Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 192 The Sandy Sky Beats the Child

Meeting Garona was undoubtedly a surprise.

As Garona said, neither Sharlayan nor Valeera understands Orc language.

After all, the orcs are a foreign invading race. It has been less than 10 years since they entered Azeroth, and even less time in contact with the high elves. It is only a few months after the Battle of Quel'Thalas.

The foreign languages ​​that Valeera learned in Blade of Backlight include Common Human Language, Gnome Language, Dwarf Language, and Troll Language, covering most of the large intelligent races known in Azeroth.

However, the language of the orcs has not been included in the scheduled learning items. It is said that the Backlight Blade is discussing this matter internally.

However, because the leader, Welles, has not returned, he has not yet been able to make a decision.

"Speaking of..."

After Garona left in a hurry, Sharlayan held her translated Twilight's Hammer-related records in her hand and scratched her head in doubt.

"Didn't it say that Uncle Welles went to Silithus to investigate the situation in advance? Why has no one heard about him in Cenarion Fortress?"

Valeera was not surprised by this.

"Blade of the Backlight is, after all, an espionage organization hidden in the shadows. Although most countries in the Eastern Kingdom know that there is such an organization in Quel'Thalas, their understanding of it is only superficial."

"Even if Master Welles has arrived in Silithus, he will not directly contact the druids in Cenarion Fortress, and he will put on a disguise when purchasing supplies."

Sharlayan asked in confusion: "Why is that? Haven't we already reached a strategic cooperation with the night elves on the Battle of Quicksand?"

Valeera shook her head: "No matter how close an ally is, you will not tell each other all your secrets without reservation. In order to avoid differences between the two clans after the war, the necessary precautions must not be let go."

"Ha... so troublesome."

Sare'an asked a little irritably: "So? How do we find Uncle Welles? We should still get some useful information from him."

Valeera smiled confidently: "Leave this to me, Backlight Blade has its own secret method of communication."


Before leaving the cave and returning, Sharlayan and Valeera stayed to carefully study the text left by Garona.

Garona's activities in Silithus are mainly concentrated on the west side of Cenarion Stronghold, around the Twilight's Hammer's camp.

Leaving aside other information, just the news that there is a worm nest under the Twilight's Hammer camp is worth the trip for the two of them.

Sharlayan adopted the advice provided by the barrage, and named this bug nest that had not been fully exposed as Zora Hive.

...Although he didn't know why the barrage was named so.

When the two were about to set off to return to Cenarion Fortress, an extreme climate that is more common in desert areas suddenly descended.


The endless yellow sand was blown up by the strong wind, and the visibility of the outside world was almost zero. If you advance rashly, you may be buried in the sand.

As a last resort, the two could only temporarily give up the idea of ​​returning, and honestly hid in the cave until the sandstorm subsided.

Valeera looked at the dust whizzing by outside the cave, and said with some emotion: "Fortunately, Garona left early, no mortal, no matter how powerful, can contend with the disaster of nature."


Sharlayan looked at the ground thoughtfully: "Can dragons move freely in this extreme climate?"

Valeera joked: "Who knows, why don't you go out and try?"

Sharlayan complained angrily: "I'm not a legendary creature yet, do you want me to go out to die?"

The loud noise of the wind and sand making it difficult to accurately capture other sounds.

Sharlayan was too lazy to distinguish all kinds of strange noises, but Valeera, who had received professional training, still maintained her vigilance under such conditions.

While chatting and laughing relaxedly with Sarlayan, her expression suddenly changed.


Putting her finger up in front of her mouth to signal Salayan to keep quiet for now, Valeera lowered her body and entered a stealth state, leaving Salayan alone as a bait.

'Here we go again...'

Sharlayan, who had a perfect understanding with Valeera, immediately understood her plan.

Standing up and moving his body, Sharlayan seemed to maintain a relaxed posture, but he was actually ready to fight at any time, and Quelcella was leaning against the mountain wall where he could reach him at any time.

When Valeera and Sharlayan were getting ready to fight, a small group of orcs in strange costumes rushed towards the cave against the sandstorm. It should be a coincidence that they found this refuge.

'The Twilight's Hammer. '

Sharlayan didn't launch an attack immediately, and stood straight on the spot, looking at the group of people who looked embarrassed on purpose with a puzzled expression.


Seeing that there were already people in the cave, the leader of the green-skinned orc pointed at Salayan with a bad attitude, and said something in his mouth.

Unfortunately, Sharlayan couldn't understand Orcish.

Rolling his eyes in front of several people, Sarayan said with a half-smile: "Can you speak human language? (Universal language of mankind)"

[Grass, real people's words. 】

[Pun intended, the old Yin-Yang master. 】

Obviously, the education level of the orcs needs to be improved. None of the five orcs in this team can speak the common language of mankind.

But after all, they have lived in Azeroth for 7 years, so they don't know how to speak, and probably understand it without any problem.

But this didn't change the attitude of these Twilight's Hammer orcs, they still put on a sure-fire look, bossing and pointing at Sharlayan, as if they wanted to drive him out of the cave.


Instead of being angry, Sharlayan kicked the lower part of Quel'sera's sword, grabbed the hilt and carried it on his shoulder.

Sharlayan: "This situation is like the saying you mentioned."

"Beating children on rainy days is also idle when you are idle."

After confirming that Valeera was in place through the soul connection, Sharlayan stopped talking nonsense, withdrew the half-smile expression on his face, and launched a charge at a speed that the orcs couldn't react.

"Thank you for coming to our door to relieve our boredom!"


The impact of powerful kinetic energy abruptly knocked an orc out of the cave, re-exposing him to the sandstorm.

At the same time, Valeera emerged from the shadows, stabbing another orc's back mercilessly with her poisoned daggers.

This group of nervous Twilight's Hammer orcs were not very strong. With the upper hand, the two ended the battle in less than 2 minutes.

Due to the language barrier between them, Sharlayan didn't intend to keep them alive. Anyway, they couldn't get any useful information from their conversations.

Just when he raised Quel Serra and was about to swing his sword to kill the last orc squad leader, a thin flying knife suddenly flew in from outside the cave.


Sharlayan: "!!!"

The throwing knife was quite powerful, and it just hit the middle of Sharlayan's great sword, deflecting his attack by a little bit.


The big sword brushed the side of the orc's ear and smashed into the ground, and the dust splashed up made the orc grimace.

Before the orc could be surprised, he turned around and fled. At the same time, the other two throwing knives that shot into the cave accurately hit his palms, nailing him firmly to the ground.


Sharlayan took a step back vigilantly, erected Quel Sela in front of his chest, and put on a posture of both offense and defense in a vigilant manner.

'To be able to maintain the stability of such a lightweight flying weapon in a sandstorm... The strength of this person is definitely not simple. '

When Sharlayan was thinking wildly, Valeera's expression became a little weird.


Valeera raised her knees and pressed the orc's temple, which kept wailing heavily, and the other party fainted without saying a word.

Taking advantage of the situation, she squatted down to check the shape of the throwing knife, and Valeera breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't be nervous, this is the standard throwing knife of Backlight Blade, my own."


A familiar voice came from outside the cave, and a figure covered in yellow sand walked in against the sandstorm that was not yet very strong.

"It's been a while since I saw you, you've all grown up a lot."


Shaking the grains of sand on the robe, the person who came took off the full-coverage hood, and slightly pulled down the dust mask covering the mouth and nose, revealing a handsome face that both Sarlayan and Valeera are very familiar with. face.

"Don't rush to take the life of this orc, I still have something to ask him."


"Master Welles!"

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