Live Fishing Studio

Chapter 432: Moving, new store opening

This is the mildew float of the specially researched model. From the exchange price alone, it is at least one grade higher than the ordinary circulating model.

A set of five, the floating type is a very comprehensive and powerful three-division long jujube nucleus, from small to large, can basically cover all the fish commonly used in freshwater fishing.

Old Liu opened the floating box and took a look, but he couldn't look away anymore!

I have also said before that the material used to make reed floats is actually not reeds, but a very common aquatic plant in the south called Nandi.

Nandi is also graded. There is an old Nandi that spends a long time in the wind and sun. Over time, the moisture and sugar in the material degrade naturally, making the material's own weight very light.

The performance of the float made with this material is much stronger than that of ordinary Nandi.

What is even more fascinating is that after wind and sun, Nandi's surface will have a layer of uneven radial spots resembling moldy. These spots will look particularly beautiful after being polished and painted with the original natural texture mechanism.

However, good mold reeds are scarce and can hardly be found.

The wind and sunshine time is too short, the core of the float Nandi has high humidity, the fiber contains a lot of sugar, and the performance is unstable, which does not meet the requirements. On the contrary, it is not as good as the normal process of processing dehydrated sugar floats.

If the wind blows and the sun is too long, the tough skin will rot too much, and it will be light, but it loses its strength and is very easy to break, and it cannot be used.

If you want to make moldy reeds with outstanding performance and perfect appearance, you need to choose carefully before making them. The most exquisite moldy reeds in the raw materials are not an exaggeration.

"Mold reed! Fuck, the whole set of reeds!" Liu Fengnian couldn't help but breathe out fragrance.

"Brother Liu, isn't this the reed drift? What's so surprising, the paint is just a little more beautiful, and I don't see any difference from the last one!" Qiangzi said rather improperly.

Liu Fengnian curled his lips and said angrily, "You know a p, this is a moldy reed, not an ordinary reed! This thing is made of float, and the buoyancy is greater than that of ordinary reeds! You can choose suitable materials to make it into a size. Different sets of different thicknesses are very rare!"

"Ao, you're so particular about it! It's rare? Then I'll have one too! I don't need to keep it to give it away!" Qiangzi scratched his head and said.

Yue Feng smiled and said, "You three, each one is very expensive, and you have a share! I won’t charge any money, but I’ll move in the afternoon and tomorrow! Pull everything from the shop to the city. !"

"It's a bit too expensive!" Liu Fengnian held it down and looked at the right, while a little disapproving of Yue Feng's act of giving away for nothing.

"That's it! It's your own brother, don't tell it so clearly!"

In the end, the rare float prevailed, and Liu Fengnian nodded and did not insist on giving the money.

In addition to floats, Yue Feng also used his points to buy a few concentrated small medicines and bait companion additives.

However, these things don't take up much space. Liu Fengnian and the others simply asked and learned that they were semi-finished materials, so they didn't go further.

For this lunch at noon, Yue Feng and a few mates had a meal at the dog meat restaurant on the street, and it was time to celebrate the move in advance.

The mouth of eating people is short, and the hands of holding people are short. Old Liu and the others both eat and take, thinking about working in the afternoon, and naturally they didn't drink much at lunch.

After eating and resting for a while, he began to help Yue Feng pack up the goods in the store and put it together, and he was busy until the evening before he stopped.

Even though Yuefeng’s shop has only been in business for less than half a year, the types of products have been upgraded a lot after Yuefeng’s conscious adjustments. It is very appropriate to describe it as a small sparrow.

A small store with a size of more than 20 square meters has organized nearly 30 large boxes of various products and goods. When the big truck that moves in the morning arrives tomorrow morning, it is loaded into the bucket and pulled to the new store.

After finishing the work, it was time for dinner again, Yue Feng greeted him, come on, go on, and the barbecue stand walked up!

In the evening, I was a lot more casual about drinking and other things. I kept drinking and chatting until it was close to eleven o'clock before they dispersed.

The next morning, the three of Lao Liu and the others rushed to the shop less than seven o'clock. They were all big-waisted gents. After the moving car arrived, the shop was cleaned up, and the shop that had been with Yue Feng for nearly four or five months was completely moved. empty.

When they came to the new store, the small store’s inventory was separated from the samples. The samples continued to be displayed. The inventory was returned to the warehouse. In one day, Yue Feng and his four brothers plus the four workers in the store took care of the move. Up.

After the move, the new store was officially opened and it was on the agenda.

Under Liu's reminder, the formalities of ordinary individual industrial and commercial households were a bit delayed, so they simply registered a small company with a professional and lively. Various contracts, tax payment, factory cooperation, etc. are also easy to operate.

The registered company name is Yuefeng Fishing Culture and Sports Goods Company. The main business covers the production of fishing gear and bait, and the spread of fishing culture.

A week later, all the procedures were completed, and a lucky day was officially opened!

In the past six months, Yue Feng has also accumulated a lot of regular customers and friends who have known fishing.

On the opening day, more than half of the friends in Liu Fengnian's circle came, and the decent leader from the chairman of the Municipal Fishing Association Lu also came.

In addition to the fishing friends who heard the wind to congratulate, the hotel sat at six tables before arranging to open.

A few days after the opening, Yue Feng entered the adaptation period. He stayed in the store every day, smoothing out various problems in the store, contacting channels for replenishment of products that were in urgent need of inventory, etc., like a general store of dry fishing gear wholesale. Shopkeeper.

But it looks like it does not mean it really looks like it.

During this time, Yue Feng reorganized the cargo system in the store, and directly disposed of some of the products positioned at the super low-end.

That is, the first-level stalls at the retail end, so I just didn't do it. Free up more space and resources to make new products.

In a week, all the express delivery with the goods last time, Yue Feng's newly combed fist products have begun to take shape ~ Seeing that the time is ripe, Yue Feng once again posted a comment to make a preview, and something big will be announced in the evening! And the limited edition benefits are arranged for everyone!

At eight o'clock, Yue Feng opened the live broadcast room on time.

"First place!"

"Front row!"

"The sons downstairs, how handsome is your father?"

"the first!"

"Occupy a seat in the front row!"

"It can be regarded as the live broadcast, and Brother Feng has been missing for another week! The last round of the ward round was a bit inexplicable, is there any secret?"

"Brother Feng sent a paragraph saying that there is something important to announce, does anyone know? Gossip first!"

Yue Feng glanced at the live broadcast room: "Hello guys, I'm here! I have been a bit busy in the past week. I have done a few big things. It will be broadcast today and I will report to my brothers!"

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