Live Fortune Telling: No One Knows Fortune Telling Better Than Me

305: If God wants to make it perish, it will make it crazy\r

305: If God wants to make it perish, it will make it crazy

Chen Gang's words attracted criticism from everyone.

But at this time, Chen Gang stopped watching the live broadcast, threw his phone aside, and yawned while driving.

Netizens ask for help Lin Xuan:

"Master Lin, this Chen Gang can't be punished.

"What kind of attitude is that."

"Fugitives have never been so arrogant before. 55

"He's the same as those mentally ill people, I think he's the only normal person..."

"It's too dangerous to let this kind of people go on the road again.

Lin Xuan said:

"Wait a minute.

"His car is about to reach the finish line.

"I have reported the location to the local police station.""

"As soon as his car arrives, he will be taken away immediately."

was talking.

Chen Gang saw that the navigation showed that he was about to enter the city.

At this time, the number of cars on the road has gradually increased.

But Chen Gang was not afraid at all.

According to his experience, this part of the journey has not been monitored until the factory where the goods are received.

So he stepped on the accelerator.

The car swishes and overtook the car in front of him in an instant.

The owners who were overtaken were shocked:

"What's going on with this big truck."

"You're sick, the city is in front of you, and it's speeding up."

"It's speeding!

"How much is this car overloaded, the steel bars on it are as high as 5 meters.

"Can't be offended, can't be offended.""

Netizens can feel heartbroken just through Chen Gang's mobile phone.

"Chen Gang, slow down.

"Fast forward to downtown.""

"It's still accelerating at the end, and it's going to die.

Chen Gang laughed:

"So you don't make any money. 99

"Stupid! Speeding without monitoring, whether it's in heaven or hell."


Chen Gang's car rushed through a speed bump, and the car went up and down, like walking on a spring bed.

There was a sound of things falling from the back of the car.

Netizens exclaimed:

"What happened!"9

"Slow down, please.

"Everything fell."

On the contrary, Chen Gang became more energetic, raised the speed to the maximum, and rushed out of the speed bump abruptly.

Under the action of inertia, the steel bars that fell on the ground slammed toward the rear, like a bullet.

All the cars in the back suffered.

Fortunately, only the shell was scratched, and the unlucky one was hit by the front window, and even hit the isolation belt to avoid it.

Chen Gang laughed.

With his years of experience, as long as he runs fast, the car behind him can't catch up.

Lin Xuan shook his head secretly.

Chen Gang already knew that no matter what, he would be caught in the end, so he wanted to play a big game before he was caught.

Just this one would kill him.

Lin Xuan pointed and connected with a fan at the scene of the accident.

The fans at the scene looked terrified:

"Master Lin, I just watched your live broadcast, and disaster struck.

"That guy Chen Gang was actually near me, and he rowed my car."

He showed netizens his car.

On the right side of the car, from the front of the car to the rear, a scratch that was half an inch deep and one inch wide appeared impressively.

Many netizens fainted with fright:

"Even the car is marked like this, if a person touches it, will he still die?

"Is it the same with the car he damaged back then? 99

"This kind of person still wants to clean up and go ashore?"

Fans at the scene turned the camera on the vehicle next to them.

Due to Chen Gang's actions, the cars on the entire road stopped, and the cars behind were blocked.

The owners got out of the car spontaneously.

Only one of the most damaged cars was pierced by a 2-meter-long steel bar through the window, and the owner did not get out.

Many people at the scene noticed and rushed up.

....... ask for flowers.

"Dude? Are you still alive?

"Help us open the door if you can move."

"The rebar pierced the airbag and pierced the shoulder, call an ambulance."

Fans at the scene also trot over:

"Master Lin, he is not dead, he can still move his hands.

"The door was opened by him."

"Can't move the wounded and have to wait for the ambulance to arrive.

Lin Xuan sighed:

"If God wants to destroy him, he must make him mad.

A netizen said:

"If Chen Gang was not crazy before, it is really possible for him to make a comeback in the future."

Lin Xuan said:

"It's not possible.


'With Chen Gang's temperament, even if there is no major incident this time, there will be major incidents in the future.

Fans agree:

"If Chen Gang can stop, he will not be overloaded and speeding. 35

"That's right. Chen Gang is a gambler. No matter how much he wins, he won't stop until the last one is lost. 35

At this time, Chen Gang, the gambler, had already driven his car to the factory where he received the goods.

"Boss Wang, the goods have arrived!"

He happily got out of the car.

After earning this amount of money, he goes with the police, loses a little money, gets his driver's license revoked, and goes home for vacation.

He was so happy that he forgot to look at his phone, not knowing how badly he had gotten into trouble.

Boss Wang is a middle-aged man who doesn't know Lin Xuan's live broadcast at all, just counting the goods:

"Your goods this time are less than the last time.

Chen Gang doesn't care:

"Less is less, and less is more than others."

Boss Wang nodded with satisfaction:

"Yes, all the drivers who deliver to me are you who deliver the most and the fastest.

"You can support three people by yourself. With you, I can rest assured."

When the two communicate.

The fans at the scene had already driven the car under the direction of Lin Xuan.

"Chen Gang, I finally found you!

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