"I know I was wrong, please, please don't kill me..."

The little girl knelt on the ground obediently and begged with tears in her eyes: "I...my name is Fuma Sasame, and I am a ninja from the fallen Fuma clan. I...thought you were Orochimaru's subordinates, so I had the audacity to make a sneak attack. How offensive it is." , I really didn’t mean it, don’t kill me...wuwuwu..."

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