“sure. I’m going to have a good rest. Materials were fun, and I will never forget Hongsan, the food, and the surrounding scenery that my grandmother prepared for me.”

“It’s good.”

After hearing the news, older brother Chul-min ran to the store and the grandmother brought out a hearty plate with a mixture of red and blue.

“Ahhhhh, Grandma said that the statue was going to go, so I’m going to give you everything.”

“It’s nothing… Hongshik says you’re a long day away and you don’t eat it.

Seasoned liver jam.

Ganjaemi is the dialect of a young stingray resembling a skate.

Stingrays are similar to skates and are cousins.

Unlike fermented skate, liver jami is said to be eaten raw.

There are many thorns on the tail, so if you cut off the tail, there is nothing to throw away, and it is said that it is eaten with the bone.

Cucumbers cut into long pieces, water parsley, red pepper powder, perilla oil, and sugar are sprinkled and mixed and served in a heap.

The sour smell began to stimulate the defenseless salivary glands, and before I knew it, my mouth was full.

A 3-piece set of sweet and sour flavors.

He said that eating on an empty stomach would put a burden on his stomach, so he brought him a bowl of steamed rice that suddenly rose.

“thank you for this food. Spicy would be perfect as a side dish for rice.”

“Oh, gosh. There’s nothing quite like this for drinks. A cup of tongue.”

“Yes, brother.”

“It’s sad that human beings break up again..”


After clinking glasses, we drank at once and picked up seasoned seasonings without anyone saying anything first.

Crunchy, crunchy..

‘Ha.. this is really…’

“Warmmae, Grandma. The taste is amazing..”

“Eat a lot. there will be a lot Eating again.”

“Yes, Grandma. thank you for this food.”

I put a spoonful of well-cooked rice into my mouth.


The first drink was passed without any side dishes.

It was because I wanted to fully enjoy the taste of rice with the sweetness of the rice grains spreading in my mouth.

‘Ha… The raw rice is really sweet. It’s really delicious.’

I learned through this trip that even rice tastes sweet.

Soon, I put seasoned seasoning on top of the rice bowl and rubbed it.

About 1/2 of that…

So exactly half the air.

The red seasoning turned pale as it was rubbed with the rice, and I scooped up a spoonful of it.

mess. misguided. misguided.

“What happened?”

“Delicious. it is delicious. Even raw liver is crunchy, so delicious and fun to chew on.”

“Graj, the bones are soft, so I ate them whole.”

It tastes like comforting the regret of parting.

Seasoned liver jami and a bottle of soju are already running out.

After the three middle-aged men ate deliciously, the grandmother, who had been sitting with a satisfied expression, headed to the kitchen.

Then, he comes out with a big pot again.

“What else?”

“He tried Ganjaemitang once.”

“Warm Mae, thank you for trying liver jam soup for the first time.”

“Statue, when should I come in again? My mouth is so good because of the frostbite.”

“Yes, I will come again when the opportunity arises.”

“At that time, don’t come alone… come with a maid. Little bunnies like rabbits.”

“No..I will try.”

“Kyaa..the soup is refreshing and good.”

After tasting the soup first, Cheol-min exclaims and scoops liver jamitang on the plate in front of you and serves it to you.

When I looked inside the plate where the seaweed was rising, the broth was a savory color, like a mixture of soybean paste and red pepper paste.

Vegetables such as cabbage leaves, radishes, red peppers, green peppers, perilla leaves, zucchini, green onions, etc.

The look mixed with lumps.

“Wow.. it smells good too.”

When I hear comments from food nutubers, food columnists, and shopping hosts, I eat with my eyes first before eating, but I am currently practicing it myself.

‘Shall we try it now?’

He lifted a spoon, scooped out the broth, and took it by force.

Huh… slurp.


Why do people say it’s cool while eating hot soup?


Maybe it’s because of dopamine, which goes beyond a cold sense of refreshment, to euphoria or happiness.

Do you feel refreshed as if the wastes in your body are coming out?

Chinese cabbage, sesame leaves, and soybean paste are the key points.

Moderately spicy and spicy, the soup tastes like it would be perfect for a hangover.

The meat of the liver was soft and tender, and it was quite chewy.

Could know.

Outside, it was a slightly dried stingray hanging on a clothesline like a rubber suit.

I finished two more bottles of soju with liver jami soup.

Three bottles of soju.

Neither too much nor too little.

The two brothers held my hand trying to pay for the drink, but this time I didn’t give in either.

“Brother, I can afford to sell Dotdom. While I was in Hongsan Island, I was indebted to you, and if you do this, I will not be able to leave comfortably.”

Cheol-min-hyung avoided his gaze, and Park Hong-sik-hyung spat out his thoughts.

“Buy mine.. It’s a statue that’s a bad idea to raise money..”

“Grandma… I’ve been indebted to her for a long time. Eat a lot of good things and delicious things.”

“I’m doing it for fun.. and healthy..”

After saying our final goodbyes, I opened the door with a bang and called my party to stand.

“No, what kind of money is this? Give me this much money. If you travel, you will need a lot of money..”

I stopped my rough, skinny hands from taking the bills out of the envelope.

money 500,000 won.

It may be big for some and small for others.

“Grandma… It’s not enough money to pay for the food she gave me. Even if I look like this, I make money while doing You Tube. I filmed the video well thanks to my grandmother. If you do this, I won’t be able to come next time. Come on.”

“Ha..This is.. Really.. I’m sorry..”

I’m sorry for the mouth for the rest of my life. You are the one who lives by saying thank you.

“It’s okay. Please accept it. Let’s make money while doing you tube.”


the next morning.

I got up early and hurriedly started organizing the site.

It was because I had to hurry to catch the boat that came in once a day.

Speaking of tidying up, cleaning the surroundings and washing dishes.

In the meantime, I threw away the garbage and swept and polished the Musongan Happyan.


Material video with grandmother.

Eating show on the rock.

I sent an email to Joo Hyun-mi of the videos taken at Hongsan Island, such as the content of the song on the rock.

The time to leave Hongsan Island was approaching.

The passing time is a regrettable moment.

I checked the guys in the cage and the rooftop and drove Moosong to the dock.

From noble mtl dot com

Hongshan Island Main Port.

A passenger ship that arrives once a day is docked while preparing for boarding.

2 hours to Mokpo by speedboat.

The ship that ships the tea has to go 3 hours because the speed is slow.

After getting the boarding pass issued, two familiar vehicles entered the parking lot.

Brother Cheol-min and brother Hong-shik came out to see me, who was just a tourist.

Excitedly, I ran to the car.

“Brother, aren’t you busy?”

“I’m busy.. I heard it on the way to the farm.”

“What about your brother?”

“Today is leisurely.. Please send me the address of your younger brother and older brother. I’ll send you some skates.”

“Okay, I’ll send you some abalone too. They said it was sent to Kkaetok..”

“Ah… I see.”

I replied, wondering if it was another rudeness to refuse, and my sister-in-law and grandmother got out of the car.

With a lot of packages in your hands.

It is also rude to make a reservation.

“It’s an abalone suit. It’s good to eat when you’re traveling and don’t have any side dishes.”

“The requirement is honey and black garlic, and the requirement is ginseng and honey..”


“It’s okay… A little bit, a little bit… I was going to give it to my son in Seoul, but I’m going to give it to my son in Seoul.

Oops.. Grandma gives you the things you need to eat.

“…Don’t give it to me, Grandma..”

“I have mine..don’t worry.. it’s hard to walk around in foreign places..it’s getting colder now too…”

The flagship rang and soon, an announcement announcing the boarding came out.

“You should hurry up and get on board.”

“Yes, I will eat well. thank you so much.”

“Don’t forget to send me the address..”

“Yes, brother. take care of yourself.”

“Draw…draw carefully.”

They must have felt sorry for parting, and they couldn’t leave even after loading the Musong and leaving the ship.

I also waved on board until they were as small as dots.


Because of my experience on board, I didn’t get the gum and the guys out of the car.

While I was watching Hongsan Island receding from the ship, a young couple approached me and pretended to know me.

“Um… can I take a picture?”

I wondered if I had heard it wrong.

I thought he was asking for a picture, but he wasn’t.

“yes? Me?”

“I am watching the video. Guess the chewing gum is in the car?”

“Do you want to see it?”

oh my god…

A young couple asks me to take a picture.

It was the moment when I realized the power of a YouTuber with over 1 million views.

Still, if you’re a fan, you’re a fan, but it’s not polite to decline.

It’s okay to be kind.

Aren’t I making money because of them?

Now that I am a public figure, I was cautious about everything.

“I’ll be able to see some gumballs and mangoes later when we disembark.”

“They are so cute. I also really enjoyed the video of the porpoise meeting here. right?”

“Then.. I was more than happy to see it at the red ginseng we were on our trip to.”

“Go..Thank you.”

I also found out that the video here was uploaded to them.

I think it was uploaded because I edited it quickly.

I’m just grateful.

It was a strange feeling to meet a stranger who was interested in my videos and travels for the first time.

A young man approaching with a smart phone.

“This.. I have a mess in my head to take pictures..”

“Still, you are wonderful. Ha ha ha ha ha.”

He took several selfies with the distant Hongsan Island and the sea in the background, and even took pictures of couples.

“Can I take a picture later with the mango and the chewing gum?”

“Yes, yes. it’s okay.”

I doubted my eyes looking at the sea.

Many schools of fish in the water following the cruise ship…

An exclamation escaped the mouth of the young man who saw my glazed eyes and followed my gaze.

“and! It’s a group of porpoises!”

“Oh my, my! Jackpot case.”

A young couple pointing the camera towards the sea.

Sangdol’s family was also following them, leading their group and vigorously sprinting next to the fleet.

‘Guys.. true..’

“..Isn’t this the porpoise following the boat..?”

“It looks like Huni-nim is following you like in the video? Wow… you are amazing.”


I couldn’t deny it.

It was so admirable that I waved my hand and checked their condition.

‘I’m glad you’re healthy.. You’re healthy.. It’s dangerous if you follow me further. Guys.’

Fortunately, there were not many people on board, so I pushed my upper body out and shouted.

“Sangdul! Stop following me now..! I will go to Jeju Island in winter. Then, if we can meet there, let’s meet. okay? See you then. Dangerous. Don’t follow me.”


The couple who were filming the video were surprised.

It was because Sangdol’s family stopped following him and scattered.

Catching mudfish and collecting chestnuts

“Wow… that’s really amazing. Can I post this video on my Stargram and YouYoutube?”

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