Lord God Investigator

Chapter 266 Evacuation Plan

Monroe nodded and said: "I did bring news from Mr. Bredreau. He hopes that you can organize the people, take a boat to sea immediately, and follow the guidance of the sea chart to the Fishman Island southwest of Amn."

The six representatives were all stunned. They looked at each other and didn't understand why Bradero gave such guidance.

Handak was the first to say: "Let us abandon our hometown and go to the territory of the Kuo-Toa fish people? Let's not talk about whether the Kuo-Toa fish people will allow us to go to the island. Even if those monsters are willing to accept us, the small fish-man island does not have enough people. Life!"

Askatra has a population of 110,000, of which about 20,000 are floating people, who are members of the traveling merchants and merchant caravans.

Of the remaining 90,000 fixed population, a large part of the population had already left their hometown after the six knights stationed in Amn, preferring to go to other places rather than stay in the city where the situation was becoming increasingly tense.

After the uprising, some people were worried that the army of the temple organization to which the knights belonged would come to retaliate, so they left Ascatla one after another and took refuge in the countryside of Amn.

After the successful uprising in A city, the rebels actually only controlled the city of Ascatla, and other towns in Amn were in a state of anarchy and chaos.

But in fact, this has nothing to do with the uprising. Most towns in Faerûn are autonomous towns. The backward transportation and monsters all over the continent make it difficult for the lords’ orders of each country to reach the local area.

Just like Trimi Town in Amn, this town was deeply infested by animal riots caused by druids and efreeti hunting Rakshasa demons. However, Askatra did nothing. It was the Trimi Town Autonomous Association that sent people for help. It took Chanem's team to solve the problem.

It is normal for the lords of various countries in Faerûn to be indifferent to the towns and villages within their borders. They only exercise their sovereignty when collecting taxes and ignore other issues.

This is also one of the reasons for the prosperity of the adventurer team in Faerûn. Many problems that the government needs to solve are left to the adventurers.

Of course, hiring adventurers costs money. This money is paid by the local government, saving a lot of administrative expenses for the lords who govern the country.

Monroe shook his head and said: "Mr. Bredlow does not intend to resettle people on Fish-Man Island. Fish-Man Island has a passage leading to the Dark Territory. Bredlow has reached an agreement with the fish-man prince Kuo Tao of Fish-Man Island. He has already I agree that the people of Acheng can enter the Dark Territory through this secret passage."

Luo Feng's team had already killed the Fishman Island together with the Mithril team in advance, helped the fishman prince Kuo Tao rebel against his father, and supported the fishman prince to ascend the throne. Only then did he gain the access to the dark area passage of the fishman island. Right of way.

This passage can lead directly to the Dark Territory, and work has been done to eliminate monsters along the way. As long as you avoid the guard team of a nearby dark elf city, you can reach the Rockfall base.

After the investigation of the shapeshifter, Luo Feng learned that the dark elf city had also suffered a disaster recently. Chanem led the team to use a fake silver dragon egg to trick the mistress of the first family in the city into being killed by a demon. Now the city The dark elves here are busy fighting among themselves, competing for the title of the first family, and have no time to care.

Only then did they plan the retreat route for the revolting people in Ascaltra City.

"Why go to the Underdark?"

This time, not only Handak, but also several other representatives were shocked: "Human beings cannot live in the Underdark. There is no water, no sunshine, no crops, only terrible monsters and evil underground races!"

The gray dwarf who came with Monroe laughed. He spoke in Faerenton with a weird accent: "The Underdark is different now. At least the five hundred miles around Stonefall Village are completely different. We dug a deep well." , under the guidance of Master Qiu, we used three methods of distillation, filtration, and alchemical neutralization to purify water and build mushroom greenhouses. The mushroom rations produced are more than enough to feed the entire clan. As long as you work with us, you don’t have to worry about starvation or thirst. !”

What the gray dwarf said was unbelievable, and several human representatives looked at him with suspicious eyes.

The Underdark has been synonymous with barren wilderness for tens of thousands of years. It is only slightly better than the environment of the Bottomless Abyss. How can it produce enough food to support the survival of the surface races?

But the people of Faerun don't know that people can transform the environment through labor, instead of everything relying on God's gift and divine grace!

The Underdark is not a desert area. It is clearly under the surface. The only difference from the surface is that there is no sunlight, neither water sources nor minerals. The giant mushroom forests provide a large amount of wood fiber, limiting the underground race population. There are only two aspects: food and water sources.

Using exploration technology, we can dig deep wells to open up the underground water layer and use steam engines to lift water, which can completely ensure the supply of water sources.

The underground space of Faerûn is vast, and the environment has evolved over thousands of years. There are many varieties of mushrooms. In the process of many years of attempts by underground races to eat them, they have already discovered mushroom varieties that can replace the nutritional value of food. This has fed the large population of deep people in the Dark Territory. Gnomes, duergar, kobolds, and goblins.

In terms of food, the yield of mushroom cultivation is actually amazing. The mushroom varieties in Faerûn are surprisingly large, and can even grow into giant mushroom forests and mushroom men.

In the real world, the annual output of oyster mushrooms grown in greenhouses can reach 1,500-3,000 kilograms per mu. With good planting conditions, excellent strains, and proper management, it can reach 5,000 kilograms.

Mushrooms are different from grains. Mushrooms can be grown three-dimensionally and harvested multiple times. A thousand square meters of planting room can be built, the temperature and humidity can be controlled, and the culture medium can be changed regularly, so that energy can be continuously produced and harvested three or four seasons a year.

What about the crops on the surface of Faerûn?

It can only be harvested once a year, and due to natural disasters and insect pests, without chemical fertilizers or pesticides, one acre of land can produce two to three hundred kilograms of wheat, which is a good year.

Of course, the mushrooms produced in greenhouses are fresh mushrooms with high water content and seem to have a high yield. If the moisture becomes dry mushrooms after drying in the shade, the yield will shrink by more than ten times.

But the mushroom production in the Underdark far exceeds that of mushrooms in the real world. After all, in the real world, you can't find giant mushrooms as tall as big trees, nor can you find mushroom men as tall as humans who can grow arms and legs to run around.

Balancing the two, the output of dried mushrooms in mushroom greenhouses in the Dark Region is almost several times the annual output of wheat fields on the surface.

Now, under the guidance of Io, the gray dwarves, through their hard-working hands, have finally solved the water and food problems that have plagued various races in the Underdark for tens of thousands of years.

Surface water is permeable, and the Dark Area can only exist under or above the underground water layer. No matter it is above or below, with proper exploration technology, a well will definitely be drilled. The well head may be on the cave ceiling or on the ground.

Why, after tens of thousands of years have passed, have the underground races failed to master the technology of mushroom cultivation and are living a life of poverty like beggars and refugees guarding the resource-rich underground treasure land?

You have to ask Rose, the spider queen who rules the underground world, and the gods who control the surface of Faerûn. Watching the underground races suffer is not a unique feature of them who claim to be fraternity, kindness, justice, and greatness. bad taste.

Or do the underground races, who have been evil since they were babies, deserve this fate?

In the continent of Faerûn, being born as a dragon, a son of a god, a hero, an elf, or a noble is extremely happy, and you can live a life of wantonness and pleasure. If you are born as a goblin, a deep dwarf, a gray dwarf, or a kobold, you deserve it. There is nothing to complain about. What about?

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