Lord God Investigator

Chapter 1527 Insulting the Corpse

In the secret room under the sacred tree of the oasis base, the little bald version of Damian who had returned to his true form stood side by side with the twin-tailed girl version of Bruce Wayne, facing five cold corpses.

Although the girl with twin tails liked to put on a poker face and her expression was not obvious, she showed a hint of sadness. The five corpses in front of her were all his closest comrades. They had laughed and laughed together in the past, but they never imagined that they would die now. People are separated forever.

In the past, Bruce was wary of them, always afraid that any one of them would turn black and destroy the world, but he never expected that it would be himself in a different parallel universe who would eventually turn black and destroy the world.

It's not like Batman didn't set up a plan to prevent himself from being blackened, but it's a pity that there is no way in this world that he could set up a trap for himself to deceive himself and trick him to death?

This is a paradox in itself. If Batman turns dark and uses his intelligence for evil purposes, he can of course easily crack the plans he set up before. Unless the darkened Batman wants to commit suicide or loses his memory and loses his intelligence, the plan will not work. It is absolutely impossible to succeed, but since he has turned black, he will definitely not choose to commit suicide to thank the world. After turning black, he will only be smarter and not stupider.

The result is that the seven Nightmare Batmans turned black very smoothly, and the plan to prevent Batman from turning black had no effect at all.

This is like holding your breath in an attempt to suffocate yourself to death. There is no possibility of success at all. But I don’t know what Bruce is thinking. He also pretended to have formulated a useless anti-blackening plan for himself. I guess It was used to deceive the other heroes of the Justice League, so that they would think that Batman treats everyone equally and is selfless and not targeting anyone.

After planning for most of his life how to defend against several other core members of the Justice League, in the end they all died at the hands of the Dark One. Bruce felt very unhappy and felt very sorry for his former comrades.

Of course, Batman is not the kind of weak person who is immersed in regret. She quickly regained her energy, turned the page, and began to think about how to deal with the corrupt situation after losing her comrade.

"Their souls ascend to heaven and are under the control of God. None of my secret methods that require the body's soul to awaken the corpse will work."

The little bald Damian spread his hands and said: "Now that we want them to return, there is only one secret method that uses their remains. This secret method is called the 'Six Paths Puppet Technique'. In short, it is to make them into remote-controlled biochemical robots." s things."

In the world of Naruto, there are two types of ninjutsu that can resurrect people, the reincarnation technique and the reincarnation technique. The ninjutsu that can temporarily summon the dead to the human world to help fight is the filthy soil reincarnation technique, but these ninjutsu cannot be used for justice. On several dead core members of the alliance.

Whether it is reincarnation, reincarnation in one's own life, or reincarnation in filthy land, the premise is to recall the soul of the deceased from the underworld to the human world. The underworld in the Naruto world is so weakly guarded that it can be said that there is no defense at all, and the soul can slip back to the human world on its own to cause mischief.

Whether it is the God of Death in charge of the underworld or King Yama, these gods in the Naruto world are just like tool men. They have no independent opinions or tempers and are driven by the ninjas like their own dogs.

It is precisely because the gods in the Naruto world are weak that the evil methods of resurrecting and summoning the dead to fight are so abused. In addition to the unknown gods who have offended Nohara Rin and Hyuga Neji who cannot be reincarnated or resurrected, even passers-by in Konoha Village Villagers who died were lucky enough to be resurrected.

But in the DC universe, people who believe in God in the Western world have only two places to go after death: heaven and hell. The management of hell is very lax, and all kinds of devils and evil spirits sneak into the world to cause trouble when they have nothing to do. However, the management of heaven is very strict, and good people die If you want to survive, unless God specifically approves it, it is impossible.

Even though Bruce knew black magicians like Constantine, who were closely related to heaven and hell, and Constantine also mastered the psychic magic of summoning the dead, he had never had a conversation with his dead parents.

Later, in order to resurrect Damian, he had to hit the Apokolips Star. The hard work and price he paid were huge. Not to mention a problematic character like Damian who was half good and evil, it was hard to say whether his soul would go to heaven after death.

Resurrection is generally not practiced in the DC universe. If too many superheroes die in a certain world, the world will be restarted directly. There are only a handful of superheroes who can be resurrected. There are also very strong traces of high-dimensional interference behind it, that is, God has obtained special approval.

"These people are all great heroes. It's okay if you don't resurrect them. You actually want to use their remains to make weapons..."

The girl with twin ponytails said in a very depressed mood: "As their former friend, I will not allow you to desecrate their remains! This is already a crime - the charge is to insult the corpse!"

Damian rolled his eyes. The reason why he didn't want to get close to his cheap dad before was because he didn't like his dad poking around and gesticulating when things like this happened.

“Since when have our rules of conduct been subject to legal and moral restrictions?”

Damian said patiently: "It is illegal and heinous to kill people. There are many soldiers from the country of Hope who are killing people and setting fires in the Middle East! We are now in the middle of a super war that affects all multiverses. If we don't use their bodies, If you create super soldiers, can you resist the Nightmare Knight? Without the protection of these super soldiers, how many people will be killed by your evil clones in the parallel universe? Which is more important, the living or the dead?"

The girl with twin ponytails pursed her lips and remained speechless. After thinking for a long time, she came dejectedly to the corpses, bowed deeply to them, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry... I have to offend your corpses. Please forgive me." He... will personally apologize to you after I die and my soul ascends to heaven to see you."

Damian folded his arms and watched coldly, saying: "I don't know if you can go to heaven yet. After all, your mental state is an unstable factor that may turn black at any time. Maybe you will run away tomorrow. The Dark Knights. Otherwise, you might as well change your religion and convert to Buddhism like me. When you are about to die, I will give you salvation, which will save you the suffering of falling into the three realms of evil after death."

The girl with twin tails was too lazy to pay attention to the cynicism of the traitor. She turned her head away and couldn't bear to see Damian processing the corpses of his former comrades. She said coldly: "Start your evil secret method of using corpses to make humanoid weapons!"

Damian said unceremoniously: "They are just rotten skins. Now that they have ascended to heaven, that is, they have crossed to the other side. The rotten skins are just garbage that can be discarded casually. They can be used to benefit mankind. If their souls are not happy, , then just get out of heaven, because such people are not qualified to go to heaven, they are all hypocrites and not really good people!"

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