Ha ha ha ha ha.

Doongdungi kicks hard and moves forward.

“Ha ha ha ha ha.”

I was surprised to see that and turned into rabbit eyes.

“Wow, Doongdung, you are good at swimming. I didn’t know, I didn’t know.”

“I really like swimming.”

Beom-Gyun was busy filming that scene.

“I didn’t know that Doongdoongie likes water and is a good swimmer.”

“The sea is calm, so it’s easy to swim, really.”

No one taught me, but the more I looked at it, the more amazing it was.

You’re Doongdoongi’s butler, and you don’t even know what he likes.

I had to repent.

‘Dung-dung, I’m sorry. Let’s have more fun in the future. I’ll try harder too.’

While I was observing Doongdungi and playing with them, CEO Kim Sang-hyung was intent on stretching and stretching from one side.

Kim Sang-hyung, who was playing lively like a child, held his breath and gestured to me.

“Jo Hoon, Jo Hoon, come and see me. Quickly, quickly.”

I had to hold back the laughter.

The CEO of a large and prominent company in Korea over the age of 40 looks excited like a child.

“Yes.. why are you like that?”

I also suppressed my voice and left the chewing gum and Kkandoli Kkansuni to Beomgyun and approached Kim Sanghyung.

“What is that?”

Something gloomy, bigger than an adult forearm, was shining in the searchlight.

“Wow, that’s huge. That looks like a bass or a mullet.”

“Why is he doing that instead of running away?”

I didn’t know exactly what it was, but I was sure it was a fish the size of an adult calf swimming on the spot in a place that was only knee-deep.

Beom-gyun approached and shouted in a low voice.

“That’s mullet. mullet. It’s the first time I’ve seen such a big mullet. wow.”

It was exactly twice as big as the blind mullet I caught in Ganmyeondo.

I was confident that I could catch it because I had the experience of catching it once.

“Slowly pull it up with a landing pole from behind.”

“Ah, I’m nervous about this…”

“The mullet is surprisingly easy to catch. He didn’t even run away.”

As soon as my words are finished,

“Eutcha! Got it!”

Dig out!

Kim Sang-hyeong quickly lifted up the landing net that had been put in the water.

The thick mullet that came along with the heavy hand taste fluttered in the garden net.

It was so big that even from the side, you could feel the taste of CEO Kim Sang-hyung’s hand.


“Big, big!”

“Uh ha ha ha ha.”

Three grown men.



Cloudy and Kkandoli Kkansunyido on the buoyancy swimming goggles.

purr. Kungkong.

Joe and Doongdoongi, who were sitting in a tub and brushing off their wet bodies.

I couldn’t stop cheering.

It took a while to create a lively atmosphere with the cheers of animals and three adult men in the quiet sea.

“Ooooh, slow down.”



The enormous size of the mullet was put back into the sea the moment Sang-hyung Kim was so excited about putting it in the container.


“Be careful.. a little.. do it.. life was a mullet..”

Beom-Gyun scratched at Sang-Hyung Kim’s insides, saying that he was sorry for the extension without knowing Sang-Hyung Kim’s speed.


Kim Sang-hyung was just making a dejected expression.

I had no choice but to comfort Kim Sang-hyeong by saying that it was fun enough to be happy for a while.

But, why do I keep laughing?

Perhaps it was because the way he likes to hold something seems pure and clear like a child.


After two hours of sunbathing, we returned to the pension.

It was late, but Shin Hye-ji was waiting for us without sleeping.

It must have been that he was thinking of making snacks with the creatures he caught.

‘Ha, this is true.’

I was embarrassed.

It was because the three men, the most so far, had eaten, but the amount was less than usual.

Two blue crabs, two conch, a few gizzards, a small webfoot octopus and a cuttlefish are all.

After all, the sea does not know.

It’s the world to bring as much as you give.

However, there was no sign of disappointment from anyone.

Because we all enjoyed going out to sea itself.

I was comforted by the fact that I discovered that Doongdoongi likes water and is a good swimmer, and seeing the happy reactions of Gurumi and Kkandolsuni to seeing aquatic creatures.

Representative Kim Sang-hyung said that he missed the mullet of his life in the process of putting it in the jogwa barrel by mistake, but he, a novice in haerujil, caught the most.

Beom-gyun, who was more interested in ashes than Buddhist prayers, enjoyed watching the videos he filmed rewind.

“What should I do? I don’t have much breakfast and water today..”

“How are you? This is enough. There is something my father brought me to eat.”

Shin Hye-ji holding up an onion net containing thick-grained conger eel.

“Wow, what is this?”

“It’s a conger eel. If you eat sashimi, you can’t sue that much.”


Old memories came to mind.

“This was called Anago a lot in the past, right?”

“You know that.”

“We were supposed to catch it and give it to my father, but it turned out to be the opposite.”

“are you okay. My father does things you don’t see often.”

“Now then, shall we make conger eel sashimi after a long time? Hoonah, I’m quenching my thirst with beer with the CEO. I’ll be back soon.”

“Thank you, friend.”

Beom-gyun, who was handed an onion net with conger eel, rolled up his sleeves and headed to the kitchen.

Memories of the past were summoned again.

Conger eel was also a typical side dish that my late father liked.

I don’t know why, but unlike others, I think I have strong memories of my childhood.

The taste of the conger eel sashimi that I ate as a child, which was called anago back then, is still vivid.

My father, who was drunk, told me that my father, who was drunk, was at a nearby stall, and I rushed to the street stall after hearing my mother tell me to come. My father took a handful of anago sashimi with chopsticks, dipped it in vinegared red pepper paste, and put it in my mouth.

The sweet and savory scent of the conger eel, sliced and eaten with the bones, was so strong that I still remember it.

I could understand why my father gave me the conger eel.

Scallops, gizzards. Chicken feet, a representative side dish for food stalls.

I think today will be a night that reminds me of my father a lot.


dawn the next day.

We boarded the Happy Boat to catch the big fish.

Yesterday was a really meaningful day.

It was a night long enough for the three men to talk about this and that.

If it was a loud and noisy party during the day, it was a simple and secluded time at night.

It was such a precious and precious drinking party.

Drunk CEO Kim Sang-hyung said without hesitation that he grew up with a single parent, although he seemed to have grown up with a lot of love from his parents in a well-to-do family.

CEO Kim Sang-hyung surprised me and Beom-gyun by revealing things that I couldn’t have told others.

Perhaps because of his sense of kinship with the loss of his father when he was young, it was understandable that the owner of the Haengbok ferry, Jang Keun-suk, had high expectations for boat fishing.

Perhaps, my prediction that CEO Kim Sang-hyeong would fall in love with the elderly Jang Keun-suk’s consideration, unique dialect, and positive way of life was well met.

“Have you eaten Anago sashimi well?”

“Sure, I think it was so fresh and delicious because my father caught it himself.”

“I really enjoyed my meal. For me, it was the conger eel sashimi of my life.”

“Good luck. But, the old guys are not the ones I caught…”


Representative Kim Sang-hyung and I looked at each other as if we had been stabbed in the back.

“I bought it at the sashimi center after leaving Unsan Port.. It looked really good~”


Representative Kim Sang-hyung and I had a hard time holding back the laughter that came out.

What if you bought it or caught it?

I wish I could have eaten good food with sincerity.

There is no law saying that you must catch and eat raw fish just because you are a sailor.

“Nimiral, there is a bit of water stain, and these days, only small fish come out. Hun-i was lucky enough to catch a big fish. Don’t expect too much~ It’s good to do bivouac fishing. I’m getting old and it’s hard~”

Having said that, I guess I was really lucky.

As my father said, at most the only thing we caught was a kingfish (a baby minnow about 30 cm).

“It’s not even meat~”

“Ah, father. It’s not possible.! father.”

Elderly Jang Keun-suk left behind the innocent cheers of CEO Kim Sang-hyung, whom he liked like a child, and threw the tungchi he caught into the sea at random.

Kim Sang-hyeok’s mixed expression of dejection, disappointment, and frustration was really funny.

Beom-gyun stepped forward and approached his father and tipped him off.

Well.. roughly yesterday, I missed the big thing, and only the equipment was new, and I was caught.. It must have been something like that.

A father who speaks loudly as if he is angry.

“Ah… draw it! Oh, I didn’t know this.. I liked the fishing rod and thought it was a pro..”


“Sorry tongue. sorry tongue. I’ll guide you through the dtongchim (point). He said he caught a big fish once.”

It is my father who said that the big things are difficult a little while ago. Cheek.

“thank you. father!”

In addition to the father’s eager expression, CEO Kim Sang-hyung’s face also has hope, but his face is full of laughter.

It must have been because of my father’s unique way of speaking.

We had a smile on our faces and happily cast our fishing rods on the point.

focus focus

Even though the father of Jang Geun-suk, the owner of the Haengbok ship, made a loud noise, the news of the big fish in the dungchim was dark news.

From noble mtl dot com

Also, the sea is unknown.

Conger eels, tungchi, and large rockfish came up only occasionally, but the fisherman, CEO Kim Sang-hyung, is extremely good at it.

The half-day fishing ended with two conger eels, two tungchi, and one rockfish.

He could have done more, but he was CEO Kim Sang-hyung, who did not have enough time.

Aren’t you white like me?

I came down here with a big heart to enjoy seaweed and fishing, but I couldn’t catch it anymore, saying it was a pity. Although Jo-gwa was shabby (?), his face was still full of joy.

As a representative of the best MCN company in Korea, we planned music contents for Youngseon, who has infinite potential for development, and proposed another vlog format for Beomgyun.

To be precise, it was content with a concept that was not very different from mine.

The other thing is a job vlog of fishing and running a pension on the island.

Beom-Gyun, who showed a bewildered reaction as if he couldn’t believe CEO Sang-Hyung Kim’s proposal.

“yes? I just took these as a hobby and for fun.”

At a drinking party last night, Beom-gyun expressed his interest in Nutube, but CEO Kim Sang-hyung didn’t take his word for it.

The heavenly unexplored land of Ugunsan Islands is not only equipped with sufficient hardware, but also the operation of a pension and the happiness of a father who is a fisherman.

He judged that the faces of the people around him were sufficient software.

“I like that. It’s just something I took for fun as a hobby. Regular subscribers feel comfortable with videos that are not excessive and artificial. My father is also fun, and any content is fine, such as father and fishermen, all of the guests at the pension, and life in the Ugunsan Islands. It’s the beginning, so think of it as an example. It would be nice to exchange opinions frequently with our planning team and develop it.”

“thank you. thank you.”

Mrs. and Mrs. Beom-gyun strongly expressed their gratitude to me, saying that since I came to this island, I have not only received orders for events, but also became a strong guardian of Youtube.

I saw off Kim Sang-hyeong, who was returning home after a short 2-day and 1-night schedule.

“I am doing well for two days.”

“Thanks to you, I was not bored and had fun. Next time, there will be more fishing and more fruit.”

“Ha ha ha, no. The missed mullet stayed in my mind for the rest of my life, so it doesn’t matter.”

“I will send you a list of songs that I will sing, so if you send me MR, I will take a song content with this place as the background and leave. The scenery is so beautiful that I can’t just pass by.”

“Ah, are you thinking of leaving this place now?”

“Yes, staying in one place for a long time is not a trip. I made good friends and I am proud that I received a lot of help and helped.”

“Anyway, your health is the best, so take care of your health. Take good care of your food. Also, if you have any inconveniences while filming content or traveling, please feel free to tell me.”

“Thank you for always caring.”

“Yes, be careful going up.”

Kim Sang-hyeong turns around to see if he has something to say after getting into an SUV to board a cruise ship that is berthing.

He looked at Musong, which was parked by the pier, and cautiously opened his mouth.

“It’s a shameful word…”

“It’s okay, so tell me.”

“Isn’t the car a bit inconvenient for traveling?”


“These days, there are more cool people and clubs like Jo Hoon, so many good camping cars have been released. It’s not just about eating, it’s about sleeping, right?”

I really appreciate your concern, but it sounds like a really big deal.

“..yes.. it’s my father’s car. I will be with Moosong until the end of the trip.”

“Ah… there must have been a reason for that. Then I’ll love you even more. Well sir.”

‘I’m sorry, father. You know how precious it is, right?’

I repeated the same reason why I couldn’t sell the car, and that’s how I broke up with Kim Sang-hyung.


Having sent Kim Sang-hyung away, I prepared to leave slowly.

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