Lord God Investigator

Chapter 221 Become the Demon King from Today

The Bredlow Theater Company also left a new creation of a classic love stage play in Waterdeep.

This stage play is based on the love legend of the great sage Elminster and the magical goddess Mystra.

The stage play tells the story that when Elminster was a young and handsome scholar, he met the beautiful incarnation of the goddess Mystra in Waterdeep City. The two traveled together and traveled through the streets and alleys of Waterdeep City.

Elminster is handsome, knowledgeable and stable and has the charm of a mature man, while the goddess Mystra is playful, cute, simple and kind, and does not pretend to be a goddess at all. She thought that Elminster did not know her true nature. As a goddess, play with him and embark on a romantic journey.

"Deepwater Holiday" is also talked about by the people of Faerûn. People put "Titanic", "Ghost Love" and "Deepwater Holiday" together and call them "Bredlow's three love classics". Part: Humans, Ghosts, Gods"

"Titanic" expresses the ultimate form of human love: "Love that transcends the barriers of time and space and lasts until death!"

"The Endless Love between Humans and Ghosts" expresses the ultimate transcendence of human love: "Even death cannot separate those who love each other!"

"Deep Water Holiday" expresses the ultimate love that transcends the world: "Humans and gods can also know and love each other!"

Elminster wrote in his film review notes: "Three works depict love in the multiverse. Bradlow is worthy of the title of love saint. On the lonely creative road burdened with the "curse of the God of Love", he shines for the world like a beacon. All intelligent creatures guide the direction..."

Such high-level praise has a lot to do with the feelings the old sage felt when watching the show and the tears streaming down his face as he recalled the past.

After spending several months in Waterdeep City, the troupe continued north, heading straight to Neverwinter City. Seeing the vast snow-capped mountains and wilderness in Neverwinter City, Bradlow was inspired and took the photography team to shoot scenes in Neverwinter City, leading the team to brave the dangers along the way. Head to Icewind Dale for the winter snow.

During the trip, the troupe created a feature-length epic drama series - "A Song of Ice and Fire". This work tells the story of the Northlanders' struggle for kingship and describes the Northlanders' desperate struggle against the frost giants to defend the roof of the world. Fight.

In Icewind Dale, the Bredlow Troupe met a Faerun celebrity, the handsome dark elf ranger Drizzt Do'Urden with white hair and dark skin.

Drizzt is leading the Mithril team to revisit their old place. He is very happy to meet the Bredero Theater Company by chance. He is also a fan of the famous Bredlow Theater Company in Faerûn. He is familiar with every step of the troupe's illusions and shadows. .

Bradlow and Drizzt hit it off immediately after they reunited. The two held hands and held candles, talked at night, and fell asleep with their feet resting on each other. There seemed to be endless topics to talk about. After a few days of communication, they became close friends who talked about everything. Before parting, Drizzt was reluctant to leave, with tears in his eyes. Bradlow gave him many signed books to let the ranger take part in his adventures. Read carefully and increase your knowledge.

More than two years of creative journey have passed by in vain, and the completion rate of reputation tasks has slowly increased. Judging from the light screen of the investigator's communicator, the reputation of the great artist Bredero is only a small step away from reaching the Saint of Faerun, but this line is like a chasm. It won't grow any more.

Luo Feng concluded that if he did not do something important to eliminate the evil god and save the world, this last glimmer of reputation would never be raised to perfection.

He is not a perfectionist, and he does not insist on anything short of it. He leads the team on their way back to Ascatla City.

The team returned to the Gallows Mansion and sat around the living room. Two years was not a long time, but the mental outlook of the members of Luo Feng's team had changed a lot.

The one who has changed the most is Tang Xiaotian. This girl has lost her greenness and rusticity, and her temperament has undergone a huge change.

The current great singer Tang Xiaotian behaves elegantly and has a refined sense of rhythm in every move and smile. Her temperament has become calmer and she no longer shouts. There is a little bit of wisdom in her eyes, just like a person who has enjoyed the experience. The world is prosperous, but emotions are indifferent. A peerless celebrity who has gone through many vicissitudes of life.

In the past two years, she has stood in the center of the stage spotlight countless times, performed classic songs one after another, and received applause and admiration from tens of thousands of people. The little vanity in her heart has long since dissipated.

Now she knows deeply that it is difficult to be a woman, and it is even harder to be a famous woman. It is even more difficult to be a famous woman with a team full of gays.

The prosperity was gone, leaving only a lonely girl admiring herself. No one in the team could appreciate her beauty, and no one could understand the pain in her heart. This feeling can be remembered later, but it was already at a loss at that time.

Only a heart that has experienced such painful accumulation and reborn from the ashes under strong pressure can create an elegant woman.

Obviously what she doesn't know is that all this is because the captain has been "cursed by the god of love". Her misunderstanding of Luo Feng has not been resolved yet. She still doesn't know that Luo Feng, who always insists on wearing iron pants, is still a perfect person. Aka In Luo Feng's eyes, the Nice was just a very practical knife.

A weapon like a knife can cut yourself if you don't use it properly. Only powerful people can handle powerful and famous swords. The little girl only saw Arkanis obeying Luo Feng's words, but she didn't know how much the captain paid for it.

——I have been wearing iron trousers for more than two years, sitting, lying and walking. Facing the lust-filled covetousness of a legendary strongman, I can still maintain my integrity. It is definitely not something that ordinary people can bear.

Klein has also become more handsome. The age-freezing potion from the Lord God Research Institute will not freeze the growth and development of minors. The young boy has gradually opened up, and the male has become more and more handsome.

Zhang Daniu is still the same, but after experiencing the wind and frost of Icewind Valley, his honest smile has become more resolute.

Apart from some scratches on the shell, Io has almost no changes. After all, its shell is very strong and it is difficult to be beaten out of shape.

Luo Feng sat on the sofa in the living room, turned off the light screen of the communicator, and looked around with a very serious expression, his eyes scanning the faces of each team member.

"Although the task of building positive reputation has not reached the limit, in my opinion it has been completed."

Luo Feng's tone was also very formal: "Next we will start the most dangerous part of this investigation. Before taking formal action, I think we should seek everyone's opinions.

The team members were all stunned. The captain had very arrogantly declared that he was the father of this team, and everyone would obey unconditionally. If anyone disobeyed, he would be hanged and bled.

After entering the story world for more than two years, after so many things, the team members have almost adapted to the captain's autocratic style. However, they did not expect that today's captain would take the initiative to seek their opinions and start the first democratic discussion within the team.

Luo Feng said word by word: "What I want to explain is that what follows will be a bloody storm. Blood, fire, iron and blood will sweep across the continent of Faerûn. In this catastrophe, some of you may even die. , or even the team will be destroyed and buried in this world forever."

He spread his hands and said helplessly: "If everyone feels that this step of the exploration mission is enough and can return to Liberty City, then let's vote. If more people decide to end the mission, I will respect everyone's opinions and lead everyone Return to Liberty City. After all, cultivating new people is not asking you to die. If I were the only one, I would definitely continue to complete this task, but I cannot force you to take risks that you cannot bear."

The team members also looked solemnly, looking at each other, thinking about the captain's words in their hearts, and considering whether to leave the continent of Faerûn or follow the captain and take huge risks to carry out the next experimental mission.

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