Lord God Investigator

Chapter 263 Fly Lathander

The chief priest of Dawn, who finally crawled back from the balcony into the temple, felt the surge of magic in the temple and couldn't help but beam with joy. In this world, there is nothing more powerful than the ever-changing magic with infinite power.

Once powerful magic is cast, no matter how large a mob is gathered, it will be useless.

The priest's seventh-level divine spell does not have a spell of large-scale destruction, so the paladins charge against the mob's "Thunder Rod". The casualty rate is too high, not to mention the weird explosives they throw, which can kill an entire team. Well-trained paladins were killed and wounded.

With the support of the legendary magic of the Knights of Mystic Fire, this riot will be calmed down in an instant, and then the sins of the mob will be liquidated!

The High Priest of Dawn is convinced that for a long time, the city of Askatra will be filled with the stench of barbecued human flesh.

The preparation time for legendary spells is very long. The Mystical Fire Knights received the blessing of the goddess of magic Mythra, which greatly shortened the preparation time for casting spells. It took a day or two to prepare a magic spell using high-end spell casting materials and ten-ring divine scrolls. The preparation time for legendary magic is greatly shortened.

A purple magical light ball takes shape in the hands of the high-level mage who presides over the magic circle. As long as he throws the magic ball into the square, he can create a desperate area that lasts for twenty rounds. In this desperate area, no matter how powerful it is, It is difficult for a legendary warrior, a top thief, or the most devout priest to save the will test of the "extreme despair" magic with a casting level as high as 49.

Outside the Lathander Temple, the people who felt something strange slowly retreated away from the temple building that was emitting terrifying magic waves.

Dame Hathaway was still standing at the front, looking at the towering temple like a giant beast that was about to unleash its power. Her expression was extremely serious. She knew in her heart that whether the uprising would be extinguished would depend on whether she could stop the unknown spell that the enemy was about to release. .

She raised her gun, aiming at every window of the temple. If the mage wants to find the target and cast the spell, he needs to see the location of the target. As long as the caster is killed the moment before the magic is thrown, the legendary spell will also Annihilating it on the spot will not only not harm the enemy, but will also explode a large group of chaotic magic cracks in the annihilation area, producing a series of unknown chaotic magic effects.

As soon as a figure flashed out of the window on the third floor of the temple, the lady's gun fired. The bullet shattered the window and accurately hit a paladin who was investigating the situation. The steel armor withstood the bullet and was not penetrated, but It hit the warrior like a heavy hammer, causing him to fall backwards.

There are more than forty windows in the front of the temple. Even a talented shooter like Hathaway can't focus on them all. The accuracy of other citizens' Miner rifles is very poor, and random shots will break the window frames and scatter stone dust. , but it can only scare the people hiding in the temple, and there is no actual threat.

Suddenly, a figure wearing a robe flashed through the window on the third floor of the temple. The Dame fired again and hit the target accurately, but the figure was reduced to blue light fragments. This was obviously a shadow created by projection technology.

Pulling the gun barrel as quickly as possible to complete the loading, the Dame fired two shots in succession, breaking two windows and destroying two phantoms, but did not hit the real target.

The mages have also learned to be smart and know that the witch's thunder stick is very precise. It uses illusion magic to create multiple phantoms to attract firepower, and the real person blends in the phantoms to look for opportunities.

"How can stupid mortals without extraordinary power see the difference between illusion and reality?"

The high-level mage who was blessed with advanced invisibility, holding the magic ball, and ready to cast spells, sneered and whispered while waiting to release spells on the square.

He has found an opportunity. Every time the witch with the weird wand performs the thunder magic fifteen times, she has to play with the thunder wand for a long time, as if to recharge the thunder wand.

And just now, she had cast fifteen spells and destroyed fifteen phantoms!

Taking this opportunity, the high-level mage stepped out, raised his hand with a ferocious smile, and was about to escape in extreme despair. Once his mental power locked the target and completed the casting action, he could dodge back to the temple, and the magic light ball would inevitably hit the target. Hit that area.

As he dodged, the high-ranking mage's eyes met Sir Hathaway's reloading bullets. The archmage wanted to admire the desperate expression of a mortal, but instead saw the cold smile on the face of the queen.

The "Scroll of True Sight" only costs a few thousand gold coins, so the lady can't afford it?

The unloaded gun was raised high, and the Dame pointed it at the astonished high-level mage. She did not pull the trigger, but said with her mouth: "Bang!"

The ground suddenly trembled, and the next moment, the Lathander Temple was shattered into pieces. The rubble was mixed with broken limbs and twisted steel armor, as if a volcano erupted beneath the temple, tearing everything into pieces and spraying it into the sky.

The statue of Lathander was not spared. Celestial marble is not easily damaged, but the huge force completely threw the statue, which weighed several tons, into the air. The statue spun in the air and fell head-first. In the open space in front of the temple, half of the temple was pierced into the ground.

Fire shot up into the sky, air waves swept past, and the lady's hair flew back. In front of her, the towering temple exploded into pieces, and all the knights, mages, and priests hiding in the temple were shattered into pieces.

There is a lot of filth hidden in the sewers below the temple area. The servants of the gods above only know how to look up at the sky, never taking their eyes away from the sun and the supreme being in the outer world.

They didn't bother to bow their heads, didn't bother to walk into the smelly sewers, and didn't bother to pay attention to the dirty things happening under their feet. This negligence led to the collapse of the temple.

Super magic crystal bombs have long been installed under the Lathander Temple. Each bomb is more powerful than the one that blew up the theater. The rebels installed ten of them. Just when the High Priest of Dawn refused to talk and gave orders with all his heart. During the crackdown, the countdown to bombs began.

Hathaway's suppressive shooting at the temple was just to delay time. She also knew very well that she could not stop the prepared mage from casting magic with just a gun and superb shooting skills.

Mortals may be confused by illusions, but how can extraordinary beings who can see through illusions not be confused by reality?

Real Sight can see through all virtual images but not the land beneath their feet. It’s not that they can’t see through, but that they never want to bow their heads!

Unwilling to face the humble, ordinary, worldly things.

The shocking sight of Lathander's temple being blasted frightened the paladins who were still fighting with the citizens. They couldn't understand what was happening in front of them, and they didn't understand why the Holy Father's sanctuary was destroyed like a divine punishment.

The towering, sacred, and majestic temple building disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only a deep hole and an immortal statue with its head inserted into the ground.

The bullet rain struck again, hitting the paladin's armor with a clanking sound. From time to time, someone's armor shattered and they vomited blood and died, or the unlucky guy was hit on the cheek and neck that was not covered by armor, killing him on the spot.

They got close to the people who were shooting, but before they could finish the charge, they were blown away by the magic crystal bomb. Fortunately, they rushed into the crowd. Before they could swing their big swords, the shadow thief appeared behind them and stabbed them with a deadly dagger. Crucial.

One of the most heroic and capable paladin, the leader of the Knights of the Garland of Glory, rushed into the crowd and chopped down the people around him and the thieves who tried to attack. However, he found a dying man hugging his leg, and the man was holding something in his hand. Holding a crystal ball with the ring pulled off.

A close-range explosion blew the heroic warrior away. He fell to the ground, his ears were ringing, and his vision was blurry. Before he could recover, he was surrounded by angry people, with countless sticks, pitchforks and The scythe hit him, smashing his enchanted armor and killing him alive.

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