Lord God Investigator

Chapter 251 Red Gun Inscription

The march of the Dayeso mercenary regiment was very sloppy, with uneven formations and uneven military appearance. They did not even send out scouts for warning.

Jarlaxle didn't think it was necessary. They were conducting a routine investigation mission. They were heading to a gray dwarf village known for its cowardice and obedience. There were no powerful underground monsters nearby, so there was no need to be too careful.

During this time, the members of the mercenary group were busy running around and very tired, so he stopped tormenting the scouts who had long been full of complaints.

The mercenary group entered a narrow underground cave, which was like a canyon in the surface world. Jarlaxle's keen intuition suddenly made him feel a little uneasy. He straightened up on the lizard and turned on dark vision to observe left and right, trying to Find out where this uneasiness is coming from.

His intuition is always spot on!

Looking up, several figures flashed past on the cliff of the cave. With just a quick glance, Jarlaxle concluded that they were gray dwarves holding strange clubs.

Is there an ambush?

Jarlaxle felt incredible at his own judgment. Is the duergar crazy? Dare to ambush and attack the drow army, not to mention that this is the sphere of influence that Menzoberranzan can radiate. With the gray dwarves' combat power, even if it is a sneak attack, they cannot be the opponent of the Dayesu mercenary group.

The elite warriors of the Dayesu mercenary group are no less than the family guards of any drow family.

What's more, there are still a lot of mages and warlocks in the mercenary group.

"The whole group is on alert, pay attention to the situation on the surrounding rock walls, there is an ambush!"

Although he didn't believe it in his heart, Jarlaxle immediately shouted the order. His mercenary career has cultivated him to be far more cautious and careful than the average drow. Even if the possibility is low, he will not arrogantly think that suspicious situations can be ignored.

As soon as he shouted, the gray dwarves who were ambushing on the rock wall threw countless "stones". These stones were thrown from high altitude, fell into the team, and hit the drow mail armor with a clanking sound. A tinkling sound.

"Damn gray animals, are they crazy?"

"How dare you throw stones at their noble master? Luo Shi Village is eager to be slaughtered!"

"What a ridiculous ambush, these stone-throwing gray monkeys!"

The drow warriors yelled and cursed loudly, the mages in the mercenary group recited magic spells, and the fireball technique was brewing in the palms of their hands, and they were about to take action to teach these bold slaves a profound lesson.

However, just a few seconds after the stones hit the ground, they suddenly exploded!

Continuous explosions engulfed the entire team, fire and violent flashes continued, and thick smoke and flying dust enveloped the entire passage.

Before the mage who recited the incantation could use his magic, he was thrown into the sky by the air wave that exploded under his feet. His body was torn apart in the air and smoke was scattered everywhere.


There was a roar on the rock wall. This was the order given by the gray dwarf Noland Bronzehelm, the dwarf patrol captain who had been rescued by Drizzt. He had a deep hatred for the drow elves, studied very hard, and made rapid progress. He was the first gray dwarf to be promoted to political commissar, and he was also the captain of this guerrilla unit.

A series of thunder suddenly exploded on the cliff, and the flames from the muzzle illuminated the dark area. Bullets rained down, causing the earth and rocks at the bottom of the valley to fly. The drow warriors who had not yet woken up from the explosion were cut into pieces. A large piece fell like wheat.

The guerrillas adhered to the ambush tactics taught in the book and daily training. They first waited with grenades and took advantage of the enemy being bombed into chaos to launch a round of fierce shooting.

Jarlaxle was agile and alert. When the "stones" were thrown down, he sensed something was wrong and looked for cover. He also wore various defensive magic equipment. His cloak permanently fixed the effect of the deflection spell. He was the third member of the guerrillas. He was not injured in the onslaught.

It's just that the loud sound and flash of the explosion hurt his senses a lot. These grenades were mixed with several Yao En's special flash bombs. In a dark environment, flash bombs are extremely effective for Drow with night vision ability. Lasso's eyes were filled with bright spots, his ears were ringing, and his mind was not clear.

When he cast the recovery magic on himself and woke up from the shock and blindness, he was stunned by the tragic scene in front of him. Less than half of the Dayeso mercenary group who had been showing off their power just now could still stand up!

In just an instant, a detachment of the mercenary group suffered heavy casualties, with more than fifty people dead and injured.

After a salvo ended, the shooting frequency dropped significantly. The gray dwarves reloaded ammunition at different speeds. The rain of bullets turned into sporadic drizzle, which allowed the drow to relax.

"Where's the mage? Use magic to counterattack quickly. Archers and crossbowmen also shoot for me!"

Jarlaxle yelled and rolled over. As soon as he rolled away, a cloud of dust and gravel rose up from the ground where he was. He marveled at the "Thunder Rod" used by the gray dwarves. The power of this weapon was unparalleled to him. seen.

After dodging the bullet, Jarlaxle used the missile spell stored in the magic missile necklace to lock on a dwarf guerrilla on the rock wall who was loading ammunition and exposed his body. He raised his hand and shot a string of purple missile magic crystals.

The missile hit the dwarf who was concentrating on loading ammunition, causing him to vomit blood. He lost his balance and fell from the rock wall. The dwarf endured the severe pain and took out a short stick, pulled the tab of the stick, and rushed towards He caught a warlock on the ground who was chanting a magic spell and threw her to the ground.

Immediately, the short stick exploded into a ball of flame, engulfing both of them at the same time.

perish together!

Jarlaxle couldn't believe what he saw with his own eyes. Was this still a cowardly gray dwarf? They are simply crazier than the berserkers of hell!

The mages in the mercenary group did not dare to be too big and turned on various defensive shields, such as "long-range weapon invalidation", "deflection", "defense against ordinary weapons", "barrier", "mage armor", "force field" and "material". "Mirror"...

The magic aura covered the remaining warriors of the mercenary group. These experienced mercenaries hid under the shield, took out their crossbows and started shooting at the ambushers on the rock wall.

"Sniper! Target those spellcasters and eliminate them as quickly as possible."

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