Lord God Investigator

Chapter 216 Adamantine Pants

Thinking of this, Luo Feng broke into a cold sweat and his sleepiness disappeared.

The more he thought about it, the more afraid he became. If he fell asleep just now, his eyes would open and close, and he would enter a new world in the morning.

I wanted to ask Arkanis to go out, then lock the door and go to sleep, but then I thought about it and it was useless.

Arkanis is a legendary assassin from the thieves sect. His lock-picking skills have been raised to more than 200 instead of 300. A mere door lock is useless to him.

And since he can hide in the shadows, he can come and go at the drop of a hat, making him impossible to guard against.

The legendary assassin is best at backstabbing. Backstab damage is calculated as Thorn, the damage of 9-18 is calculated seven times...

Luo Feng calculated with his fingers, rounding it off, it would be 100 million!

A critical hit damage of 100 million points, even if AO suffered such a blow, he would still fall sadly!

Luo Feng has extraordinary energy and strong physical strength. He can only sleep for two or three hours a day, but he cannot stay awake all the time. Moreover, in Faerûn, skills and spell slots cannot be restored without sleep.

It won’t work if I don’t sleep, and it won’t work if I sleep. What should I do?

Thinking of this, Luo Feng endured the pain and exhaustion and got up.

Seeing him stand up tremblingly, Akanis quickly came over to help him, but Luo Feng pushed his arm away.

"No need to help me, escort me to the bridge area."

Luo Feng tried his best to give orders in a calm tone without any emotion. He was afraid that his slightly strange tone might misunderstand Akanis.

Keeping Arkanis by his side was a helpless move. This did not mean that Luo Feng wanted to have too much contact with him. Anyway, the permanent charm effect was equivalent to locking the favorability at 100. Even if he was left out in the cold, he would not be worried about resentment.

Akanis is a person with strong self-control. Even though he was treated so coldly by Luo Feng, his expression did not change at all. He just smiled and followed him silently, letting this stubborn man do his stubborn things.

He doesn't understand him, but he can accept everything about him.

Luo Feng staggered and dragged his tired body back to the R\u0026D center in Daqiao District. Yao En was surprised to see him returning with scars all over his body. He didn't know what happened and asked quickly: " Boss, why are you back? You look like a cow bone that has been chewed by a pack of wild dogs. What happened?"

Luo Feng braced himself and said to him seriously: "Stop all research and development work. Now I want to give you an important task to develop a very important defense equipment."

This was the first time that old Yao En saw his boss giving such a serious expression and giving an order so formally. He stopped talking and gave a rare serious reply: "Boss, what piece of equipment do you want me to build for you?"

"Do you know about golden bubble pants?"

"Oh...that's a strange thing!"

"The equipment I asked you to develop is similar to gold pants, but the material cannot be gold. Gold is too soft. It must use the strongest metal on Faerûn. It must reach a defense level that is immune to puncture!"

"What about mithril or fine gold? Both materials are expensive."

Luo Feng threw out several large bags of gold coins and threw them in front of Yao En: "Money is not an issue. You must ensure the sturdiness of these bubble pants. In addition, you must design the most complicated set of locks on the waistband of the bubble pants. Don’t use a mechanical lock, use an arcane magic lock, the kind that thieves will never be able to remove.”

Yao En thought carefully and constructed the design of the defensive equipment in his mind. He suddenly had a question and asked: "Boss, what is the use of the equipment you mentioned?"

Luo Feng sighed and said quietly: "It's mainly to prevent butt pain when you wake up in the morning..."

Under Luo Feng's strict orders, Yao En worked hard all night and finally made the fine gold bubble pants. Luo Feng put on the fine gold bubble pants and set the eighteen-ring arcane mystery lock. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and let Ah Katniss escorted him back to the troupe's station, returned to his room and fell on the bed, falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Because he was too tired and had no dreams all night, Luo Feng slept soundly.

When he woke up in the morning, he was horrified to find that his butt hurt!

It’s over!

It's all over!

Luo Feng's heart went cold. He stretched out his trembling hand and touched it. He was greatly relieved when he touched it.

It turned out that the material of the adamantine pants was too hard. Luo Feng slept in the iron pants all night, which made his butt hurt...

Adamantite soaked pants will hurt even if you wear them.

It seems that these fine gold bubble pants need to be improved and the comfort must be increased. Otherwise, if you rub your buttocks every day, it will hurt when you wake up in the morning. As time goes by, calluses will appear on your buttocks sooner or later.

There are calluses on his butt. When others see it, they know that it is caused by the wear of his iron trousers. Those who don’t know may think that his butt is used too much...

This is also a helpless move. Since you have decided to keep Arkanis by your side, you must take adequate precautions.

Otherwise, one mistake will lead to eternal hatred. Even if Luo Feng makes great achievements in the future, he will have such a dark history and his thoughts will not be clear, which will be very detrimental to martial arts practice.

Akanis has been staying in this room and didn't leave all night. When he saw Luo Feng woke up, he didn't talk to him. He just folded his arms and lowered his head in silence.

This man's temperament of few words suited Luo Feng's liking. He didn't want to talk to Arkanis, so the friendship between the two sublimated in silence, and the restlessness was subdued in a relatively wordless understanding.

In human terms, just obey orders, don't mess with me.

Luo Feng took Arkanis directly out of the station gate, went straight to the R\u0026D center first, asked Yao En to design a soft lining for the gold bubble pants, and then went straight to the administrative district city hall building.

No matter what reason the Church of the Blind and the Secret Society of Mind Flayers attacked him in the sewers, these two evil forces would have no chance of continuing to exist. Luo Feng would crush them immediately to vent his hatred. .

Breaking into Mayor Bailana's office, Luo Feng told Bailana the specific locations where these two evil forces were hiding, and told him about the attack by the Mind Flayer and the Blind Church last night. He did not mention it. The assassination of the shadow thief.

Mind flayers and beholders are very terrifying monsters. They are natural enemies of humans. Everyone wants to kill them. The mayor cannot ignore them if they sue them.

The Shadow Thieves Guild has been entrenched in Amn for many years. The guild building is blatantly located in the port area. Ellen Linville even infiltrated the six-person council. Even if Luo Feng complained to the female mayor, it would have no effect and he simply didn't mention it.

After learning that there were two terrifying and dangerous monsters, the Mind Flayer and the Beholder, hidden in the city of Ascaltra, Mayor Bailana immediately assembled the town guard, notified the Knights of the Hot Heart in the temple area, and The Masked Mages were called in to assist and an extremely powerful suppression team was formed.

Within one day, the two evil forces, the Mind Flayer Secret Society and the Beholder Cult, were wiped out in the sewers. Monsters and cultists were all killed. The efficiency of the city hall was simply amazing.

I don’t know what the city hall was doing before. This is probably related to the fact that Mr. Bredreau is now very famous and has a very high reputation. He is a first-class socialite in Amn, so what he says is taken seriously by the city hall. If it were another unknown person, To report the case, I don’t know how long the cleanup operation will be delayed.

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