Lord God Investigator

Chapter 241 Causing trouble and causing trouble

Ivansari is only sixteen years old. She is just like Drizzt more than a hundred years ago. She is still a simple drow child, but her innocence is completely opposite to Drizzt's innocence.

When Drizzt was sixteen, he didn't know that the dark elves were an evil race until his father Zaknavan told him the truth.

Ivansari is proud of being a member of the evil elves. She has enjoyed the benefits of evil in her sixteen years of life. She was educated in a family where evil is a virtue. She is as pure as her skin. Dark villain.

But she is still too young, her life experience is too short, and her will is far from being as strong as her mother and siblings, who are willing to die in order to carry out evil.

The blade slashed at her, and she could no longer hold her nerve, her face turned pale, her limbs became weak due to fear, and her heart beat rapidly.

She didn't want to die. She had only lived for sixteen years. She had never even left Menzoberranzan a few times, and she had never enjoyed the boundless joy of killing and incest that her brothers and sisters said.

Ice Death was hanging in the air at the critical moment. The blade slightly cut the skin on her neck, and a wisp of bright red blood flowed along the blade.

Luo Feng grabbed Drizzt's wrist and stopped the killing blow.

"Don't worry, listen to me."

The artist said to the ranger with a puzzled expression: "What I mean is, next time you fight the dark elf, don't hold back. You will never encounter an opponent as weak as her. You should treat class enemies as harshly as winter. During the battle, Give it your all.”

After narrowly surviving, she broke out in a cold sweat. Ivanisa did not think she was weak. She was the most outstanding warrior among the younger generation, but she was unable to refute this sentence. Compared with the three extremely powerful men in front of her, she Weak as a child.

She heard that the young monk didn't want to kill her. She breathed a sigh of relief and her thoughts became more vivid.

Ivanissa knew that she had astonishing beauty in human aesthetics. Her sister once told her that beauty is also a weapon that can make many powerful men dizzy.

The drow girl smiled sweetly and cast a seductive glance at the young monk, but she found that the man was not looking at her at all, and even the corner of his eye did not linger on her.

"The people's army we are going to establish is a civilized, mighty, and just army. We are not afraid of sacrifice in battle and bravely kill the enemy, but we will not kill prisoners, and we will even give preferential treatment to prisoners."

Luo Feng explained to Drizzt seriously.


The drow girl sneered: "This is great, I like weak enemies!"

She licked her lips: "If you help me kill the bastard of the Do'Urden family, I can consider letting you be my valet slave. I haven't had a valet slave yet, so help me kill him!"

To female drow, a close servant slave is like a bed-warming maid, which is already a very attractive condition in Evanissa's opinion.

Luo Feng smiled, and then his smile disappeared. He stepped forward and grabbed the drow girl's neck, lifted her up, faced her face to face, and said word by word: "You should pray to Rose now. In your short life, You have not committed any evil deeds of oppressing and maiming the people. The people's army not killing prisoners does not mean that you are forgiven of your sins on the spot. You will accept the people's trial. If the evidence is conclusive and the facts are clear, what awaits you is a public execution!"

After warning this ignorant drow, Luo Feng threw her away and said to Drizzt: "In order to show tolerance and mercy, adventurers often 'pardon' the villains they are about to kill. This is the most stupid thing. This behavior is unfair to the victims because adventurers do not have this power! We will not wrongly accuse a good person, nor let a bad person go. We do not kill prisoners to avoid indiscriminate killing of innocent people, but we do not indulge evil people."

While they were talking, Mithril Team and Luo Feng Team also came out of hiding and rushed to the scene of the battle.

They arrived just in time. Luo Feng took out the rope from the dimensional bag and tied the drow girl with a tortoise shell. He tied her so that she could not move and asked Zhang Daniu to carry her. This was considered a feat for Zhang Daniu. Nice job.

"Are you adventurers from the surface? I'm so stupid! How could the dark elves take risks with humans? Adults, this matter has nothing to do with us. We won't tell it. Please forgive us!"

Noland Bronzehelm watched in shock as everything happened in an instant. The three adventurers who suddenly appeared killed the elite drow hunting team in a few breaths and saved him and his patrol members.

But Bronzehelm didn't feel much joy after the disaster, and instead felt very heavy. He thought this was a family dispute within Menzoberranzan, and a human adventure group hired by the Do'Urden family assassinated the Baenre family's hunt. The team captured the nobles of the Banrui family.

The gray dwarves do not want to be involved in this vortex of conspiracy between drow. Any dark elf family in Menzoberranzan is an irresistible and powerful enemy for Stonefall Village. Once involved, the village will inevitably be Destroyed.

The gray dwarf captain knelt on the ground, and his team members also knelt down and prayed with the captain tremblingly.

Luo Feng stepped forward and held up Nolan's bronze helmet: "Friend, don't be afraid. Your initial guess was not wrong. We are adventurers from the surface. When we saw you being attacked by the drow hunting team, Attacked, so I came to help you."

Drizzt also walked over and said, "I am Drizzt Do'Urden. You look like a friend of mine. His name is Noland Ironhelm. Do you know him?"

The gray dwarf captain was startled, nodded and said: "You are talking about my brother! Drizzt..."

Bronze Helm tried hard to remember: "My brother mentioned you. He said that he had never seen a drow with a kind nature like you!"

Drizzt smiled and asked, "Is he okay?"

The bronze helmet looked gloomy and shook his head: "He is dead. He died in a dark elf hunting. The drow matron always thinks that the gray dwarves are not afraid of them enough, so she regularly sends hunting teams to attack us..."

"You'd better let me go immediately!"

The drow girl who was carried on Zhang Daniu's shoulders struggled and shouted: "My mother is right, you bold slaves, do you know the consequences of killing the dark elves? The Baenre family will kill you all. ! If you kill those stupid adventurers, I will consider sparing you!"

Luo Feng took out a walnut from the dimensional bag, stuffed the walnut into the drow girl's mouth, and wrapped a piece of cloth around her mouth to completely stop her from screaming.

The gray dwarf captain's face changed. He knew that he had caused a big disaster. The dark elf hunting team died near Falling Stone Village. The adventurer team that annihilated the hunting team also captured a nobleman of the Bagrui family. The Bagrui family would never let him go. Pass by Luo Shi Village!

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