Lord God Investigator

Chapter 281 Everlasting Island

Chief Mage Ditra stood on the port pier, looking at the burning wreckage of the ship on the sea. He clenched the staff in his hand, and veins protruded on the back of his hand.

"Is that a curse from the devil?"

General Flamefist felt chills all over his body. He also saw the scene of Baldur's Gate offshore fleet exploding one after another in an instant, and was deeply shocked.

This famous warrior who once led an army to defeat the Iron Throne Legion actually felt a little scared.

General Flamefist thought that with his martial arts skills, he would fight bravely even if he was surrounded by the most ferocious orc army on the road.

With the sword in hand, the paladin should have nothing to fear.

However, whether it is sniper rifle bullets shot from nowhere, or explosive traps, or the dragon breath technique that suddenly descends from the air, or the "ship bombing technique" that causes the warship to explode suddenly, it is far beyond the general's understanding of the war. understand.

If fighting turns out to be like this, what's the point of practicing martial arts and being pious?

Many brave and extremely pious holy warriors died in this battle to suppress the mob. Many of them died without knowing how they died.

War shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be so inexplicable, it shouldn't be so dishonorable, soldiers shouldn't be so fragile and insignificant, and personal martial arts shouldn't be so worthless!

The chief mage sighed, shook his head and said: "There is no magic fluctuation. It was not magic that destroyed the Baldur's Gate fleet. It was probably another evil weapon invented by Bradlow."

"Master Mage, what should we do?" The general asked in a low voice, anxious.

"You continue to perform the 'purification' mission," the chief mage said coldly: "And I am going to take a nap. Wake me up in eight hours."

The so-called "purification" means to completely remove the unbelievers and renegades with dirty thoughts from this world.

Thick smoke is rising everywhere in the city of Askatra, and the smell of barbecued human flesh is wafting in the air. The fragrance and stench are mixed together. The fragrance comes from the cooked human meat, and the smell is from these roasted human flesh. Another fire was added and it began to gradually burn.

General Flame Fist was stunned and said in surprise: "If you go to rest, what will happen to the mob who escaped on the boat? As you said, Bradero is probably on the boat."

Ditra glanced at the general coldly, shook his head, turned and left without explaining anything.

At night, there are dark clouds in the sky, the stars are obscured by lead clouds, and the sea is pitch black.

Chief Mage Ditra came to the seaside. Eight hours of sleep restored all his spell slots. He looked back at the city. There were still fires in the city. If he listened carefully, he seemed to be able to hear vague cries.

The wind blew from the sea and took away the unpleasant smell of ashes. Ditra couldn't help but feel refreshed. His eyes were bright and he recited the magic spell in a low voice. The moment the spell was completed, a dragon-wing phantom appeared on his back. film.

He cast the fifth-level transformation spell "Dragon Wing Spell". This spell is an advancement of "Flying Spell" and can give the recipient a flying speed of 100 yards per round.

The Chief Mage flew up and flew towards the dark sea.

The warships of the countries around the Sword Gulf are not much different from the offshore fleet of Baldur's Gate. They are all wooden three-masted sailing ships and use giant crossbows as naval warfare weapons.

Although it is unclear what method Bredlow used to destroy the Baldur's Gate fleet in an instant, the chief mage can be sure that Tethyr's fleet, and even the fleet of Waterdeep, cannot resist such a bizarre attack.

The number of mages in the Knights of Mysterious Fire is too small. Even if all the mid-level and high-level mages use flying skills to pursue them, they will be used as targets with rifles and will not be able to complete the interception task.

The chief mage simply went to rest. After recovering his spell slot, he used the dragon wing technique to rush to Yongju Island, which was 1,800 miles away, overnight.

Only the elven navy of Evermeet Island can complete the task of intercepting the Bredro fleet.

Sun elves and moon elves possess extremely outstanding magical talents, and the warships of the Eternal Gathering Island elven navy are far more advanced and powerful than the warships of the countries along the Sword Gulf of Faerûn.

The elves of Yongju Island used the magic technology inherited from their ancestors to create magic warships. With the blessing of the wind element, the sails of the elves' magic ships are always inflated, and their sailing speed is far faster than that of human sailboats.

Both sun elves and moon elves have outstanding magical talents, and the ratio of mages in the elven navy crew is the highest in the mainland.

The elven archers have superb shooting skills, and the range and accuracy of the elven mithril bow is not much lower than that of a rifle.

There are also sea elf soldiers in the navy of Everjum Island. These elves are as nimble as swimming fish in the ocean. They are good at defending their own warships or diving and sinking enemy ships.

Although the elves on Evermeet Island have good diplomatic relations with Neverwinter and are members of the Silver Moon Alliance, the chief mage cannot guarantee whether the elves are willing to intervene in human disputes.

The core of the Bredlow heresy is to persuade people to give up their belief in gods and advocate no longer relying on gods but relying only on people themselves.

The human nations of Faerûn have reached a consensus and treat it as heresy, but when it comes to alien races, the situation is even more complicated.

The elves have a sparse population and like to live in groups. They are rarely influenced by human missionaries. They turn their backs on the elven gods and turn to evil gods. Bradero's heresy has not spread to Evermeet Island at all and has little impact on the elves.

Due to cultural differences, Bradero's stage plays are not very popular in the Elf Kingdom. Tang Xiaotian's songs are very popular, but most of the female singer's songs describe love affairs. Unlike stage plays, they hide evil thoughts. In the plot, it subtly confuses people's hearts.

It is not related to vital interests, and Evermeet Island has not been involved in the affairs of the Faerûn continent for a long time. It will be very difficult to convince the Elf Queen Anlariel to send a navy to hunt down Bredreau.

Flying under the clouds, the Chief Mage fell into deep thought. He thought carefully. If he were the Elf Queen, he would probably only feel happy when humans are in trouble, and would never be bothered by "justice", "maintaining harmony" or "protecting order". Impressed by such rhetoric.

If you can't convince Queen Anlariel, even if you rush to Yongju Island overnight, it will be in vain.

Time was running out, and apart from asking Yongju Island to send troops, the chief mage could not think of any other way.

He has already tried to seek help from the Church of Talos, the Lord of Storms, hoping that the Church of Talos can pray to the Lord of Storms to blow up a hurricane and capsize the Bredro fleet.

However, Talos is not a god who likes to respond to the prayers of believers. Many believers who donated large sums of gold coins thought they would be protected by Talos, but still encountered shipwrecks.

Moody and capricious, this is the unique personality of Talos and Umberli, the two gods who control the sea.

The relationship between the Church of Talos and the Church of Good Gods is also very poor. They turned a blind eye to the Amn riots. Even when the riots occurred, the Church of Talos did not withdraw from the city of Askatra.

The rioting people made peace with the Talos Church and smashed all the churches in the temple area, but they did not attack the Talos Temple.

As a great seafaring nation, the people of Amn both love and hate Talos, but there is still a sense of awe in their hearts.

Therefore, the chief priest of Talos Church, Stormbringer, rejected the chief mage's request with great disdain, and Ditra had no choice but to fly to Evermeet Island to ask for help from the Elf Queen.

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