General Garp, the eternal god! (Favorites. Flowers. Evaluation tickets)

How could he not be familiar with this scene? In order to frighten the pirates all over the sea, the navy was sentenced to death in Luoge Town, and the Warring States was the war supervisor.

Warring States remembers that no one took a phone call to record this video at that time. Why is there a scene of Roger’s execution in front of him?

Not only that, the scene in front of me is D’s.

As the video played, the audience under the execution platform also appeared in front of the entire sea.

The first shot is the immature red Shanks and the crying Bucky.

The two of them are interns of Roger’s Pirates. Compared to other people with other purposes, the two of them are purely here to see Roger off for the last time.

In addition to Red Shanks and Clown Bucky, the man with short hair and sharp eyes like eagle eyes is Jorra Kormi Hogg, there are also Moonlight Moria, Amayasha Doflamingo, and Crocodile Crocodile Dahl…

Now the big pirates who are famous in the sea have all appeared on the screen.

Once this video was broadcast, the conversation exploded!

[Moonlight Moria: The execution of Pirate King Roger is really an unforgettable memory. 】

[Clown Bucky: I don’t care who you are, you actually dare to make Uncle Bucky sad, Uncle Bucky wants to take your head! 】

[Red: Long time no see, Bucky, how are you? 】

【Bucky: Shanks, don’t act like you’re familiar. I’ve always hated you. 】

[Straw Hat Luffy: Long time no see, Shanks, I am also a pirate now, we will meet soon! 】

[Carp: Shanks, are you the one who tricked this old man’s dear grandson into becoming a pirate? 】

[Akakenu: Don’t make any noise, just watch the video with peace of mind! 】

[Karp: The old man is teaching his grandson a lesson, do you have any opinion, Akainu? 】

[Golden Lion: What red dog, in the eyes of the old man, he is a red dog! 】

[BIGMOM: Red Dog+]

[White Beard: Red Dog+]

【Kaido: Red Dog+】

At this moment, the word “red dog” flooded the screen in the chat.

“These pirates are really hateful!”

In Marin Fando’s office, when Akainu saw the scene in the chat, half of his body turned red due to anger.

If these people weren’t in front of Akainu, otherwise Akainu would let them know the horror of the magma fruit.

Akainu was angry, but the live broadcast continued.

The executioner’s sharp knife was slowly raised, and their two knives collided. This is the etiquette of the executioner. Roger, the Pirate King, is about to die.

“Hey, Roger, where did you hide your treasure?”

Suddenly, a voice sounded in this peaceful environment. Although this person’s voice trembled slightly, his voice was particularly prominent.

Roger raised his lowered head, his eyes were bright, and he laughed loudly: “Do you want my treasure? Give you all you want, go find it, all my wealth is in the Once there, it’s all in ONEPIECE!”

The scene stopped abruptly at this moment, and the mechanical sound that the Warring States heard before rang in his ears:

“The question and answer begins! May I ask why Roger was executed?”

“A: The navy is strong, and Roger was defeated by Karp!”

“B: Betrayed by the ghost!”

“C: Roger doesn’t want to live anymore!”

“D: Roger is terminally ill, and he volunteered his life to start the Age of Discovery!”

“The first person who answers correctly will be rewarded, and now the quiz begins!”

At the end of this voice, everyone looked at the four options in front of them in a daze.

[Tea Pig: I choose A, Roger must have been defeated by Garp! Karp will, YYDS! 】

【Ghost Spider: General Garp, YYDS!】

[Weasel: General Garp, YYDS!】

【Huoshaoshan: General Garp, YYDS!】

At this moment, the navy turned into repeaters, and they all began to praise Karp.

Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, a legendary figure of the navy, has driven the Pirate King Roger into desperation several times, thus becoming a naval hero, known as “Hero Garp” and “Iron Fist Garp”.

Since Roger’s era, Sengoku and Garp have been leading the naval frontline.

It is no exaggeration to say that Karp is half of the reason why the navy has such a stable position.

And when Roger was arrested, the newspapers also advertised that Garp would capture Roger, the One Piece King. All the navy firmly believed in this.

“What is the purpose of this live Q&A?”

When hearing this question, Zhan Guo frowned deeply.

As the leader of the navy, Warring States naturally knew the truth of the matter, but he didn’t answer directly.

This live broadcast is too sensitive. Warring States is a cautious person. He didn’t try to grab the correct answer. He wanted to see what was going on with this system.

“Ding! The tea dolphin answered wrongly, and the system randomly deprived one of the six navy styles!”

When the sound of this system fell, the screams of the tea dolphins spread throughout Marin Fando.

(Your support is the author’s biggest motivation. Ming people don’t say dark words. I need thousands of flowers and evaluation votes to stabilize the situation. Please support me a lot! Thank you, author!).

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