Famous scene, the death of Whitebeard!

Looking at Black Beard rolling on the ground in front of him, White Beard’s eyes were icy cold.

The biggest mistake he made in his life was letting this ambitious guy board his own pirate ship, which led to today’s bitter fruit.

Whitebeard picked up Blackbeard’s collar with one hand.

“Tichi, you have always had a fatal flaw, that is, you are too arrogant.”

“Although you have been keeping a low profile in the Whitebeard Pirates, you have always believed in your own judgment.”

The veins on Whitebeard’s arm bulged, and he smashed Blackbeard’s head hard on the ground.

“boom! ”

With a loud noise, Blackbeard’s head immediately smashed a big hole in the ground, and a series of cobweb-like cracks followed Blackbeard’s head for the heart, and Blackbeard’s head immediately bled from all seven orifices.

Blackbeard’s head doesn’t have the head iron of Akainu. Akainu can take two hits. Blackbeard feels that if he takes another hit, he will die.

“Father, stop, are you really going to kill your former son?”

Seeing Whitebeard raise his fist again, Blackbeard wailed at Whitebeard.

Blackbeard didn’t expect that Whitebeard, who was seriously injured to such an extent, would still have such fighting strength, and this guy had obviously been fighting for a day.

Moreover, Black Beard felt very humiliated in his heart. Now that White Beard was seriously injured like this, he still couldn’t beat White Beard.

From Whitebeard’s fist, Blackbeard felt a death threat.

Facing Blackbeard’s begging for mercy, Whitebeard remained unmoved, and the light cluster transformed by his shock fruit enveloped Blackbeard’s whole body.

Afterwards, Whitebeard’s Zhenzhen fruit moved at Blackbeard with all its strength!


The entire land became torn apart in an instant, scattered gravel splashed, and the figure of the white beard was also submerged in the smoke and dust.

As the smoke and dust dissipated, the upright figure of the white beard was still standing in place.

“I knew it, Dad is the strongest!”

Seeing that the seriously injured Whitebeard was still able to torture Blackbeard, the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates all cried out happily.


At this time, a pirate wearing a horned helmet pointed his finger at Blackbeard who was lying on the ground.

At this time, although Black Beard was twitching all over, he still struggled to get up.

“Damn it, what kind of monster is that guy?”

The pirates were all surprised.

“Give him the final blow, kill him, old man!”

The pirates cheered for their father behind their backs.

“It’s almost there, kill him in one go!”


The pirates shouted in unison.

At this time, White Beard held the knife without any movement, while Black Beard was still panting.

“Father, he’s not moving!”

The pirates looked at each other, and they all had a very bad feeling in their hearts.

“Dad, it’s not like he’s not moving.”

At this time, Marco slowly stepped forward.

“Father’s physical condition was already bad, and he suffered so many injuries in this fierce battle.”

“Father’s body has long been…”

Marco couldn’t bear to continue talking.

At this time, the figure with the white beard holding the knife began to slowly move towards the direction of the black beard.


When he saw White Beard continue to walk towards him, Black Beard’s eyes were bloodshot from fright, and even his eyeballs protruded.

Whitebeard’s body was billowing with gunpowder smoke, and he looked very oppressive.

When Whitebeard’s shadow enveloped Blackbeard, Blackbeard fell to the ground in fright, and kept retreating on all fours.

Now Blackbeard’s fear of Whitebeard has reached its peak.

“You, you monster!”

Blackbeard cried out in horror.

At this time, Whitebeard raised his fist again, a white halo appeared in his hand, and he activated the ability of shaking fruit again.

“You monster, you are half dead, just wait quietly for death!”

When Whitebeard’s fist hit Blackbeard’s cheek, the pistol in Blackbeard’s hand shot at Whitebeard.

Just when Whitebeard’s fist was about to touch Blackbeard, the halo on his fist was closed.

At the same time, Marco seemed to sense something, and his eyes suddenly turned to this side.

“Father! At this moment, Marco yelled at Whitebeard, obviously he also realized something.


At this time, there was another gunshot, and another blood spattered from White Beard’s body.

At this time, White Beard’s arm had already dropped.

“Kill him, hurry up!”

Blackbeard greeted his subordinates.

Following Blackbeard’s call, all the monsters from the Blackbeard Pirates rushed towards Whitebeard.

Afterwards, the sound of gunshots and the sound of swinging knives joined together.

Whitebeard was standing there, but a gleaming firepower net appeared in front of him.

Facing Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, no one dared to hold back. They were all pouring out their bullets frantically.

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates stared at the tragedy in front of them dumbfounded. They knew that their father was dead!

Seeing that White Beard didn’t move, Black Beard laughed again.

“Go on, stab him into a hornet’s nest!”

Following Blackbeard’s voice, the firepower of the Blackbeard Pirates intensified.




The members of the Whitebeard Pirates shed tears one by one, and through the moat cut by Whitebeard, each of them cried out in grief.

The firepower of the Blackbeard pirates became more and more sparse. Only when Blackbeard realized that his pistol was firing empty shots did he realize that he had run out of bullets.

“It’s out of bullets!”

“Hey, change the gun for me!”

Blackbeard said to his companions.

“There’s no need, Whitebeard is unconscious!”

“One finger touched him and knocked him down!”

At this moment, Shiryu, who was smoking a cigar, said to Blackbeard.

“That won’t be yours!”At this time, Whitebeard’s voice sounded again, and everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates pointed their guns at Whitebeard again.

“The man Roger is waiting for, at least not a guy like Tiqi!”

“Just like the people who inherited Roger’s will, sooner or later there will be people who inherit Ace’s will.”

“Even if the blood lineage is cut off, their will will not disappear.”

“This is what has been passed down from generation to generation in the long past to the present.”

“Then in the distant future, there will be people who will bear the hundreds of years of history and challenge the world.”

Looking at the panicked Blackbeard pirates in front of him, Whitebeard spoke very calmly.

Now, even though the Blackbeard Pirates aimed their guns at Whitebeard, they were all overwhelmed by Whitebeard’s aura.

“Warring States!”

At this time, as Whitebeard yelled, his voice crossed Marin Fand, and almost all the navy could hear his words.

“Your world government has always been afraid of a big war that will come at an unknown time. The whole world will be involved.”

“I’m not interested in those.”

“But when that treasure is discovered one day, the world will be turned upside down.”

“Someone will always find it.”

Following Whitebeard’s narration, at this time Sengoku’s forehead was already sweating.

Because he knew what White Beard was going to say.

“That day will definitely come.”

Looking at the Warring States Period, White Beard laughed heartily.

Zhan Guo clenched his teeth, and his face became ferocious.

Warring States knew that something even more terrifying was about to happen.


“It does exist!”

Whitebeard’s voice echoed throughout Marin Fando.

“You bastard!”

Warring States cursed at White Beard.

“Thief ha ha ha!”

“Wonderful last words!”

Blackbeard also laughed out loud.


At this moment, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates was crying. They knew that they would never see their father again.

“Forgive me, sons!”

“Leave this terrific bastard behind!”

“Everything I got from you.”

“My life has come to an end here. It’s been a long journey!”

“Thank you, sons!”

This was originally Whitebeard’s innermost thoughts, but the system played it out.


Finally, an affectionate narration sounded in the narration:

Although Whitebeard has passed away, his body still stands proudly.

His majestic posture of fighting and killing the enemy can be called a monster;

In this battle, Whitebeard’s wounds were recorded;

received bullets;

The shells received are 4,

In his entire career as a pirate… there was not a single scar left when he escaped.

As this narration sounded, Whitebeard’s figure also appeared in the video, from Whitebeard who was alone in a vest, to Whitebeard who was followed by Marco and others, and finally to the Whitebeard who formed the Whitebeard Pirates.

This video is Whitebeard’s life!

Finally, with the Moby Dick sailing against the rising sun on the sea, this video will come to an end here.

Although this video ends here, the shock caused by this video is far from over.

“Dad, you are the greatest dad in the world!”

After the video was played, Ace knelt in front of White Beard and kowtowed to him.

“Father, I won’t let you fight alone this time!”

Marco also said to Whitebeard.

[Joelly Bonnie: Is this the charm of the world’s strongest man with white beard? No wonder there are so many monsters willing to be his son! 】

[White Beard: Ku la la la, are you willing to be my daughter, Bonnie? 】


【Bucky: Is there really a treasure in Ravdell? /curious】

[Marco: You are a member of the Roger Pirates, don’t you know anything? 】

【Shanks: Bucky burned when he arrived at the final island, I stayed to take care of him, we have never been there! 】

At this time, Shanks explained to Marco.

[Douglas Barrett: You are truly a respectable opponent, a guy like Blackbeard is not worthy of killing you, you are only worthy of dying by my hands! 】

[White Beard: If you want to attack me, you must be prepared to blow your head off! 】

[Rayleigh: Your death method is really heroic, Whitebeard! 】

[White Beard: Heroic? That’s tragic, I haven’t heard of people who have been injured more than me! 】

[Monkey D. Luffy: Uncle Whitebeard, you said in the video that ONEPIECE is real. Is this true? 】

[White Beard: Of course these words are true, they are my last words! 】

“You heard it, Usopp!”

When Whitebeard responded, Luffy shook Usopp’s shoulder excitedly.

Compared to this wonderful battle, Luffy is more concerned about the news of ONEPIECE.

Because Luffy went out to sea just to find ONEPIECE, now with Whitebeard’s affirmation, Luffy’s motivation is even stronger.

“Is that the top combat power in this sea?”

Although the image of this light curtain has disappeared, Sauron is still there for a long time.Did not come back to God.

Sauron is also a well-known swordsman in the East China Sea, and the name of a pirate hunter is also a leader in the bounty hunter industry.

Before Sauron thought that he had touched the peak of the sea, he had the qualifications to challenge the world’s number one swordsman, Hawkeye.

But when he saw Hawkeye cut the iceberg that had frozen the sea in half with his sword, and he also saw the duel between Hawkeye and the leader of the 5th division of Whitebeard’s team, the foil Vesta.

It was only today that Sauron realized that swordsmen could really use a long-range attack called slash. Although Sauron had heard it from Koshiro before, he had never seen it on the sea.

At this moment, Sauron finally knew how weak he was.

The East China Sea is really too small. Compared with the entire great route, the East China Sea is just a well, and he is the toad at the bottom of the well.

“I’m off to practice!”

Sauron left such a sentence, and then he went to practice again.

Seeing that Sauron had left, Luffy and Usopp joined the chat again.

I don’t know what the previous person said, but now the entire chat is flooded with one sentence.

[Trafalgaro: Whitebeard, eternal god! 】

[Basil Hawkins: Whitebeard, God forever! 】

[Drake: Whitebeard, the eternal god! 】


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