Lord God Investigator

Chapter 224: Scolding Drizzt

The dark elf ranger's hand on the handle of the knife loosened, and the clenched fist dropped weakly.

He only felt that his strength was drained out in an instant, recalling his life, the thrilling adventures, and the painful inner struggles. In Bredlow's words, everything was as stiff and ridiculous as a marionette playing tricks.

Just thinking about the process of changing his own destiny already made Drizzt feel extremely difficult. How could he hope to change every dark elf.

He knew his kind very well, a group of pure chaotic evils, equal to the demons of the Abyss.

They betray each other, kill their relatives, and enslave foreigners. Massacre, deception, chaos, and humiliation are the virtues they flaunt, and any goodwill will be considered a sign of stupidity and cowardice.

Besides the gods, who can transform these miserable souls who have fallen to the extreme?

Luo Feng ignored the frustrated ranger and continued: "The last thing is feudalism. Specifically, it is the nobility, lords, kings... the upper class of mortals who maintain the decadent rule. This must be the easiest part of the concept for you to understand. .”

Drizzt didn't reply, he just sat there with his head bowed in silence.

Luo Feng glanced at him, thought for a while and said, "Actually, you have a deep understanding of this. You are from a feudal family and have personally experienced the class oppression of a strict feudal family."

Drizzt raised his head and looked at Luo Feng with burning eyes.

"Menzoberranzan is a typical city that combines the feudal system with the Great Success."

Luo Feng explained eloquently: "The supreme ruler of this city is the Spider Queen Rose, an old witch who compares herself to gods and Buddhas. She sent her lackey eunuch Wax Rongyao to control the mistress and control every person in the city. Each dark elf family is ranked in order to distinguish the class. The high-ranking family can oppress the low-ranking family arbitrarily, but all dark elves are her slaves. I have seen a similar system in a certain world, but it is used to distinguish the families. It’s just the color of the flag.”

"In a dark elf family, there are also strict hierarchies and many classes! The matron is the patriarch of the family. Her chief maid, the family's priests, priests, and warlocks are all in the same class. The class status of female family members is much higher than that of male family members. Members, the status of other family members is distinguished by distance and distance. In addition to family members, there is also a slave class. Among slaves, there are also classes based on race..."

"If dark elves want to rise to the top, they have to constantly fight in the family, fight for favor, cheat each other and step on other people's heads to climb up!"

"If the Dark Elf family wants to rise to power, they have to fight to please Rose, the Spider Queen, and murder and overthrow other families."

Drizzt was born into the Do'Urden family of Menzoberranzan. The day he was born, the family was carrying out a genocide against other families. He was supposed to be killed as the third son of the family and sacrificed to Rose, the Spider Queen. However, his brother Dinin murdered another brother, Nofan, and Nofan replaced him as a sacrifice, and he was able to save his life.

Since birth, Drizzt, as a male dark elf, has suffered countless discriminations and insults. He is deeply impressed by this kind of family life that is full of oppression and shocking at every step.

If you want to gain status and live a better life, you have to oppress others, murder others, and step on others, even if that person is a brother or sister!

"This system was established by Spider Queen Rose. Why does she let the dark elves play this kind of power game of the jungle?"

Luo Feng continued in a cold tone: "The matrons explained that this is because the great Spider Queen is training the dark elves. She expects her people to be smarter and more calculating, and to become stronger in a dangerous world. .”

"That's just a lie!"

Luo Feng waved his hand and said aggressively: "Spider Queen Rose just wants the dark elves to be busy fighting among themselves and have no time to think about resistance! The system of layers of oppression she established is to let one class suppress another class, layer by layer Under oppression, the slaves at the bottom who want to resist cannot reach the great Spider Queen at the top of the pyramid, so they can only start with the class above them and overthrow them one class at a time."

"All this is just to maintain the feudal rule of Spider Queen Rose, allowing the dark elves to forever confine their thoughts of rebellion and transfer their hatred to their relatives, fellow racers, and alien races!"

"What's ridiculous is that the matrons also claim that the Spider Queen Rose has great wishes, and wants the dark elves to unify the underdark area and rush to the surface to conquer the surface world! But the fact is that the sophisticated magic equipment of the dark elves has been blessed by the Spider Queen Rose. It will disintegrate into dust when exposed to sunlight. Rose really wants the dark elves to counterattack the surface. How could her blessing have such a counter-effect?"

"What a joke. In fact, it is just a corner of the country, closed to the country, closed off the people's wisdom, serious internal strife, internal fighting for insiders, external war for outsiders, single-mindedly maintaining the eternal unity of the dark feudal empire. If it were not for the blessing of the 'balanced' system structured by the gods, Such a nation will take pills sooner or later!”

"You escaped from the underdark, walked onto the surface, looked up at the stars, felt the wind blowing, and saw the dawn coming. You accepted that light as if you were cleansed and became a member of the surface residents. You thought you Now that I have been reborn, I feel that the sun on the earth’s surface is now round.”

"But don't forget, the Underdark is the hometown of your tribe and family, and your motherland! Dark skin and white hair are the marks of your ancestors. Wearing the clothes of surface people, you also have the heart of a dark elf!"

"The nation of dark elves also had a great and glorious history. They were once the same race as the surface elves. Maybe they are ignorant and sinking now, but this does not mean that they can never change!"

"You have forgotten your own nation, your own motherland, indulged in flowers and applause, and completely cut yourself off from your past. Your black skin can better show your pure heart like gold. You despise your motherland to your heart's content, He despises everything in the Underdark, and would rather shiver under the cold wind of Icewind Dale than go back there, playing tricks on the destiny set by the gods, and pleasing the gods. Instead of being ashamed, he is complacent, thinking that he is perseverance. and courageous spokesperson.”

"This is you, the righteous ranger, the black-skinned but white-hearted celebrity Drizzt Do'Urden."

Drizzt trembled, Bradero's words cutting into his heart like a knife.

This famous ranger who was respected by everyone in the surface world felt for the first time that he was so humble and not much nobler than his kin in the Underdark.

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